July 19, 2021

USCCB Urges Support for the Poor and Vulnerable in Infrastructure Package
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging Catholics to contact their Members of Congress as they consider legislation to renew our nation’s infrastructure and economic recovery. Please tell your Representative and Senators to pass durable, bipartisan legislation that promotes integral ecology by:

  • Investing in climate resilience and adaptation, especially for low-income and vulnerable communities.
  • Giving careful attention to a just transition in the energy sector so that this transition will not be harmful to the many workers and families who rely on the energy industry.
  • Ensuring that all Americans, especially disadvantaged communities, have access to clean drinking water, clean air, and beautiful green spaces. 
  • Committing to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Creating jobs with adequate pay and decent working conditions that bring poor and marginalized persons into the workforce.
  • Investing in safe and decent housing and rental assistance programs, such as housing vouchers, so that housing is affordable to all.
  • Enacting economic policies that support and strengthen families such as a continued expansion of the Child Tax Credit and expanded access and investments in caregiving, child care, and paid leave.

Catholics are encouraged to add a personal message on how local or regional infrastructure improvements will serve those on the margins.

You can learn more about the USCCB’s specific requests for the infrastructure plan here.

Thank you.

To send your message, please click below: 
Thank you for protecting the poor and the vulnerable!