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May 10, 2019
The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on H.R. 5, the so-called "Equality" Act, as early as next week. By adding "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the definition of sex in federal law, without providing any religious exemptions. The Act presents a serious threat to the freedom of Church ministries, such as schools, hospitals, and social services, to carry out their work.
Four chairmen of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have co-signed a coalition letter highlighting key religious freedom concerns with the Equality Act. They concluded that the Act "regulates a huge new swath of religious activity and facilities as 'public accommodations' and transforms the conditions by which hundreds of thousands of faith-based entities partner with the federal government to serve the common good. It accomplishes these goals while bringing the daunting power of the federal government to bear against religious people and groups with non-conforming views about marriage, sexuality, and gender."
Please use the USCCB Action Alert to contact your senators and representative today and urge them to oppose the Equality Act (H.R. 5 / S. 788). The Alert also links to background information and other useful resources.
Thank you for your support of religious liberty!