November 14, 2022

USCCB Urges Senate to Oppose "Respect for Marriage Act"
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging Catholics to contact their Senators to oppose the “Respect for Marriage Act.”
The U.S. Senate is expected to consider S.4556, the “Respect for Marriage Act,” a poorly-named bill that further undermines the truth of marriage and harms religious freedom. This bill was previously tabled and may be voted on as soon as this Wednesday. There is a serious risk that this bill could secure the necessary votes to pass.
Everyone who experiences same-sex attraction should be treated with respect, compassion, and dignity, and should never be subject to unjust discrimination. However, it has never been discriminatory to maintain as a society that an inherent aspect of the definition of marriage itself is the complementarity between the two sexes. Marriage as a lifelong, exclusive union of one man and one woman, and open to new life, is not just a religious ideal – it is what is best for society and especially for children.
The Respect for Marriage Act also fails to address the grave religious freedom threats created by the Supreme Court’s ruling that imposed same-sex marriage. In fact, those who serve their communities, such as small business wedding vendors and faith-based foster care agencies, are at increased risk that the government will require them to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs. For more information, please read the USCCB’s full letter to the Senate on this bill here.
Your voice is urgently needed to tell your Senators to vote “No” on the “Respect for Marriage Act.” To send a message, please click below:
Thank you for speaking up to protect religious freedom and the family.