Connecting members with the latest news from USAHA
A Message from the President

Greetings fellow USAHA members. I’ve got just two things I want to specifically comment on for this edition of the USAHA Connection:
  1.  Annual Meeting – Building off the successful virtual meeting in 2020, we’ve been working diligently the last several months to figure out how to make this year’s meeting the best it can be. We know that folks are anxious to get back together in person, but also there are unknowns and circumstances that may not make that possible for everyone. So, we’re going to offer a hybrid approach, utilizing in person and virtual options, this year to give everyone the best opportunity to engage in USAHA.
  2.  Strategic Planning – It is critical that USAHA’s strategic plan be reviewed and updated as USAHA’s work in Animal Health is more important than ever because of the level of uncertainty in the world today. USAHA is currently undergoing a strategic plan review, using the last plan as the starting point and adapting to current and future demands. The goal is to present a visionary updated strategic plan to the Board at the annual meeting this fall.

I’m optimistic about the future of USAHA. USAHA will remain the steady ship it has been for the last 125 years because we have faced present challenges head on, together, with a spirit of collaboration, cooperation, and comradery.

Charlie Hatcher, DVM
USAHA President
2021 Meeting Overview

Undoubtedly there’s both a desire and a need to meet in person, but understand there are still some limitations and concerns. For 2021, we are pleased to announce the first ever hybrid meeting, to cater to everyone’s circumstances to accomplish work of USAHA and facilitate all the great information and networking that takes place. We’re excited for the approach and hope to bring you the best of both worlds! There’s always a time commitment to participate in the USAHA meeting, and our hope is that you’re able to make the most of your resources and take in as much as possible.

Under the leadership of our 2021 Program Chair, Dr. Dustin Oedekoven, with the Executive Committee, Committee leaders and our partners at AAVLD, we’ve developed a schedule to maximize access to USAHA this year:
Virtual Committee and Subcommittee Sessions: October 4-18
-   These sessions will be focused on presentations and reports.
USAHA & AAVLD Annual Meeting, October 22- 26
-  The in-person meeting will focus on business aspects such as resolutions, discussions and dialogue, and Keynote and featured presentations.
You’ll note the program split into two parts, and particularly the shortened version of the in-person meeting to lessen the travel burden.

Check out the complete schedule here:
Let us know what you’re thinking regarding the meeting this year – will we see you in person, or virtually?
Registration: Coming in July
Virtual Only Options are Available.
Those registering for the the In-Person meeting will also receive all virtual access.
Hotel Information
Reservations are available at the Gaylord Rockies Hotel in Denver, CO – LEARN MORE
We have recently been informed that the hotel is operating at full capacity! The hotel is still following cleaning protocols and encouraging distancing where appropriate.

2021 Room Rates
  • Run of House Rooms: $219
  • Upgraded Standard Double Queen: $244
  • Upgraded Standard King: $244
  • Prevailing Government Per Diem: $199
  • Premium Rooms (Mountain View): $269

Submit Your Nominations for USAHA Awards

Nominations are open for 2021 USAHA Awards, which will be presented this fall during the USAHA/AAVLD President's Dinner.

USAHA Medal of Distinction
The USAHA Medal of Distinction is awarded annually to recognize one or more distinguished USAHA members who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, provided exemplary service, and have made significant contributions to the advancement of the Association. Nominees must be a current member in good standing. 

USAHA Federal Partnership Award
The USAHA Federal Partnership Award is designated for the recognition of a federal employee* that has demonstrated commendable service to the betterment of animal health in the United States. Candidates can be employed at any level of an Official Agency Member of USAHA. The Awardee should exemplify partnership with states and industry stakeholders through leadership, expertise and/or accomplishments. The recipient need not be a member of USAHA, but have a positive impact on animal health related to the work of USAHA.  

Nominations should be submitted by August 23, 2021.
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