Call on Congress TODAY to Bridge Divides
Today, dozens of Catholic Sisters and other NETWORK activists are joining me on Capitol Hill with a simple message to Congress: Heed Pope Francis's call and "keep in mind all those people around us who are trapped in a cycle of poverty"! 
As our budget deadline looms near, some in Congress seem content with playing political games at the expense of some of the most vulnerable people in our nation. We are here to tell them to bridge the divides and transform politics -- but we can't do it alone!

Please take less than ten minutes today to call both of your Senators at 1-888-496-3502. Your voice is critical in ensuring that we have a faithful budget that restores economic opportunity, invests in America, and cares for vulnerable members of our society. 

Call 1-888-496-3502 TWICE to reach both of your Senators!

When you call, here's what you might say:

Hello, my name is (NAME) and I am a constituent from (CITY). I am calling as a member of NETWORK, the Catholic Social Justice Lobby to ask that the senator pass a budget that fully funds human needs programs and ends sequestration. As Pope Francis reminded Congress last week, 'a political society endures when it seeks to satisfy common needs by stimulating the growth of all its members, especially those in situations of greater vulnerability or risk.' Please make sure that our budget fully-funds human needs programs and anti-poverty measures. Thank you.

It looks like we will narrowly avoid a government shutdown (for now), but this is where the real negotiation begins. If sequestration is not eliminated, there will be across-the-board spending cuts to safety net and other human needs programs that have already been devastated. Call your Senators at 1-888-496-3502 to demand that they pass a budget that lifts the artificial cuts of sequestration and cares for the most vulnerable in our nation.

In solidarity, 
Sister Marge Clark
NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
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