January 14, 2020
Act TODAY for Climate Action This Session
Governor Baker has until TODAY AT MIDNIGHT to sign this crucial piece of legislation.

Contact the Governor today and urge him to sign the climate bill, An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy (S.2995). Use this form to email him, or call (617) 725-4005. You can also tweet at @MassGovernor.

Sample Tweets:
  • We need to codify crucial climate action like S.2995 to get us to #NetZero emissions by 2050. @MassGovernor, sign the climate bill today! #mapoli
  • The Commonwealth must take action now for #EnvironmentalJustice. @MassGovernor, sign the climate bill today! #mapoli
  • Today is the day, @MassGovernor! Sign the climate bill to move toward a healthy, prosperous future for us all. #mapoli

For bill details, see our letter to Governor Baker.
90 Canal Street, Suite 414, Boston, MA 02114 | 857-452-1715
 lwvma@lwvma.org | www.lwvma.org