March 2024

Neighborhoods United SF

In This Issue

  • Override Successful: Mayor's Veto Reversed
  • Planning Commission Update: 4/4 Hearing POSTPONED
  • Keep Spreading the Word: Share Mailer
  • Sign Petition: Oppose State's Coastal Development Bills
  • Stop the Madness: Support Ballot Initiative

Override Successful

Mayor's Veto Reversed

Your activism paid off! Despite relentless pressure from YIMBYs and their allies, the Board of Supervisors stood firm against the Mayor's veto, voting 8-3 to overturn it.

Board President Aaron Peskin’s legislation has now passed and will reinstate vital components of our planning code and preserve the integrity of San Francisco's iconic waterfront against the threat of high-rise development. You can read President Peskin's statement here.

Recommended reading: YIMBYs on their heels as race for mayor heats up

If your Supervisor supported the veto override, consider sending them a brief note of thanks. More crucial votes lie ahead, and it's vital they understand our appreciation for standing with the community to safeguard San Francisco's neighborhoods and advocate for truly affordable housing.

Click name to send email:

D1: Connie Chan

D2; Catherine Stefani

D3: Aaron Peskin

D5: Dean Preston

D8: Rafael Mandelman

D9: Hillary Ronen

D10: Shammon Walton

D11: Ahsha Safai

Planning Commission Update

Hearing on 4/4 POSTPONED

The Planning Commission Hearing originally set for 4/4 has been postponed.

Our ongoing outreach and interactions with the Planning Department and Commission are having an impact as we continue to advocate for plans that address the real issues, such as building workforce housing, protecting renters, small businesses and historic resources from demolition and displacement, and preserving our iconic, vibrant neighborhoods.

Please stay tuned to the homepage for updates. We'll make sure to keep you informed as soon as a new date is announced.

Keep Spreading the Word

Share Mailer

Please email, text, or print out the attached mailer (pdf file) to distribute among your neighbors, colleagues, friends, and beyond. Currently, only a small percentage of residents are aware of the excessive and unnecessary upzoning plans. However, as more people become informed, they are increasingly alarmed by the implications and eager to take action.

Side One

Side Two

Sign Petition

Oppose State's Coastal Development Bills


The Board of Supervisors passed President Aaron Peskin's resolution opposing Senator Wiener's SB 951 legislation. Wiener's bill would remove San Francisco from the California Coastal Commission's jurisdiction exposing it to future development. SB 951 was co-sponsored by Mayor Breed without the consultation from the Board of Supervisors.

The Board passed the resolution 8-3. Notably, Supervisors Engardio (D4), Dorsey (D6), and Melgar (D7) cast the dissenting votes.

Sign Petition to Oppose SB 951


State legislators are relentlessly pushing forward bills that threaten our coastline with development. Join us in a sustained effort to halt these reckless proposals in their tracks. Together with Californians and supporters nationwide, we stand to protect and preserve the natural beauty and public access of our coast.

Recent initiatives led by Board President Aaron Peskin:

  • Letter Rejecting SB 1092 - the bill limits the coastal commission’s ability to protect our precious coastal resources
  • Letter Rejecting SB 1077 - the bill adds to a cumulative degradation of the coastal environment for the benefit of those who can afford to build housing

Relevant articles:

Stop the Madness

Support Ballot Initiative

Our Neighborhood Voices (ONV) is a 2026 ballot initiative to restore our neighborhood voice and return sanity to the planning process. 

If there has ever been a time to stand up for your neighborhood, it’s now. In recent years Sacramento has passed a barrage of one-size-fits-all laws that ultimately give for-profit developers free rein to build whatever they want, wherever they want – even if that means destroying established neighborhoods and replacing them with massive unaffordable, multi-unit buildings.

This initiative is the singular solution to return zoning to local control and halt the State-controlled zoning bills authored by Senator Wiener and his YIMBY supporters.

The ONV team has been hard at work uniting more than 50,000 Californians around the fight to preserve our neighborhoods. Thousands more are joining every week and their goal is to organize an unstoppable coalition of neighbors and leaders who can deliver the truth that we don't need to destroy our neighborhoods to build enough housing. 

Support ONV Efforts

Neighborhoods United SF

Unite with over 60 San Francisco Neighborhood Organizations to Challenge Extreme and Unnecessary Height & Density Increases that Fail to Solve the Affordable Housing Shortage

Learn More, Get Involved

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