We can’t wait to see you at this year’s Annual Meeting.

The St. James’s Annual Meeting is this Sunday at 10am, preceded by a special 9am service
(our only service of the day). This year’s meeting will be on ZOOM and feature a quick
review of the past year, followed by voting on the Vestry. So it’s gonna be short.
Then you can stay for a virtual coffee hour and visit with fellow parishioners.
And if you’re lucky, you could win one of four $25 Starbucks Gift Cards. 

If you haven’t registered to attend and vote, you can do so here.

If you have registered and want easy-to-follow Tech Tips to help guide you through
the meeting and voting, click here. The voting tips are on page 3.

We must have at least 170 people in attendance to achieve a quorum. So please make every effort to be 1 of the 170. Next week we’ll be sending out our Impact Report
plus updates about other church efforts.  
This week's eChimes features
  • Mardi Gras at St. James's
  • Meet Your Vestry Nominees
  • Lent House Churches
  • Trivia Night Competition
  • Monthly Children's Ministry Zoom Meeting Return
  • Contribution Tax Statement
  • Brown Bag Book Club
  • Stewardship
  • So Many Needs to Meet
  • Episcopal Church News
& Programs
Mardi Gras is getting closer.
And now it's even easier to join the fun.

The St. James Mardi Gras for Mission & Outreach is gaining momentum. Yes, it’ll be online but our plans—plus a few surprises we’re still working on—will make it fun, engaging and even delicious (yes, delicious). 
For starters, you don’t have to buy a ticket to have access to the auction anymore. All you have to do is register. But we are selling a King Cake package and $25 Raffle tickets for a chance to win a Cirrus Vodka Tailgate Kit. 
We’ve also made it easy to donate to our ambitious Mission & Outreach program even if you can’t attend the event. Even better, we keep adding new auction items, so you should check in regularly to see what exciting things there are to bid on. The Silent Auction starts Feb 10 and there’s a Live Auction the night of the event, Tuesday, Feb. 16. 
There’s more information to come. But for now, save the date, February 16. And be on the lookout in the eChimes, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and reminders.
Meet Your Vestry Nominees

The one and only item of business at the Annual Meeting will be voting on new Vestry members. Here are the nominees: Ann Rawls, Christie Hartwell, Elliott Harrigan, Harry Warner, Katie Morris and Tracy Schneider

Click here to read bios and see pictures of each nominee. 
Don't miss your chance to sign up for Lent House Churches.
Registration ends Wed., February 3

Our House Churches during Advent were a great success, bringing members of our St. James’s community together in a way we haven’t been able to congregate since last March. Now we’re creating more House Churches during Lent--from February 21 through Easter Sunday, April 4. To learn more, watch this video by Blake and Hilary. 

House Church registration ends Wed., February 3. You can find the registration form here.
Trivia Competition. Meaningful Fun.
Saturday, February 6th

Anyone who attended the Trivia Throwdown during last Sunday’s Youth Group will know much fun our church-wide St. Jimmy’s Trivia Night is going to be. It’s happening this coming Saturday, February 6 from 8 to 9:30 pm. This free--and incredibly fun-- virtual trivia contest is a great way to hang with your family and your fellow St. James’s parishioners. (Not to mention, earn some bragging rights.) It works like a classic bar trivia game except you’re sitting on your couch or bed or at the kitchen table with your family. The event is organized through Trivia Throwdown Online, and hosted by fellow Virginia Episcopalian, Michael Wade. Let’s get trivial together! Here’s the Zoom link.
Missing your friends?
Our monthly children’s Zoom meetings are back starting next Sunday. 

Next Sunday, Feb. 7, our 2nd & 3rd graders and our 4th & 5th graders can hang with your friends on Zoom starting at 10 a.m. In addition to seeing your friends, you’ll be doing a fun activity and prayer. A Zoom link will be sent directly to 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents. We’ll be doing this once a month though May. If you have any questions, reach out to Becky Page.
Contribution Tax Statement

We’re preparing to email Contribution Tax statements to everyone who has donated to St. James’s.
If you are unable to retrieve the statement by email, you can call Poconna Thiel at 804-477-4915 and she will mail you one.

Thank you for all your gifts to St. James’s. 
BROWN BAG Book Club changing its meeting time.

Starting this Wednesday, Feb. 4, The Brown Bag Book Club will begin meeting at noon,
instead of 11:30. 
Thank You.
One of the most timeless and comforting pieces of scripture is in Paul’s letter to the Philippians:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Biblical scholars think this was probably written when Paul was in prison, a particularly stressful place. As we prepare for today’s Annual Meeting, we can be particularly thankful for the gift that St. James’s is in our lives--especially during these stressful times.. Your faithful annual gifts are an example of the importance of our church to so many. Thank you for stepping out in times of uncertainly with faith to sustain our lives together. You can give by clicking on doers.org/give

So Many Needs to Meet!
A Good Used Car
Can Change Someone's Life.

If you’ve considered getting rid of a good used car, our Crisis Ministry would like to suggest you donate it to the church so we can offer it to individuals seeking our help in becoming stabilized. Occasionally people seeking our assistance need a car to sustain employment. If you can help, please contact Nancy Warman, Pastoral Social Worker, via email or 804-873-4083.
Helping Latinos-in-need
eat culturally-appropriate meals. 

Latinos in Virginia Empowerment
Center provides Spanish-speaking individuals education, advocacy, support and emergency assistance, ensuring that language is not a barrier to accessing services that empower individuals to become happy, healthy, and self-sufficient.

One of its greatest needs--especially right now--is culturally appropriate and nutritious food. Our “DOERS in the Community” ministry team is sponsoring a food collection for Latinos in our community and invites you to join them. 

Please review the attached list of food that is most needed, and if you can, contribute any time up to February 19, there are several ways:
  • You may take your food contribution directly to LIVE Center by calling or emailing to set up a drop-off appointment Monday-Friday, 9am-5:00pm. 804-658-3341 /LIVE email
  • You may contact lay leaders, Judy Philpott /804-833-6464 or Yvonne Gibney /804-306-0394 and arrange a drop-off at their homes or a pick-up from yours.

Thank you for being creative, for being generous, and for being a DOER! 
Can your closet help clothe someone in need?

CARITAS CENTER is opening its doors to new residents, and the staff and volunteers are creating clothing closets. Please review the attached list and see if you have new or gently used clothing that you can offer. Everything should be freshly washed or dry cleaned. No rips, stains or tears.

Please call CARITAS at 804-358-0964 to set up a drop-off appointment. If you have questions, please contact church member, Jennifer Pollard via email or at 540-645-9611.
The Episcopal Church actively creates programs and news of interest. Every week, the eChimes will feature resources we think could be of special interest to you. 
Dr. King and the Gospel according to Mark

Are you following the Good Book Club’s worldwide reading of the Gospel according to Mark this Epiphany season?
As Chapter 10 comes up with the start of Black History Month, listen to or read this sermon of Dr. King’s, based on Mark 10.

The Rev. Dr. MLK's Drum Major Instinct Sermon.

The Good Book Club is a ministry of the Episcopal Church in collaboration with Forward Movement. It’s not too late to join the worldwide reading of the Gospel of Mark by Shrove Tuesday (February 16) -- the Gospel of Mark is so short you can certainly catch up! Sign up for updates and to download readings,  click here.

The podcast is at your favorite app store or on Megaphone.
Pathways for Baptismal Living is a brand new learning program created out of the desire to make seminary-created theological education and pastoral training more accessible for ALL the baptized, especially laity. Its goal is to give faithful leaders the tools they need to enrich their faith in community – all without having to enroll in a degree program. You can enter where you want and need so you can discern, explore, and deepen your faith and respond to God’s call.

Over 20 courses, workshops, events, and activities are available and you can take them in the order that best suits your personal interests and needs. There are programs for discernment, personal enrichment, licensure in cooperation with the local bishop, and ways to meet church-wide imperatives. The programs are designed with opportunities for personal reflection as well as live and asynchronous online interaction with the instructor and course participants.

Current available courses include:
February 3 – Engaging God’s Word with Dr. Victoria Garvey
February 18 – Becoming Beloved Community with the Rev. Bill Cruse
February 28 – Exploring Theology and Ethics with the Rev. Marcus Halley
February 28 – Understanding the Doctrine of Discovery with Mary Crist

Most courses cost between $200-$300, while some are even free. Visit bexleyseabury.pathwright.com/library/ to see the courses that are open for registration today. 
You can also get more information here.

Do you have our App?
You can always find the eChimes at doers.org/eChimes.
Make sure to check out the new updates on our App. On the App, You will find tools like giving, streaming, and the bulletins. It is highly recommended to use the app as an alternative to paper bulletins.