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  2. Member's Choices
  3. Community Actions
  4. Strategic Actions Training
  5. Resources


May 19th, 2021 Newsletter
Quick Poll
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& Parents March for CHILDREN
Watch & Share the Speakers Videos & Performances
A big thank you to all who participated and a special thanks to all the
Kootenay Freedom members who helped make this so successful!
A Few Words From Nadine
One of our Freedom members reading a message from Nadine (one of the longest supporting members of the movement) who was not able to attend the rally.

Dr. Jane Gray Guest Speaker
Nelson Doctor speaks to recent happenings and medical censorship. Watch Dr. Jane speak as well as several other excellent speakers, including Paul Ignacik & Authur Joyce

Kootenay Freedom Rally Video
An excellent compilation video filmed and put together by Djemini Studios capturing the creativity, enthusiasm, and support the day of the worldwide freedom rally.

Music by:

(Base by Steven)


Including large rallies all across Canada
We are numerous!
Join our Telegram page to see videos and information
from all across the globe!
Bogota, Colombia
Birmingham UK
Belgium, Brussels
And many many more...
May 24th - 28th

The Greater Reset Activation is the world’s collective response to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative: The Great Reset.

We offer an alternative to the WEF’s top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. Our desire is to help all people find community and liberty by providing practical steps and knowledge for co-creating a world that respects individual liberty, bodily autonomy, and choice.
We invite you to join us for 5 days of discussion about the diverse opportunities available for those who seek to live in harmony with humanity and the planet, while respecting our innate freedom.


View the full event schedule

Visit the website for more details & information
Print & Share

Sign up new members  Find Here

Stop the Experiment Find Here
To All Medical Practitioners Find Here
Know the Facts Find Here
Exposing Their Plan Find Here
At What Cost Find Here
COVID Vaccine May Put Your Baby at Risk Find Here
Join in on the next
Freedom Rallies
Saturday, May 22
In Nelson -at Nelson City Hall at 310 Ward St.

In Winlaw-in front of Mama Sita's Cafe at 5709 Hwy # 6

In Castlegar-on the side walk at1502 Columbia Ave. in front of No Frills

In Trail - at the statue on Victoia st. & Bay Ave.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Let's be on best behavior, dress nice, smile & be polite
Feel Free to invite friends who you think are ready to take action
All are welcome to
Planning Meeting
SUNDAY, May 30th
at 116 Vernon St. Nelson

Free Parking along Vernon St.
See Map Here
Bring a Folding Chair if You Can

A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Respirator specialist Chris Schaefer & Roger Hodkinson

Chris Schaefer, who lives in Edmonton, is a respirator specialist who has worked as a professional within the field of occupational health and safety for over 27 years, gives a talk on the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of mask wearing. He describes how children have higher oxygen requirements than do adults and how they will suffer higher consequences from prolonged mask wearing as compared to adults. He considers the masking of children to be nothing short of child abuse (11mins).

(1st Trailer)
A Chris Harrigan Film

Over the past 3 years Award Winning Filmmaker, Chris Harrigan, has collected interviews and footage related to our current state and the loss of our freedoms. 

Since 2018, Chris has had the privilege of interviewing experts of all kinds that will be feature in this documentary, such as:

Del Bigtree, G. Edward Griffin,
Jeff Berwick, Luke Rudkowski,
Dan Dicks, Cynthia McKinney, PhD and many more....

Donate to Tip Toe To Tyranny
Documentary Here:

Defending Children's Rights

Post Press Conference Interview:

Amina Sherazee Operational Co-Director of CRC interview with Whole Hearted Media.

Zero Carbon Agenda Deconstructed

To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Christian breaks The “Absolute Zero” plan and how governments are actively taking drastic steps every day to meet these dystopian goals for Travel, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, Recycling, and Food. We must understand the reality underneath their flowery philanthropic language: Absolute Slavery.

What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like?

News Nuggets
May 17

Peter Schiff Special Sneak Peek: End Game

Are you ready for the sad truth about your wallet and what it should be replaced with?

The Legendary Economist/ Investor Peter Schiff breaks down WHY you may be in the large majority of the population that will FAIL…
And what specific investment baskets YOU should be storing your eggs in to WIN.


School Bans the Covid Vaccinated:

What's the Story with Covid Vaccine Shedding?; Florida is Winning!; Parents Calling New Program an "Autism Miracle"

An important and uplifting story!

28 Groups Demand Facebook Stop Intimidating WhatsApp Users

Facebook is “pestering” WhatsApp users to accept a new policy that allows the social media company to collect more data, while gradually removing key features of the app for those who don’t, a coalition of 28 groups say.
The 76-year-old musician, who lives in the UK
Eric Clapton Says Vaccine ‘Propaganda’ Downplayed Risks

Eric Clapton ‘Feared He Would Never Play Again’ After AstraZeneca Vaccine, Says ‘Propaganda’ Overstated Safety

There is something going on with
women's cycles 

The symptoms being reported range in severity but some are rather horrific including reports of blood clotting, miscarriages, menstrual irregularities and more. These are occurring in those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 as well as those who have not received the COVID vaccine but may have been in proximity to someone who has.

India Death Rate Climbed After Covid-19 Vaccine Program

Part 1: Rare Fungal Infections Core Driver of Current Morbidity Rates in India
Deadly Fungal Infections Occurring
Read Poetry, art, great prose, and social justice in
Sean Arthur Joyce's Blog

"The accountability of our elected officials is considered a basic tenet of democracy. An MLA Accountability Initiative was launched by Common Law Education and Rights..."
A Reminder from Vaccine Choice Canada - CITIZEN ACTION
Legal action alone cannot stop the systemic violations by our governments, health agencies and mainstream media. This panic and hysteria currently being experienced by the public must also be addressed by direct individual action.

This includes engaging your elected representatives, holding the media accountable for deception and distortion, educating family and friends, and challenging illegal and unconstitutional measures. This kind of change cannot be brought about by a single court case, but rather by each of us engaging in action to defend our rights and freedoms. We thank you for your support as we endeavor to help restore our rights and freedoms in Canada.
Vaccine Choice Canada has provided Kootenay Freedom with 2 New Banners!
A Big Thank you to VCC and our VCC Kootenay Chapter Member for Arranging this!
Human Rights Complaint Being Served to the Kootenay Coop Food Store

Join the List of Names

The more who join the more powerful it will be.
Call To Action
A smart local businesswoman is coordinating a Human Rights Complaint against the Kootenay Co-op food store regarding their violations of human rights in relation to not honouring mask exemptions.

The goal is to collect 100 people's names and phone numbers of people willing to join this action.

Please call Amanda at 250-509-0215 or email your name, email and telephone # to Amanda amandaroth@protonmail.com

Donate to SaveArtur.com Donate Here

Petition To Save Pastor Artur Pawlowski Sign Here
Call To Action

Support Pastor Pawlowski

POLICE STATE: Watch the moment a SWAT team arrests a Canadian pastor
in the Kootenays
Support the Businesses which are upholding Masking Exemptions

List of Safe Businesses Here
Parents for Mask Free Kids!
Ages 1 – 18 
Children and youth are at nearly zero percent risk of contracting or transmitting the coronavirus respiratory illness.

Please Watch The Mask Guidelines Video Posted by the Superintendent of Our School District # 8 Watch Here
This is Unlawful and Dangerous to our Children's Health!

Then Please Sign and Send the Notice to Schools on Student masking In this Link to the Superintendent and emails provided so your children can breath freely again.
Email:  christine.perkins@sd8.bc.ca
Call To Actions
The masks/Covid measures are unauthorized by law, and are putting children at risk of great harm both physically and mentally, including increased mental health risks and a startling 31% increase in increased hospitalization of youth struggling with mental health issues. 

**Parents who have signed and sent this letter had immediate results and their child is no longer wearing a mask and is being respected in doing so. 

Sign and Share ALL Petitions

Find Mask Test By Del BigTree and Son Here
Call to Action
Canal Flats Vibrant Earth Cafe

If anyone is close to Canal Flats (Kootenays) and/or if you know anyone in the area, please get to the Vibrant Earth Cafe and show them your support! They are being shut down illegally! 

Find the Facebook Page
More Actions To Free Kids

According to Maxine Bernier, the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms is able to take on the bussing issue of segregation and medical note requirements for children not wearing masks. Their legal team would be able to fund and fight this case.

Please contact marcie.crozier@gmail.com if you know any families who would be interested in participating in the law suit.

Join Free The Kids Kootenays on Facebook Here

Join Heather to speak at Public School Board Meetings as a delegation on behalf of our Kids. View Some of the Resources Heather Provides Here & Here
Contact Heather at: yourfreedommatters@outlook.com

Please Sign Petitions UNMASK OUR KIDS SignHere
Oppose COVID Vaccine Mandates for In-Person Schooling - Sign Here
Join Kootenay Freedom Telegram Group
Encrypted Chat Rooms, Zoom Meetings
& Share Resources
Download Telegram
to your laptop and/or phone
Join Kootenay Freedom
Info Hub

The Kootenay Freedom Info Hub is a private telegram group for our members to chat and share information with each other.

Kootenay Freedom
Parents & Teens Group
This is a private telegram group for our parents and teens to chat, connect, suggest actions, and uplift one another.

New Business owner survey - How the lockdown measures are affecting you Here
New Action4Canada - Provincial petitions to remove masks from kids Sign all here
Immunity Passport Petition to the House of Commons Sign Here
Action4Canada - Protect Our Kids Remove the Masks Sign Here
Petition to the House of Commons for Civil and human rights Sign Here
Stop masking children and spraying their classrooms Sign Here
Stop rollout of e-vaccination status/immunity passports (Canada). Closes July 22, 2021 Sign Here
Do you support the new health restrictions announced Monday?
Oppose COVID Passports Sign Here (This petition will automatically be sent to your MP)
Do you want COVID Vaccinations to become Mandatory? Take the Toronto Star Poll Here
Petition for Ivermectin use in Canada Sign Here
Remove PM Justin Trudeau, his Liberal government end the lockdown Sign Here
Replace Bonnie Henry in BC Sign Here
Canada: Protect Your Medical and Travel Autonomy Sign Here
Say No to COVID Passports Sign Here
Do you like the idea of a COVID-19 vaccine passport for travel? Take Here
Impeach Trudeau Sign Here
Trudeau travel restrictions must be opposed Sign Here
No Mandatory vaccination for corona virus Sign Here
Petition to have Sonia Furstenau withdraw her petition for mandatory masks in all schools Sign Here
End Alberta Lockdown Sign Here

Petition: Police must respect the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Sign Here
Stand with MPP Roman Baber who was kicked out of caucus for opposing the lockdown Sign Here
Petition Stand for Health Freedom Sign Here (This Petition automatically gets sent to your elected officials when you fill in your postal code)
Petition Stop Medical Discrimination Sign Here

Petition FIRE DR. THERESA TAMSign Here
Petition Sign the Great Barrington DeclarationSign Here
No More Lock Downs Sign Here
Take the world vaccine poll Take It Here
Listen and Watch The New Version of "What's Goin On" Here

Please share. Thank you!!

Support freedom. Together we achieve great things.

Donate to the Constitutional Rights Centre now: Here

Donate to the Vaccine Choice Legal Challenge Here

The Constitutional Rights Centre is found Here
As A Fundraiser
Kootenay Freedom Member's Lyrics Have Gone VIRAL!
Lyrics for this song was written by 1 Former Brunette (Our Kootenay Freedom Member)

Melody is from "What's Up?", by 4 Non Blondes

Legal Challenge to COVID-19 Measures Filed In Ontario Superior Court:
Due to the egregious and persistent violations of Canadians’ Constitutional rights by Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments in their response to Covid-19, Vaccine Choice Canada, along with seven other co-plaintiffs, have taken legal action against the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, various public health officials, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Open the Churches – Resources Find Here

Watch the Webinar: Pastors and Church Leaders – Right to Assemble

Sign "The Church Must Gather Declaration"Here

Action4Canada presented a webinar to help educate and equip pastors and church leaders to navigate these unprecedented times and to assist in fully opening the churches. 

This webinar covers guaranteed Constitutional rights, manipulation techniques to disempower citizens, how to manage interactions with government agents/police, and resources to support church leaders in opening.

Watch Action4Canada Canvassing Video Here

Watch Action4Canada Webinar for Canadian Small Businesses Here

Just Right Click & Click "save image as" & save to your file- Then print.

  1. Find BC Human Rights Mask Exemption Poster Here
  2. Find BC Masking/Exemptions Order M425 Here
  3. Find List of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Violations Here
  4. Find The Evidence Does Not Support Masking Here
  5. Find "No Mask? We Won't Ask" Poster Here
  6. Find Actions4Canada Up To $75,000 Here
  7. Find Actions4Canada Letter to Businesses Here

Watch & Learn from the
Best Nonviolent Action Videos

Learn about how to strategize and plan non-violent actions Learn Here 

Six Steps for Nonviolent Direct Action Find here

A Force More Powerful
Watch live footage and learn how the exact same strategies used to oppress and overcome are still being used today

A Force More Powerful is a Monumental series
on one of the 20th century's most important and least-known stories:
How nonviolent power overcame oppression and authoritarian rule.

Must Watch Part 1 MUST WATCH Part 2
JFK to 911-Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
(Full Movie)
If this doesn't wake you up, then probably best to stay asleep.
A Tour De Force history lesson like no other and one you won't get in school
Interested in learning More About Common law / Natural Law?
Learn the difference between
legal and lawful.
This course will help you navigate today's world with a feeling of empowerment and knowledge of the true law of the land. The course is by donation.

E-mail Angela and she will contact you about the upcoming dates and course outline.

Facilitator: Al King on Common Law

To Register Contact: angelahill7@protonmail.com
Recommended by Retired Police Officer Vincent Gircy


Why You Shouldn't Ever Talk To The Police
What you say can and will be used against you but never for you. A Civil Procedure Law Professor explains why you should never talk to the police under any circumstances.
Learn about Your Charter Rights as a Person and Business Find it Here
Listen to Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati as he explains Your Rights to Mandatory covid Measures: Vaccines, Testing, Masking and Contact Tracing. Here's the Link

Sign up for Rocco Galati's Constitutional Rights Centre (CRC) Newsletter Find it Here

Find Rocco's CRC YouTube channel Here

Learn & File a Human Rights Complaint Here

BC Province Wide Order Updated April 12, 2021 Find Here
*BC Emergency Order updated January 8, 2021* Find Here

COVID-19 Related Measures Act Find Here
Weekly updates with special guest speakers.
Video clips of weekly meetings are available on the VCC channels
Please subscribe Here

The Zoom registration links for these exceptional meetings are sent to VCC members every Monday – please become a member of VCC today for as little as $5/yr: Join Here

Members of VCC also receive the weekly newsletter, the Choice Insider with actions, updates and links to VCC resources.

*Choice Insider* newsletter editions Here

Watch and listen to Superb Video & Audio Presentations Here

Watch our videos on Bitchute Here

To make a donation to Vaccine Choice Canada or to their Legal Fund Open Here
For Vaccine Choice Canada Printable Resources Open Here
VCC Position Paper: COVID Vaccine Injury Accountability and Compensation Program
Please share this widely in your communities. Send it to your elected representatives, your physician, frontline workers/health care providers, your local media, friends, family and colleagues. Let's get this out there EVERYWHERE! 
Covid-19 Vaccine
Side Effects
World Map

*click on the red dots on the world map for details* or scroll down.

Canada's New, FREE, Alternative Newspaper, (Because Mainstream Media, Sucks!)

In a world where censorship is running rampant with the big tech giants and mainstream media is pushing nothing but fear and misinformation, Druther created a newspaper & website to share the important news & information that is being suppressed through traditional channels.

A Must To Check Out
An EXCELLENT source for Freedom fighting information
Need a
Face Mask Exemption Card?
(right-click & save to download)
Right Click & Cick "Save As" & Print
Truth about SARS-CoV-2 /n Covid-19
Information Packages
Save and Email Your Own Truth about SARS-CoV-2 /n Covid-19 Information Package to Churches, City Council, Regional District Directors & Bi-Law Officers, Police and Work Safe

Each Package Includes:

  • Email Introduction (to be copied and pasted to the body of the email)
  • Nurses report (to be attached)
  • Questions (to be attached)

  • Find Email Intro For Churches Here
  • Find Email Intro For Police Here
  • Find Email Intro For Worksafe Here
  • Find Email For City Council Here
  • Find Email Intro For Regional District Here
  • Find Nurses Truth about SARS-CoV-2 /n Covid-19 Report Here
  • Find Questionnaire Here

***Dont forget to ad your contact info on bottom of the Email Intro & their Title or Name at the top of the 1st page of nurses report & your contact info at the bottom***
Action Rallies were held across British Columbia Feb 22 & 23 where Freedom Groups held all MLA's accountable by serving them medical and scientific documentation and influential questions.

Freedom Groups are demanding MLAs present this list of questions to the Govt. to be addressed in the Legislature in the Hansard Records. 

All Information Packages Are Found Here & Here

Click on the "MLA accountability" button and then click on the link on the far right to scroll through the evidence

  • Cover Letter & Nurses Report for MLA Brittny Anderson is H ere
  • Cover Letter & Nurses Report for MLA Katrine Conroy is Here
  • Questionare is Here
  • Added Details to the Report is Here
  • Kootenay Freedom Press Release is Here
  • Provincial MLA Press Release is Here
Read the full Articles on our Actions in the Nelson Daily & EZ Rock
RCMP Code of Conduct
Just Right Click, Click "Save As" & Print
Code of Conduct of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

You can also find it Online : Here
Then scroll to SCHEDULE(Section 18 and subsection 23(1))
RCMP Code of Conduct

Great Idea to print pages 11 & 12 and the last paragraph on page 13 to carry with you. Page 11 speaks about Human Rights Page 12 and 13 speak about upholding the charter.
Need a List of Excellent Websites and Resources?

New Find Freedom Resources

Find the Global Report 2019-nCOVSummary of Facts Here

A Big Thank You to our Kootenay Freedom member for the dedicated research. Find her resources Here
Non Violence
Before we went on any protest, whether it was sit-ins or the freedom rides or any march, we prepared ourselves, committed to the way of peace – the way of non-violence – the way of love – the way of life as the way of living.

John Lewis
Provisional Charter
Kootenay Freedom is a volunteer-run group consisting of people from the West Kootenay region, formed in 2020 in response to growing concern related to COVID measures.
Our goal is to empower people by providing educational material and resources and by coordinating planning meetings and public events. Our mandate supports medical freedom, vaccine choice, informed consent, privacy rights, unbiased journalism, transparent science, free speech, democracy and the opening of the economy.
Kootenay Freedom is governed by an executive committee consisting of a rotating chair and administration and includes a membership of 809 participants.
Need a support group?
Please call Dan at 250-352-0108

To volunteer or for more information contact: info@kootenayfreedom.com

You can withdraw your permission to receive our emails at any time by clicking unsubscribe.

Thank you for your support!