Congratulations to all players representing the SWFL Chapter in this year's Sugar Bowl. Thank you very much everyone for getting up early and making the drive to support this fun event.
It was a fantastic day at the Clewiston Golf Course. The sun was out, the wind was blowing and the greens were as tricky as ever.
We had a total field of 40 players split between the East Coast ( Palm Beach, Broward and Miami ) and West Coast ( SWFL and Clewiston )
playing a 2 person scramble.
The lowest 7 net rounds per "Coast" counted towards the total score and the West Coast prevailed by a score of 516 to 530.
A big thank you to Michelle Mehan from the Palm Berach Chapter for setting up the event and collecting the money,
to our Clewiston members for organizing the check in, the Clewiston Country Club for hosting us and Robbie Rush for handling the scoring.
There were multiple score card play off
to determine the individual team winners.
Low Net Winners:
1st Low Net - 69: Kay Rhee and Deborah Miller - West Coast
2nd Low Net -71: Keri Hoffman and Joan Kelley - West Coast
3rd Low Net - 73: Yenisse Cacho Negrete and Donna Currie - East Coast
Low Gross Winners:
1st Low Gross - 75: Maureen Mahoney and Leslie Sponder - East Coast
2nd Low Gross - 77: Bonnie Blanchard and Peggy Emmart
3rd Low Gross - 81: Tia Toms and Donna Conway
Closest to the Pin:
#2 - Peggy Emmart - West Coast
#9 - Kay Rhee - West Coast
#13 - Keri Hoffman - West Coast
#15 - Joan Kelley - West Cost
Mark your calendar. The date for next year's Sugar Bowl is set for 2/22/25.