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Moving into Stillness


Moving into Stillness

By Dr. Mao Shing Ni

As the year comes to a close, nature is blanketed by snow in parts of the northern reaches of our planet. For me, winter always offered a time for stillness yet allowed my inner exploration. Perhaps it’s because the days are short and the nights are long, just like the stream that flows beneath the ice and snow on the banks in this photo from this morning in Bend, Oregon—inner movement beneath the stillness. 

Being able to stop, be in silence and not have to do more is precisely what I needed to restore my essence, vitality, and spirit. Here, I offer my inner dialogue and gratitude and hope you find some of what I mention here helpful. 

The first question that comes to mind is, “Why am I doing it? “

I feel a responsibility to share with the world the knowledge and wisdom passed down to me from teachers of the wonderful healing and spiritual traditions of Chinese medicine and Taoism. I believe and know deep in my heart that the world can be helped and saved from unnecessary illness, suffering, and outright human-made destruction. 

Second, “Am I applying what I am teaching others?”

If I am not embodying the teaching, I have not integrated it into my life. So here are the changes I made in this past year.  


2023 College of Tao Retreat 

"Nurturing Inner Light

Amidst the Darkness"

Temescal Canyon, California

April 18-April 23, 2023

Connect your Spirit with Nature and embrace the

Gentleness and Serenity of the Water Rabbit year

It's time to nurture your Yin Qi by cultivating Inner Light

You are cordially invited to attend the

2023 College of Tao Retreat

in the beautiful, natural setting in Temescal Canyon, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles on April 18-April 23, 2023 

Click here to Reserve Your Space 

Save 20 % Only to Dec 15, 2022 


Regular price $ 675.00

​Early Bird price $ 540.00 ending 12/15/22

Balance of $440.00 due by February 1st 2023

(20 % Special extended to Dec 15, 2022)

Book Onsite accommodations at

only $ 50.00-75.00 per night

Retreat & all organic meals included

For more information contact

Enjoy peaceful walks in nature & inspiring talks by:

Dr. Mao Shing Ni, Dr. Daoshing Ni,

and Other Notable Teachers

 Self-Healing Qi Gong, Wu Dao,

Cosmic Tour Bagua, Dao In,

Eight Treasures, 

​Harmony Tai Chi, I Ching

 Integral Health & Nutrition, Healthy Organic Cuisine,

Sharing and Community.


The Sacred Light of Natural Life

I Ching, Hexagram 12, Commentary

by Hua -Ching Ni

Moving about in the spiritual world

I abide with the eternal spirit

I am content with my own nature.......

My emotions are softened, my desires few

I keep my spirit untouched.

my mind is clear and detached

my body still and upright.

All my actions have a deep respect

for the original stillness of the universe.....

Though peacefully engaged in life,

I abide in the infinite simplicity of Tao

This is the way to perpetual peace.

true beauty, happiness and joy.

This is the secret of a natural life.

Please note: the College of Tao is currently updating the Website. If you experience any issues using the site during this time, please feel free to contact us at for further assistance.

We thank you for your patience. 🙏


You can still join our class!

There is Still Time to Renew Your

Chi Health Certification

before 12/31/22

Teaching is a Cultivation of the Heart & Mind

only $ 95.00, students $ 70.00

Renew HereToday



Instructor: Edward Sullivan

Zoom Class only $ 80.00

JANUARY - MARCH 6, 2023  Mondays, 7 pm PST

"Practice of the Eight Immortals"

Register Now


Infinichi Energy

Healing Course L-1

Instructor: Edward Sullivan

Zoom Class

January 15 & 29, 2023

9 am-5:30 pm

prior students may audit

Foundation of Medical QiGong

"Acupuncture Without Needles"

Info & Registration Here

Infinichi Energy

Healing Course L-2A

Instructor: Edward Sullivan

In-Person Training Yo San LA

April 17 & 18, 2023

9 am-5:30 pm

prior students may audit

College of Tao Pre-Retreat

Foundation of Clinical Practice

Info & Registration Here


This online ZOOM class meets every Wed. 7-8AM PST

Session II, Jan.- Feb. - March - April, 2023


Cost: $50 USD per session


Class size is limited to 25 participants.


 If you have any questions, please contact: 

Facilitator: Peter Stege

Please enroll now.

 ĺ°Ž Taoist Mentorship Renewal due by Jan. 31, 2023

Mentors will receive renewal forms in December.

To request a Mentorship Handbook or to ask questions contact

Amira Kusala, Mentorship of the Integral Way Dean

Advanced Traditional Practice Program- 2023 Instruction.

There will be instruction on ZOOM in the esoteric practices of the Ni family called The Advanced Traditional Practice (ATP) Program Feb. 11-12, 2023 and Aug. 5-6, 2023.

Instruction is open to those who are College of Tao Mentors or those who have completed International Taoist Meditation Institute (ITMI) Level 3. New students are always welcome to apply. This is an opportunity to discover and practice the 36 level program of spiritual practices unique to the Integral Way tradition. Please go

to and open the ATP page to learn more about ATP and the program requirements. It is especially recommended to read Ch.19 of Universal Path of Natural Life, by Hua-Ching Ni. A PDF document is available upon request. The application process for the Feb. instruction needs to be completed by Feb. 6, 2023. Because there is a slightly longer application process for new applicants, those people should begin the application as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact me with questions:

“The esoteric teaching is not a matter of merely giving or receiving information, it is a matter of totally plunging your life into the universal energy.” Hua-Ching Ni


Peter Stege

ATP Director


Find your Local Number Click Here

Use Passcode: 2825


Sunday Renewal

With Dr. Mao, James Tuggle &

COT Ministers of the Integral Way

Every Sunday at 7 am PST, you are invited to join via Zoom in a spiritual renewal ceremony facilitated by the Ministers of the Integral Way, including Drs. Mao Shing Ni, James Tuggle, Barbara Wolff, Ed Sullivan and others…followed by a talk on how to apply the wisdom of the Integral Way to the Five Healths—healthy body, mind/spirit, relationship, work and finance. This service is free for the

College of Tao community.

Friends and family are welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting

Click Here to Join

Password: 006090

 Find your Local Number Click Here


Feng Shui Class

The Feng Shui School online program will be starting soon.

Check out our website 

Sign Up Today




Please find our meeting dates for the next 7 months below.

I highly recommend diarising these for future reference

7AM Sundays = Perth

3 PM Saturdays = PST USA 3 pm

Daylight Savings April-May & June time begins 4 PM for PST USA

Sisters in other time zones can work from these using your time convert

If you would like to join our Sister's Group please contact Barbara Wolff at

Sundays 7 AM Perth Austrailia

Dec 4, 2022

Jan 8, 2023

Feb 5, 2023

March 6, 2023

April 9, 2023

May 7, 2023

June 4, 2023

Saturdays 3 PM PST USA

Dec 3, 2022

Jan 7, 2023

Feb 4, 2023

March 4, 2023

April 8, 2023 4 PM

May 6, 2023 4 PM

June 3, 2023 4 PM

With Love, Barbara


College of Tao

Brother's of the Heavenly Way

Our next Brothers meeting is:

 December 18 th Please mark your calendars and we will sharing our in-depth study of the book: 

 Eternal Light by Hua Ching Ni

If you would like to join the Brothers or wish any information please contact:

During our last meeting of the Brothers Of The Heavenly Way on Nov 27th, we discussed how to manage bringing the message of the Integral Path to the public? How to build a College Of Tao that best serves humanity? We talked about expanding our message on social media and the difficulties one encounters when dealing with the public online. We also discussed the world religions and how the college needs to set itself apart by being receptive, nurturing, and offering kind support for all people.

We continued our journey with Eternal Light, Chapter 4, page 35. Here, we saw our COT discussion of world religions seemingly referenced in the first passage: â€śThe attempt of someone to push dominant ideas or beliefs on all other people makes the world fall apart.” Wisdom to keep in mind when subtly welcoming in the world.


In the Chinese horoscope, December is the eleventh lunar month and welcomes strong Water energy into our lives. December’s Water energy will bring a flood of emotions that either stimulate and elevate our mood or completely overwhelm us.

The Water Element also represents nature and nurture—it channels its powerful energy into nourishing seeds and ideas and providing new opportunities for us. As the year-end unfolds, we must do our best to go with the flow while remaining alert to any possibilities that robust Water energy sends our way. Find out what December’s horoscope has in store for you





available 12/1/2022


Sunday Renewal Ceremony will be broadcast on Zoom from

the Shrine of the Eternal Breath of the Tao

at Yo San University on January 22, 2023

3 hours later than our regular time.

We will send out the link beforehand

and it will be posted on the College of Tao Website


You are welcome to join our

Free Study Group

Wednesdays, Dec 7th & Jan 4th

@ 5-6 pm PST

Amira Kusala

invites you to join our 

ongoing free monthly

Integral Way Study Group

The Complete Works of Lao Tzu

as elucidated by Hua-Ching Ni

Tao Teh Ching and the Hua Hu Ching

We meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 5-6 pm PST. 

This book is the specific translation we will use and can be purchased at





Thank You

College of Tao