Dear Marin Promise Partnership,

As the November 8th election approaches, the MPP Backbone Team wants to remind you to vote and encourages you to pay special attention to candidates' positions on topics related to education equity. 

As an example, there are multiple candidates from a new group called Marin Freedom Rising, who are running for school board seats. According to their website, and published articles by the Marin Independent Journal, many Marin Freedom Rising candidates are opposed to vaccine mandates and have mentioned concerns about “CRT” (Critical Race Theory) being taught in schools. According to the IJ, candidates from “Marin Freedom Rising” have filed to run in Ross Valley School District, San Rafael City Schools, Novato Unified School District and Tamalpais Union High School District board races, in two Marin Board of Education contests and in municipal races in Novato and Fairfax.

For more information, please review the IJ article and candidates' social media campaign pages, attend the Novato Unified School District election debate tonight at 6:30, and review the recordings of prior debates (to be shared on MPP’s website in the coming week). 

As a nonprofit, Marin Promise Partnership does not endorse or advocate for any specific candidates. We urge you to remain informed on all candidates, as these small groups of School Board trustees are tasked to give voice to their entire public school community.

The MPP Backbone Team

Quick links:

  • Look for recordings of prior debates later this week on MPP's website 
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