For those of you unable to join us in person, the lecture will also be live-streamed HERE.
Our Families, Our Future: Celebrating 40 Years of the Indian Child Welfare Act
Call for Presentations
A special invitation is being extended to everyone who would like to participate as a workshop presenter during our 37th Annual Protecting Our Children National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on March 31–April 3, 2019.

Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2018

For more info, click here.
New Tool Addresses Disparities in Alcohol Research
Alcohol Research Group (ARG) Collaborates with BrightOutcome to Create Multilingual Database 
The Alcohol Measures tool focuses on increasing participation of racial and ethnic groups in alcohol research. With eight languages, 275 articles for psychometrics, 200 measures, and 19 searchable research topics, plus screeners and questionnaires, the web-based resource provides access to information on translated measures and their validation that had previously been difficult to find or obtain.
Researchers can sign up for a free account and find a collaborative community where members connect with one another and provide peer support.

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