
Upcoming Patterson Research
An HBCU Symposium: Promoting & Preserving our Roots
February 10-12
National Partnership for Educational Access Annual Conference
April 27-29

Contact Us:
UNCF/Frederick D.
Patterson Research
1805 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: (202) 810-0246
Email: fdpri@uncf.org

Stay Connected
February 16, 2016 
Message from Brian K. Bridges

As the calendar year turns to 2016 and the academic year enters its second semester, UNCF and the Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute are looking to continue the work of promoting the value proposition of HBCUs and conducting research that reveals more about the student experience at these venerable institutions. Our most recent publication, Counting Every Graduate, uses National Student Clearinghouse data to demonstrate more accurate graduation rates at select HBCUs. Upcoming publications in 2016 will provide a clearer picture on borrowing trends for HBCU students, explore HBCU post-graduation outcomes and examine high-impact practices at HBCUs. We will also produce reports that inform UNCF's Advocacy work, looking at how local African American leaders are engaged in K-12 education reform. We also plan to host publication release events at the new UNCF College Knowledge Center located in our headquarters in Washington, DC.
These are important products, not only to UNCF, but for the nation at large. We encourage you to stay tuned for what is to come this year because it has the potential to change the narrative about HBCUs. Now that the Patterson Research Institute is once again fully staffed--you will meet our new senior research associates later in the newsletter--we look forward to maintaining this level of productivity on our path to becoming the country's leading research center on HBCUs.
Onward and upward!

Brian K. Bridges, Ph.D.
Vice President, Research and Member Engagement
UNCF/Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute

Did You Know?
Six-Year Graduation Rates of UNCF Scholarship Recipients are Higher than National Graduation Rates. 

Freshman Black or African American recipients of UNCF scholarships show a 70 percent six-year graduation rate, a higher rate than the six-year graduation rate, for Black or African American undergraduates or undergraduates of all races and ethnicities.

CHART: Six-Year Graduation Rate of UNCF Scholarship Recipients
Source:  Richards, D.A.R., Bridges, B. K., and Awokoya, J. T. (2013) Building better futures:  The value of a UNCF investment.  Washington, DC: Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute, UNCF.  Available online at  http://www.uncf.org/fdpri/.

FDPRI collaborated with the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center to conduct a study to examine graduation rates using more comprehensive data than what is used in current calculations. Specifically, this analysis examined 19 four-year private UNCF-member, baccalaureate-level HBCUs. The data indicated that students at these institutions graduated in six years at higher than anticipated rates, even if they completed their degree programs at a different institution than the UNCF member institution where they initially enrolled.

Are African American high school students prepared for college and careers? Are enough African American students taking core courses that will prepare them for college and careers? The UNCF and ACT collaboratively released a report providing a national snapshot of the academic performance among African American students in the high school graduating class who took the ACT college readiness assessment. This report presents findings to the critical questions above and provides recommendations for improving the readiness among African American students. 
Current Projects and Upcoming Publications

FDPRI is collaborating with various educational organizations to prepare research papers and briefs on issues related to African American students in the P-20 pipeline. These include:

Building Better Narratives in Black Education. A joint report with National Urban League and Education Post. Grounded in the perspectives of the Black community, this report will focus on shifting the narrative in education reform from deficit based language, to a more positive, change oriented approach. Report forthcoming. 

Lifting Louder Voices: Dispelling Myths about African American Leaders and Education Reform. This report will use data to dispel the commonly held belief that African American leaders do not see education as a salient issue and therefore do not get involved.  Report forthcoming.

HBCUs: Student Loan Debt and Default. A joint issue brief with the American Council on Education. This brief seeks to describe the student borrowing, student loan debt, and student loan defaults at HBCUs, in the context of the larger population of at-risk students in higher education. Additionally, this brief will examine the potential negative financial impact of institutional risk-sharing penalties.  Research in progress.

Recent Interviews, Presentations, and Panels

In the past several months, Patterson staff participated in televised interviews and presented their research at various panels and forums across the country. These include: 

Interview: Comcast Newsmakers. Interview held in Washington, DC, January 27, 2016.

Interview Topic: Demonstrating collegiate returns on investment through the UNCF Career Pathways Initiative

Interviewee: Brian Bridges 

Pictured above: Brian Bridges
Conference: UNCF Admissions Officers Conference. Hosted in Atlanta, GA, December 4, 2015.

Session Title:  Getting to Know UNCF Students

Presenters: Caroline Harper

Dr. Harper presented a session that was geared toward helping representatives from UNCF-member institutions understand our students and scholarship recipients and develop strategies to effectively recruit and encourage success at UNCF institutions.
Conference: Association for the Study of Higher Education. Hosted in Denver CO November 5-7, 2015.
Session Title:  Strains, Strengths and Intervention Outcomes: A Critical Examination of Intervention Efficacy for Underrepresented Groups
Presenter: Krystal L. Williams
Dr. Krystal L. Williams recently presented about the role of critical quantitative analyses in understanding intervention outcomes in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for minority and lower-income students. The session also highlighted the challenges and importance of using quantitative data to represent underrepresented students' educational experiences and outcomes from culturally relevant perspectives.

Pictured above (left to right) Christopher J. Nellum, Ph.D. (American Council on Education) , Krystal Williams, Ph.D. (UNCF), Gordon Palmer (University of Michigan Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education)
Conference:  National Scholarship Providers' Association Annual Conference. Hosted in Charleston, SC October 12-14, 2015.

Session Title:  Broadening Scholarship Opportunities for Underrepresented Students

Presenters:  Cecilia Marshall, Glenn Milewski, Yvonne Berumen, Nara Lee, and Caroline Harper

Many underrepresented and low-income students lack awareness of available scholarship opportunities or the local support to apply for them. This session presented the results of a recent partnership between the College Board and the nation's largest scholarship providers: American Indian Graduate Center and American Indian Graduate Center Scholars (AIGC and AIGCS), Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF), Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF), Jack Kent Cooke Foundation (JKCF), and the United Negro Scholarship Fund (UNCF). Dr. Harper and fellow presenters reviewed how this new partnership with the College Board helped their organizations expand their reach to eligible students, and the results from the first year of the partnership.
Conference: 3rd  Annual HBCUStory Symposium: Reconstruction in a New Age of Resistance. Hosted by Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee October 9-10, 2015.

Session Title: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste: HBCU and K-12 Partnerships from the United Negro College Fund

Presenters: Caroline Harper and  Meredith Anderson 

Dr. Caroline Harper presented a paper entitled, "Diversity, Achievement and HBCU Teacher Preparation Programs" and  Dr. Anderson presented a paper entitled, " Imparting Wisdom: HBCU Lessons for the K-12 Education Sector" . Dr. Anderson's paper  addresses the following question: what lessons have HBCUS learned in educating large numbers of low-income, academically under prepared African American students that can inform the work of K-12 schools with these populations? Six HBCU strategies grounded in research and practice were presented that can be useful for contextual emulation in the nation's primary schools, including promoting high levels of student-faculty interaction, employing intrusive advising strategies and developing a strong sense of identity.  The research and strategies offered in this paper can serve as a foundation for mutually beneficial partnerships between districts, colleges and universities nationwide. The final paper is forthcoming. 

Pictured above: Meredith Anderson
Meet the FDPRI R esearch Staff
Brian K. Bridges, Ph.D.
Vice President, Research and  Member Engagement  
Brian Bridges serves as Vice President, Research and Member Engagement, and leads UNCF's Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute and the Capacity for Institute Building.  In this role Brian serves as UNCF's chief research officer, principal editor and contributor for FDPRI's publications and the manager of internal and external projects involving capacity building, evaluation and assessment. Brian earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Indiana University Bloomington, a Masters in Public Administration from UNC-Charlotte and a Bachelor of Arts from Francis Marion University.

Meredith Anderson, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
Meredith Anderson is a Senior Research Associate at the Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute at UNCF. In this role she supports the K-12 research endeavors of the Advocacy team and FDPRI through design and management of empirical research projects related to K-12 education reform for African American students. Meredith has extensive quantitative experience, including survey design and management, program evaluation, and data analysis. Her research and publications have focused on public administration and policy, race, educational inequities, representative bureaucracy, intersectionality, and the influence of representation on tracking outcomes for Black male students. Meredith earned both her B.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Texas A&M University. 
Caroline Harper, Ph.D.
Policy Analyst and ACLS Public Fellow
Caroline is a Policy Analyst and American Council of Learned Societies Fellow at the Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute. Caroline has extensive training and experience in qualitative research methods including ethnography, case studies and content analysis.   She specializes in survey design, data  analysis, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping, needs assessment, and qualitative data collection methods including face-to-face interviews, focus groups and community forums.  Caroline has conducted research that explores the intersection of civic engagement, political behavior, race, social inequalities, and public opinion within the context of urban areas. Caroline earned her Ph.D. in Political Science with concentrations in urban politics and international relations from Howard University and her M.A. in communication from University of Houston.

Katherine M. Saunders, Ed.M.
Senior Research Associate
Katherine M. Saunders is a Senior Research Associate at the Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute at UNCF. In this role, she evaluates various UNCF's programs and interventions aimed at supporting the growth, development, and sustainability of UNCF's member institutions. She also supports FDPRI's research activities around educational opportunities and outcomes of African American and other minority students at historically black serving institutions and minority serving institutions. Katherine earned her Master's in Higher Education Leadership from California State University, Fullerton and her Master's in Education Policy and Management from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She earned her Bachelor's in Secondary Education History from Arizona State University.

Krystal L. Williams, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
Krystal L. Williams is a Senior Research Associate at the Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute at UNCF. Her work seeks to better understand how public policies can promote college success for underrepresented students, with a particular emphasis on the interplay between policy initiatives and students' various psychosocial factors. More recently, her work has focused on these issues as they relate to broadening participation in STEM fields. Krystal completed her doctoral studies in Higher Education and Public Policy at the University of Michigan Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education. She also attended Clark Atlanta University where she earned a BS and MS in mathematics and graduated valedictorian.

UNCF/Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute | fdpri@uncf.org