Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Pastor Cam's Weekend Preview
Reminder: We have resumed in-person worship and continue to live-stream the service on our website and YouTube channel.
Black History Month
The question, “How do you celebrate Black History Month? “, was recently asked on the
Fellowship Hall, UMCRB Facebook page. The UMC Religion and Race web site suggests 29 ways
to participate in Black History Month. Click here for the link.
UWF Craft Group- 2/14
Craft Group will meet on Tuesday, February 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Library Lobby area. Come for all or whatever part of that time you have available. We will be working on St. Patrick's Day cards and cards for spring. Anyone who likes to knit or crochet or do another craft is welcome to bring their handiwork to do with us!
This Sunday will be your last chance to get your VALENTINE cards. Stop by the Craft Group Table in Fellowship Hall after Church.  Your purchases at $1.00 each will help United Women in Faith make their budgeted mission donations.
No Yoga Class 2/15 and 2/22
Please note: there will be no yoga class on February 15th and 22nd. If you would like a video recording of a previous class, please contact Amanda at to request one by email.
Kids Create For Change- Saturdays at 10:30
Next Sat, 22 children and a number of teen and adult volunteers will be gathering for a program called Kids Create for Change. UMCRB received a Peace with Justice grant for this program that will happen in partnership with the T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center. The goal of the program is to bring diverse kids and teens from a variety of area schools together so that they can get to know each other and hear each other's stories. This is an art expression program with guest authors and artists.
On March 25th at 6pm, Kids Create will be holding its celebration ceremony where children will receive the classroom books they have contributed to. A reading by Carmen Rubin of her book Ashti Meets Birdman Al, a slide show and refreshments will also be part of the evening which is open to all. The mission of the T. Thomas Fortune Foundation is to preserve and further the civil rights and social justice legacy of T. Thomas Fortune through community outreach, education, the arts and public programming. For more information, contact Bonnie Deroski.
*Click the Image Above For Tickets*
Book Club Meeting - 2/23
The February book selection is "More Than You'll Ever Know" by Katie Gutierrez. All are welcome to attend!
UMCOR Disaster Relief- Turkey Earthquake
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey at 4:17 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 6, 2023, the most powerful earthquake recorded since 1939. In the hours that followed, at least 78 aftershocks were reported, followed by a second earthquake of 7.5 magnitude. More than 5,000 people were killed, with deaths expected to rise. The earthquake also heavily impacted northwest Syria, where 4.1 million people depend on humanitarian assistance. The majority are women and children. At this time, Syrian communities are simultaneously facing an ongoing cholera outbreak and extreme winter weather events, including heavy rain and snow. The humanitarian response is overstretched due to the devastation and cold weather. UMCOR has released an initial solidarity grant to a longstanding humanitarian partner, International Blue Crescent (IBC), which has offices in Turkey. The grant will provide tents, heaters, blankets, warm clothes, ready to eat meals and basic first aid kits. Click here to donate.
Save the Date- The Best Corned Beef in Town is Back in March!
Please mark your calendars for the Scholastic Assistance Corned Beef and Cabbage Takeout Only Dinner to be held on Saturday, March 11. More information to follow.
Short Stories by Jesus -
Next Sunday, 2/19
Starting Sunday, February 5 at 7 pm: Jesus knew how to tell a story. He knew that in order to get his message across he needed to relate to the people who gathered to listen—first century Jews—who lived in a very different world than the one in which we live today. In Short Stories by Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine takes you back in time and explains how original audiences understood Jesus’ parables. You’ll learn how new interpretations of the parables continue to challenge and provoke contemporary readers two thousand years later. Videos feature Amy-Jill Levine who offers fresh, timely reinterpretations of Jesus’ narratives. The video segments are approximately 10–12 minutes each and will be followed by group discussion. This is being facilitated by Bonnie Deroski and will run for 6 sessions. The zoom link can be found on the church website calendar.
Red Bank CROP Walk-
To our church family:
I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start. I thank you for helping our 42nd annual Red Bank CROP Walk get back on the sidewalks! On October 16 (World Food Day), we walked 5 miles and raised what is now reaching over $132,000 with 69 online teams raising $77,000 of the total. Our food drive yielded 17,000 lbs of food given out to 24 local pantries! Festivities included music by the Wag, education about CWS clean water and health programs, refreshments and creative student art. Your sponsorship, envelopes and online teams all came together for this year's success! CROP Walk brings help and hope to those who are displaced and hungry. Together, we can do so much more to build a world where there is really enough for all.
- Janie Schildge
The Backpack Crew Pantry Needs Your Food Donations!
The Backpack Crew Food Pantry is in need of some staple food items. The needs of our community are exceeding the supply being recieved. Please consider donating pasta, peanut butter and macaroni and cheese of any kind. These food items are extremely needed items to keep pantries all over Monmouth County running and the supply is low at the current moment. The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Items can be brought to the back porch of the church or inside on Mondays though Fridays from 9 am to 3 pm. Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
Worship Readers Needed-
We are in need of Worship Readers for upcoming Sundays. You can sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board by the entrance or click here to sign up online. Thank you to all who volunteer each Sunday and serve UMC Red Bank in this way!
coffee images
Fellowship Time
Coffee Hour-
Sign Up Sheet in Fellowship Hall
We are looking for volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up during Fellowship Time Coffee Hour. Sign up on the sheet near the coffee machines in Fellowship Hall or contact Amanda in the office to place your name on the list.
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care,
please contact Rev. Cameron Overbey at or call (732) 747-0446.