Advocacy at a Glance

Advocacy at a Glance - Q1 2024 Update

Quarterly, UDI Manitoba will be providing members with an update on our advocacy initiatives. Our “Advocacy at a Glance” update will provide members with a snapshot on the UDI’s top advocacy files and initiatives. 

Click here to read UDI’s detailed updates on our top advocacy issues from Q1 2024, including the City of Winnipeg HAF implementation, CentrePlan 2050, Public Works specification changes, and much, much more.

Industry News

Notice of the Urban Development Institute of Manitoba’s 2024 Annual General Meeting of Members

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024

Time: 8:30 am 

Venue: Holiday Inn Winnipeg South – 1330 Pembina Hwy

The following business will be conducted at the AGM:

1. Approval of Minutes from the April 27, 2023 AGM

2. Presentation of the 2023 financial statements

3. Presentation of the 2024 Budget

4. Appointment of the auditor for 2024

5. Report from the Nominating Committee

5a. Election of Directors

6. President’s Report

7. Conduct such other business as may be properly brought before this meeting


Please email your RSVP for the 2024 AGM to by April 19, 2024.

Performance Standards and Permit Dispute Resolution Regulations

The Performance Standards and Permit Dispute Resolution Regulations came into on effect on March 1, 2024. Below are resource links to our that further explain the new process as well as the application. 


The following is a link to our website that provides information on performance standards and dispute resolution.

Province of Manitoba | Labour | Labour and Immigration | Performance Standards and Dispute Resolution (


The following is a guide to understanding the Manitoba permit dispute resolution process:


The following is a link to the Performance Standards Regulation:

Performance Standards Regulation, M.R. 103/2023 (


The following is a link to the application for dispute resolution hearing:

its_bc_form_32_-_application_for_a_permit_dispute_resolution_hearing.pdf (

Development Permit Exemptions

The Planning, Property & Development Department (PP&D) will be implementing several zoning bylaw updates over the next few years. The first phase of these changes involves development permit exemptions. 


Bylaw amendments approved by Council on March 21, 2024 provide the Director of PP&D with the authority to determine if a development permit is required.  


Development permit exemptions will streamline the permit process for certain construction projects that don’t need to be reviewed for compliance with zoning regulations.  


Development permit exemptions will benefit the development industry, as well as homeowners.  

  • The number of permits required for eligible projects will be reduced. 
  • The cost associated with development permit fees for eligible projects will be removed. 
  • The building permit can be applied for earlier so the permitting process will be shortened.

For more information on the changes, see the development permit exemptions here.

City of Winnipeg approves 2024-27 Multi-Year Budget

The City of Winnipeg has approved its 2024-27 Multi-Year Budget at a special meeting of Council on March 20th.


The City of Winnipeg’s 2024-27 Multi-Year Budget documents can be found here.

City of Brandon: Housing Accelerator Fund

The City of Brandon’s housing accelerator fund action plan is approved. The Housing Accelerator FUND (HAF) is a federal program administered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) that provides funding to local authorities (including municipalities) to incentivize and support initiatives that accelerate the development of housing. Growth is measured by the number of new dwelling units created, with funding provided for completing the action plan and meeting growth targets. Click here for information on the City of Brandon’s submission to the housing accelerator fund and actions.


Administration is moving forward quickly on the actions, including zoning amendments, downtown market housing incentive, and affordable housing incentives. If you are interested in a specific topic please reach out to the below contact!

Manitoba Municipal Board – Public Hearing Notices

Manitoba Municipal Board public hearing notices can be found here.

MB Hydro - Residential Development

Manitoba Hydro has updated its website to allow developers to apply online for pre-serving of both residential and commercial developments. You can find more details from Manitoba Hydro via the links below:

Residential Developments

Commercial Developments

From parking lot to ‘unique’ community

Temporary fences are to enclose hundreds of current parking spots this summer; shovels could hit the ground by early fall. Eventually, the space may house 500 residents.

Winnipeg council approves plan to open Portage and Main to pedestrians

Winnipeg city council has approved a plan to reopen Portage Avenue and Main Street to pedestrians, marking a turning point in the long-running debate over what to do with the city's most famous intersection. 

Kinew touts biggest labour law changes ‘in a generation’

Replacement worker ban, new union rules on the table

Manitoba premier says he’s considering extending tax holiday on fuel

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew said Tuesday he is considering extending his government’s fuel-tax holiday, which is set to expire at the end of June.

Pipeline shutdown a 'manageable inconvenience' for Manitoba, not a disaster: supply chain expert

The province says fuel trucks are on their way to Winnipeg after the temporary shutdown of an Imperial Oil pipeline.

From boardrooms to bedrooms

Amid Winnipeg’s highest downtown office vacancy rate in history, the prospect of converting currently unused space into residential units is gaining steam.


City sues owner of long-vacant south Osborne apartment block, historic downtown house

The city is taking the owner of a controversial long-vacant south Osborne Street building to court.


Winnipeg comes within a whisker of a balanced budget for 2023

The City of Winnipeg came within a whisker of balancing its budget at the end of 2023 after previously forecasting a more significant deficit.


Changes to Manitoba's provincial nominee program driving permanent residency out of reach for some workers

Some skilled workers living in Manitoba say they're being passed over for permanent residency because the government is instead choosing more applicants who already have family in the province.

‘Coming for you at some point’

Winnipeg may be among the next round of Canadian centres to face rising home prices driven by outside demand, industry experts say.

Welcome New Members

Aspengrove Developments

Teranet Manitoba