United Church of the Valley
A Partnership Church
United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ

A Progressive Christian Community

An Open & Affirming Congregation

June 2024

June is Pride Month

Our Sunday service is live and on our Zoom channel. The recording of the service will be available online later that day on Facebook, YouTube and on our Website.

Look for the following as you scroll down

  • Worship for June
  • A Just Peace Church
  • English/Spanish Classes
  • Music News
  • The next Damekor performance
  • Emily's Space
  • Congregational Care
  • News from our conference
  • Pilgrim Pines

From the Pulpit in June 2024

June 2nd - Rev. Jennifer Zechlin

June 9th - Lee Eddy

June 16th - Sandy Selby (Father's Day)

June 23rd - Rev. Dr. Fred Schaeffer

June 30th - Rev. Stephanie Toon (Pride Sunday)

Liturgical Seasons

We’re in the long liturgical season of Pentecost. The liturgical color of green will remain until we come to Advent. On June 2, we remembered a movement that preceded Mother’s Day by several decades. Led by Julia Ward Howe, mothers joined together, reacting to the sheer enormity of the deaths during the Civil War and Franco-Prussian War. Feeling that women needed to assert their power to work for peace, they organized festivals for peace, envisioning an international movement of mothers speaking out against the senselessness of war. This Mothers’ Day movement

organized these festivals yearly on June 2. We’ll end the month by celebrating Pride Sunday, reaffirming UCV’s covenant to welcome, include and celebrate everyone!

What UCV will Become in 2024

A Just Peace Church

A couple of years ago, UCV agreed that we wanted to go through the process of being able to be designated as a “Just Peace” church. The process is somewhat similar to that of becoming “Open and Affirming.” There is a time of study and then the congregation votes to proclaim a public identity as a justice-doing, peace-seeking church. This is the time to rekindle our determination to seek this designation. If you are interested in learning more about or want to participate in this process, talk to Deb Hudson.

An Accessibility to All Church

Accessibility to All (A2A) is about becoming attitudinally welcoming to people with disabilities and mental health issues as well as working to make our buildings physically and programmatically accessible to persons with disability. We are working through the process involved outlined by UCC to acquire this designation.

Pastoral Care Ministry

Even though we don’t have a paid pastor at UCV, we have a number of lay pastors who want to be there for you as you travel down life’s sometimes difficult road. Please contact Sandy Selby at (502) 930-2199 to receive a confidential referral. 

Our Peace Pole has been refreshed and relocated, it now sits in front of the United Church of the Valley building, a totem of peace and hope for all people. A place to come and sit and reflect on life.

Thanks Ruth, Sherian and everyone who made this happen.

English (and Spanish) Classes

We’re so glad to have Luis, Casandra and Donna, the refugee family from Ecuador) back with us as well as Arlene who is also staying with the Martinez family. For the past few weeks we’ve been having fun teaching them English and having them teach some of us Spanish. If you’d like to participate either as a tutor or as a Spanish-learner, talk to me or send me an email (lbradley93168@gmail.com).

Music News

Although we haven’t had an “official” Music Appreciation Sunday, this is a good time to thank all the singers, ringers and instrumentalists who have led and enhanced our Sunday worship.  So, a big thank you to Lorian Dunlop for always supporting our congregational singing on her violin; to Darcie and Jamie for amazing solos and guitar accompaniments; and kudos to our choir who come in before church and stay after to provide special music for us.  Last but definitely not least, I truly appreciate our small but mighty congregation that sing  joyfully (even in parts and in rounds!).  Singing together indeed brings us together in special ways. During the summer, there will always be music!  If you’ve got a song you’d like to sing or play, please let me know.  We’d love to hear it.

Damekor is singing Sat. June 22 at 7pm at Temecula Music Teacher Studio, 27649 Commerce Center Dr., Temecula

Two years ago in June, 3 months after Ukraine had been invaded, Damekor presented a concert, “A Prayer for Peace” and raised $2000 for relief for children in Ukraine.  Now, two years later, it appears that Prayers for Peace need to be even louder and stronger, so we are presenting the 2nd Annual “Prayer for Peace” concert.  The music in our program is powerful: a Norwegian song addressed to the youth with the charge to fight war with the weapons of love, another song from Norway about Syrian refugees being welcomed into their country, a prayer for Bosnian children killed when the hospital where they were being treated was bombed, and a reminder “What a Wonderful World” we live in.  We’ll sing Ukrainian, Hebrew, Palestinian and Japanese songs that speak of peace, freedom and love.  There is no admission fee, but you may donate to peace and humanitarian assistance efforts around the globe..

Phone:951-249-3255  Website: www.emilysspace.org 

Instagram: @emilys_space_  Email: EmilysSpace.Murrieta@gmail.com

If you want to change the world, you change the world of a child.

Patricia Schroeder

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH June 2024! It takes a village to raise a child and we are so blessed to have a village of adults who have stepped up to make Emily’s Space a reality. We meet weekly mostly on Tuesdays, to share a meal, have an activity, and hang out. Volunteer adult and teen leaders host business meetings as needed via zoom.

LEADERSHIP: We have gratitude for Rachel Dennis’ vision and leadership to get us going, and we wish Rachel many blessings as she moves away from Emily’s Space and continues to share her gifts and energy with our community. Gypsy Ferguson has offered her services to lead an outreach group to go to Health and Community Fairs to let folks know about E.S.. Becky Sulzmann will take her talents with food to organize meals and snacks for the kiddos.

OUTREACH: From outreach efforts, we have already had a half dozen new students attend Emily’s Space!! Yeah team! Our communications specialist, Helen Ortega, was able to organize a phone number, a website, multiple flyers, and took our Instagram account to business level. Our treasurer, Wyatt Bertell, and Rachel Dennis, represented Emily’s Space at the Temecula Valley Pride ribbon cutting. Also Gypsy Ferguson and Charlie Philip, along with a couple youth leaders, were able to attend a mental health fair hosted at Vista Murrieta High. 

PROGRAM:  Logistics coordinator, Tricia Ortega, has been pivotal in arranging volunteer chaperones and providing food for our teens. We are so grateful to our program developers, Margaret Ozolins and Adriana Toon who meet regularly with our youth leadership to set up fun programs for our teens. In May we had a Birthday Bash, Mulligans, and a speaker for Asian American Heritage Month. 

UPCOMING: June looks awesome with a Pride Kick off Party, Art Party, Prom, and Tie Dye Party. Look out for our FIRST ANNUAL PRIDE PROM! A Midsummer's Night Dream or Fairy Garden is the Theme. The youth have created a website where teens can sign up to attend. Event Date: June 22nd, 2024 


Confidentiality Please respect the confidentiality of our Youth that attend. They may not feel comfortable being identified as an attendee. Also, we are cautious about posting our address, as we know this part of the Inland Empire might attract aggressive attention. We encourage folks to text us or direct message us to get the address. 

Emily’s Space FUNDrive with Savers Thrift Store June 1 thru July 13, 2024 Kristi Clinton is organizing a Fundraiser with Savers Thrift Stores. PLEASE gather clothes that have been cleaned and are in sellable condition. Please place items in tall kitchen bags for collection- we have bags to pick up from church. Drop off will be at church. We will take the donations to Savers once the FUNDrive is over. Items requested: *Children's Clothing * Men’s Clothing * Women’s Clothing *Coats *Shoes *Scarves *Belts *Handbags * Wallets * Fashion Accessories *Hats *Socks *Backpacks *Etc. 

Pride Prom DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED and can be made through UCV, just note it’s for Emily’s Space PROM. We also need chaperones and adult staff for the event. We will have three shifts, one for set up, a second for the prom, and a third for clean up. Please click here if you want to help out, or call/text us at 951-249-3255

Meal Prep and Delivery Please reach out to us- call/text 951-249-3255 if you are able to deliver a meal at 5:15p on a Tuesday. We have a few gluten free and vegetarian students. We can give you ideas. Or you can donate money or gift cards - Domino’s, Panda Express, Taco Bell, Subway, Stater Bros. 

Marketing Materials We’d love to represent Emily’s Space with some logo’d T-shirts, a Banner, and table clothes. We believe a gift of $500 would cover these marketing materials. Please reach out to Helen Ortega, 951-901-0884, if you want to help with this special project. 

Time and Talents If you have a fun organization, field trip idea, or know a speaker for our group, please share with us! If you are awesome at organizing, community outreach, fundraising, legal advice on how to become a non profit organization, or bookkeeping, - we could use your time and talents!

If you'd like, you can Donate through UCV, please note it’s for Emily’s Space.

Congregational Care

Prayers and Concerns for:

  • Edna
  • Laurie for her son Jason who is having treatments for cancer.
  • Laurie
  • Ruth and Sherian
  • Van's wife is doing better but continues to have pain.
  • Helen is doing better after having gall bladder surgery. 


Congratulations to graduates--

  • Xsolai from high school. She will be heading to UC Santa Barbara at Chanel Island with a major in Psychology.
  • Laurie's grand daughter just graduated from college with a doctorate in Physical Therapy. 

Conference News

 Youth Event--UCC Western Regional Youth Event for middle and high schoolers will be held June 23rd -27th at CSU Long Beach. This is for the 8 conferences of the western half of the U.S.. There will be inspiring keynoters, service projects, workshops, music, worship a a day at Disneyland.. Find out more and register at WWW.WRYEUCC.org or wryeucc@gmail.com. Volunteers are needed for leadership.

Annual Meeting for the Southern Cali./Nevada conference is June 7th and 8th at Chapman University. Dona will be our representative at this meeting.

The June 1st dedication for the renovation of the Health Center has been postponed. The project is not yet completed.

There is no total yet for the fund raiser for the campership fund. Thank you to all who donated to this fund. Donna swam over 300 lengths of the pool and raised more than $1300. 

Xsolai, Bella, and John will be going to camp in late July.  

Registration is still happening at Pilgrim Pines and Loch Leven. Camp is for 3-5 year olds with a parent through graduating seniors. Volunteers are needed to help keep the camp functioning. Let Donna know if you can help at camp. Donna will be a volunteer at Loch Leven the week that John will go to Loch Leven in July. Check the web sites. Pilgrimpinescamp.org or docpswr.org/camp for Loch Leven which is located in the lower San Bernardino Mountain near Forest Falls.  


UCV is now offering a change in our name badges. We are offering to put your requested pronouns (below your name). If this is a replacement name badge, there will be a charge of $12.00 otherwise there is no cost for your 1st one. If you are a member and don't have a name badge or want a replacement just let Deb Hudson know.

Farm Workers of Deluz

The farm workers and their families can use your help with just obtaining the basics. Please help if you can. You can see a full list of the most needed items and how to help with a check or Venmo donation by clicking the link below. This is an ongoing need in this area and your help would be appreciated. A UCV regular visitor, Becky Sulzmann, is one of the coordinators for this effort will be our 'point person' for this campaign. Her contact information is:

Becky Sulzmann



45002 Corte Zorita 

Temecula, Ca. 92592

For More Information

This Makes a Powerful Statement

**Available Now**

These bumper stickers are available. UCV is selling them for $5.00 each. The proceeds (after cost) will go to UCV's General Fund. Thank you Sherian for finding these and getting them ordered. If anyone has a suggestion for fund raising please let us know. Be sure and talk to Sherian and see if it's a possibility. Be aware that if you suggest it, you will need to spearhead and organize the marketing. Deb Hudson is available to help with getting the word out.

2024 Church Council

Sherian Spencer


Rick Hayden

Vice Moderator

Darcie Dunlop


Lynne Bradley


Sandy Selby


Rev. Jen Zechlin

Christian Education

Irene Martinez

Congregational Life

Lorian Dunlop


All services will be live and on Zoom beginning at 10am every Sunday. The live service will be recorded and available on the UCV website, Facebook and YouTube later in the day.
 Need Space for your Recovery Meeting?

3 Sizes of Rooms Available·     

3 Sizes of Rooms Available
  •  Room A: up to 6 people (top)
  •  Library: 7 – 15 people (middle)
  •  Sanctuary: 16 – 50 people (bottom)

Storage available for Recovery brochures and supplies (limited)

Coffee Pot and supplies available for use in Kitchen

TV screens available in Library and Sanctuary for presentations

Donations (please contact us for pricing):

**½ off first month’s cost while you establish your meeting
(During Covid we ask that all CDC guidelines are followed regarding masks, cleaning and chair spacing)

Who We Are… United Church of the Valley is a small United Church of Christ / Disciples of Christ located in the Temecula/Murrieta Valley. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here.
United church of the valley
41685 Date Street, Suite 100
Murrieta, CA 92562
Website: ucvchurch.org
Phone: 951.698.1520
T'ai Chi with Paul Dallas
Bringing our tithes and offerings to God is an important spiritual practice that cultivates gratitude and generosity. While we cannot physically pass the offering plate, we can continue to bring our gifts to God through online or mail-in donations. 
To send a check, please use:
United Church of the Valley
P.O. Box 1312
Murrieta, CA 92564

Or donate online:



(3.5% fee)

Venmo: @ucvchurch (free)

Please email any joys & concerns you would like read aloud to Sherian Spencer at sherianspencer@gmail.com. You can also send confidential prayer requests. Just indicate as such and let Sandy know if you want it shared with any of the other spiritual counselors.
Submit Prayer Request
You can find our Sermons, past and present, on our YouTube channel (click the video) as well as our website (click the button).
Sermons on our Website

June Birthdays

  • Lucas Eddy - 2nd
  • Jordan Toon - 3rd
  • Lee Eddy - 7th
  • Terin Glaser - 15th
  • Rocio Martinez-Llamas - 19th
  • Joan Thompson - 19th
  • Amos Eddy - 25th
Online Fellowship at UCV
Services will be live and on Zoom at 10am on Sundays. The live service will be recorded and available on the UCV website, Facebook and YouTube later in the day.

Even fellowship can be online, thanks to the innovative minds at Zoom! Join us for Sunday Service live and on zoom beginning at 10am. UCV has its own Zoom meeting room at https://zoom.us/j/9516981520

You can join from your Zoom app using meeting number 9516981520 

Or you can join by phone:

One tap mobile

+16699006833,9516981520# US (San Jose)

or dial 


and then enter 


You can start your own online fellowship, too! Just email Sandy Selby at moderator@ucvchurch.org to get on the meeting schedule. 

Sunday Service - Live and on Zoom, 10AM

Book Club - We are meeting online every Sunday at 9am Zoom Meeting Room

UCV Council Meeting - 1st Sunday of the month 11:15am Zoom Meeting Room

AA Meeting - Every Monday 7pm

Women's Al-Anon Meeting - Every Wednesday 5:30pm

Men's AA Meeting - Every Wednesday 7pm

OA - 12 Step Program - Thursday 6:30pm - 7:30pm

A Big Book Study - Every Friday 7pm

C.O.D.A.Meeting - Every Sunday 5:30pm (Currently still on Zoom)

The Community House is located at

41685 Date Street, Murrieta 92562

Submit a Prayer Request
Submit a Prayer Request
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
United Church of the Valley is a Partnership Church
United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ
951-698-1520 admin@ucvchurch.org
41685 Date St. Murrieta

Follow Us on Social Media, click the icons below

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