UCSF School of Medicine
Vice Dean's Office at ZSFG

Spring 2023
Advancing health worldwide in the heart of the City
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Jane Goodall
Happy anniversary!

Anniversaries are a natural opportunity for reflection and refocus. On April 1st we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the partnership between UCSF and the City and County of San Francisco, which we’ll commemorate throughout the year. What a remarkable relationship, one which has benefited both parties, the people of San Francisco, and the careers of so many members of our community!

On May 1st I will mark the first anniversary of my appointment as ZSFG Vice Dean. My goals for the role are excellence in all academic mission areas, greater integration with the Department of Public Health, and greater visibility within UCSF. My three priorities are diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), ensuring that ZSFG is a model workplace, and sustainability.

I have advanced my goals and priorities over the course of the year but my primary focus has been the Research and Academic Building. As we prepare to open the doors and move in, I am excited by this unique opportunity for our “UCSF at ZSFG” community. On the heels of the unanticipated power outage we experienced in March, which prompted the delivery of two tons of dry ice to safeguard the biospecimens stored in freezers all around our campus, I’m delighted that our wet lab researchers will work in a state-of-the-art building with modern amenities, including backup power. Our clinical researchers will have the benefit of a Community and Clinical Research Center in which to conduct interviews with pediatric and adult participants. I anticipate that the occupants will marvel at the structural beauty within the building as well as the scenic views of San Francisco, all of which will enhance our sense of community and foster the development of new relationships.

Earth Day is April 22nd and I plan to focus on sustainability during the upcoming year. The Dean’s office is prioritizing Green Certification and I hope that all offices and every lab will seek Green Certification or Green Lab Certification, respectively. Our community is well known for our shared commitment to social justice; I invite you to amplify your commitment to social justice and include climate health and sustainability. Imagine the impact of our collective efforts if we apply our creativity and ingenuity to the health care and laboratory settings, which are very resource intensive.

I look forward to meeting more members of our community by participating in conferences, presentations, celebrations, and other gatherings! I’ve set a mini goal of more social media engagement; if you are a subject matter expert in this area, I welcome a tutorial!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me during this transitional year and welcomed me to the role. Our future is bright (green)!

Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH
Vice Dean
UCSF School of Medicine, ZSFG
Recognize a UCSF colleague today!
How Was Clinic?
Matthew J. Farrell, MD, FMA

They reminded me of your parents
but better dressed, my wife Jessica said
as she described a patient and her husband
she had seen in clinic that day – a patient
with metastatic breast cancer on her way to hospice
but still asking Jessica about her life and family-
by which she meant, I think,
that they must have been wearing something
more dignified than 20-year-old hand-me-down
skateboarding T-shirts from their son,
by which she meant, I think,
that they were warm and gentle and thoughtful,
by which she meant, I think,
that they valued quality of life over quantity,
having seen what happened to their own parents
as they lived into their nineties,
by which she meant, I think,
that they were vulnerable in the same way
my parents were becoming vulnerable,
by which she meant, I think,
that she loved my parents
even though she was embarrassed they wore
faded Green Day shirts to fancy restaurants,
by which she meant, I think,
that she would be there for them
as they welcomed their end,
and for me.

Sustainable ZRAB
The UCSF Research and Academic Building follows UC guidelines and goals in the areas of sustainable transportation, climate protection, waste reduction and recycling, environmentally preferable purchasing, sustainable food services, clean energy, and green building.
Selected Feature Highlights
Zecret Hero
Michael Jenkins, fondly known as Chef Mike, has worked as Dietary Executive Chef at ZSFG for the past 7 years. He is responsible for the planning and directing of food operations and culinary activities for patients, staff, and guests.

Chef Mike has always been a cook and a chef. With 3 generations of chefs and restaurateurs, even as a young child, he enjoyed cooking. Chef Mike has over 35 years of progressive professional culinary experience, which include Michelin-rated restaurants and dignitaries. He enjoys connecting people culturally through food and collaborating with others to plan events. “We have some amazing, diverse and talented people at ZSFG, most of the event ideas come from them. The FNS Culinary department is always looking to see how we can celebrate people culturally.”

The Employee Fall Fest was FNS’s biggest and most memorable event, with over 2000 people in attendance. We are thankful for Chef Mike and his team for serving our community with such joy and creativity.
Updates and Events at ZSFG
ZRAB Town Hall Webinars
Attend the UCSF Research and Academic Building at ZSFG (ZRAB) monthly Town Hall webinars for updates and information about the move into the new building. The next Town Hall will be held on April 19th from 1:10pm - 2:00pm.
As construction ends, the focus turns toward the move. Get informed by:
Dean's Seminar Series
First Fridays from 12:00-1:00pm
The Health-Related Costs of Electronic Cigarette Use

Yingning Wang, PhD, Assistant Professor
Institute for Health and Aging
UCSF School of Nursing

Friday, May 5, 2023 from 12:00 - 1:00pm
Staff Career Journey StoryCore
Thursday, May 11, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Join UCSF staff at ZSFG at the Spring 2023 UCSF Staff Career Journey Storytelling Event at ZSFG.

Panelists Wynne Bamberg and Purba Chatterjee will share their career stories. Moderated by Kristin Casey Callaghan. All are welcome.

Fun Fact
Partnership History
Prior to the official partnership, UCSF, formally known as Toland Medical College, and the San Francisco Health Department worked together to provide patient care, train doctors and request funding for the hospital. The institutions verbally agreed to a partnership agreement in 1873. In 1958, Director of Public Health Ellis D. Sox, MD negotiated with UCSF to establish the partnership ''on a contractual basis rather than on the “gentlemen’s agreement” basis." The contract is known today as the Affiliation Agreement.
"The change between an informal relationship and the formal relationship between the Public Health Department and (UCSF) has been one of our greatest single elements of progress,'' Sox reported in 1959.This agreement "for the supervision of medical care services at San Francisco General Hospital will, we feel, ultimately assist us in providing at SFGH a medical care program and a teaching program that will be outstanding in the United States. Selfishly, this agreement guarantees that the patients of the City and County Hospital will receive the best possible medical care at the least possible expense to the taxpayer."
~UCSF Library Archives
Toland Medical College (to become UCSF) next to the County Hospital, Telegraph Hill
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