U.S. Treasury Awards City First $2.25 Million to Create and Preserve Affordable Housing
These Funds Will Augment our Capacity to Create and Preserve Affordable Housing for Low Income Families in the District
We are pleased to announce that City First Enterprises is one of the 48 recipients recently selected for the U.S. Treasury's $175.35 million CDFI Fund Capital Magnet Fund.

Over the next five years, CFE plans to leverage its $2.25 million award to over $22 million in public and private investment in the District's affordable housing stock.

We are thrilled to be part of this impressive cohort of leaders driving the economic transformation of entire communities across the nation.
City First Enterprises is a mission-driven institution working at the intersection of financial innovation and impact investment. To help mitigate economic and racial inequity, CFE capital is put to use by supporting affordable housing, small businesses, increasing access to community facilities for the arts, health, education, and other social services, and to support sustainable living through green energy.

Visit our website to learn more about our current affordable housing work.
Capital for a More Inclusive Economy