Monthly Secretary Message

Greetings DPS Colleagues,

First, I want to thank all DPS employees who worked during this year's U.S. Open Championship in Pinehurst. I appreciate your hard work.

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Protecting the U.S. Open

The USGA reached out to NCDPS and ALE and requested NCDPS take a major role in the public safety efforts of the 2024 U.S. Open in Pinehurst.

Lightning Safety Week 2024

Lightning Awareness Week

Hot summer days bring afternoon thunderstorms in North Carolina, and where there’s thunder, there’s lightning. We can all do our part to prevent future fatalities by raising our own awareness of lightning safety best practices.

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Listen Up!

If you have taken part in the Real Colors Foundations Workshop, you will recall that each Primary Color has its own values, strengths, joys and needs. However, the unique differences between each of the Primary Colors leaves room for misunderstandings or assumptions. While some of these misconceptions may be based in truth, they do not define who a person is. Explore the misconceptions of your own and others’ Primary Colors and find some tips on how to successfully manage misperceptions before they take root.

Color Misperceptions
Department-wide training opportunities August 6 and 27

Listen Up!

Behind the Scenes of the SHP Caisson Unit

Sgt. Rodrick Murphy, supervisor of the Caisson Unit, and Trp. Robert Rhodes, Caisson Unit operations manager, explain the history of the Caisson Unit and how its members and horses honor first responders who have fallen in the line of duty.


JJDP Graduates New Class

Congratulations to the newest members of JJDP, and best of luck as you embark on your careers with NCDPS.

Victim Compensation Services

VCS Public Awareness Campaign

Victim Compensation Services is working with the Communications Office on a public awareness campaign.

Human Resources

Blooming Talent Recruitment Summit

The NCDPS Recruitment and Hiring Team hosted the Blooming Talent Recruitment Summit on June 7.

U.S. Open

See Photos from the U.S. Open in Our Flickr Album

Check out the photos of all our amazing employees who made this year's U.S. Open possible.

Responder Assistance Initiative

Don't Let the Summer Heat Drain Your Mental Health!

Summer can have a profound impact on our mental health, in both positive and negative ways. Use the longer sunny says to rejuvenate your self-care routine.

Tech Tips

Troubleshooting Multi-factor Authentication

Have questions about MFA? This FAQ tells you what it is, how to set it up and how to fix some common issues.

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