Straus appoints committee chairs
Speaker Joe Straus on Thursday announced assignments to the 38 Texas House committees for the 2017 session. Committees will begin meeting and hearing testimony on legislation next week.
Straus also formed two select committees: State and Federal Power and Responsibility, and Texas Ports, Innovation & Infrastructure.
Rep. John Zerwas
Straus appointed 26 Republicans and 14 Democrats to committee chairs this session, keeping in line with years' past that have reflected overall House membership. Last session, St
raus appointed 27 Republicans and 14 Democrats.
Straus' selections include one new chair and one returning member for the House's two high-profile finance committees.
Rep. Dennis Bonnen |
Rep. Dennis Bonnen (R-Angleton) returns as chair of the House Ways and Mea
ns Committee, which handles tax bills.
Rep. John Zerwas
(R-Richmond) will take the lead in the House Appropriations Committee, which writes the budget.
Rep. Paul Workman
AGC member and former AGC Texas Building Branch President
Rep. Paul Workman
(R-Austin) was awarded seats on two House committees: Business & Industry and Natural Resources.
Rep. John Cyrier
Rep. John Cyrier, an AGC member and former president of the AGC Austin Chapter, landed spots on three House committees
: Agriculture & Livestock, Environmental Regulation, and House Administration.
Click here for a full list of House committee assignments)
2017 House committee chairs:
Agriculture & Livestock:
King, Tracy
: Zerwas, John
Business & Industry
: Oliveira, René
: Hunter, Todd
: White, James
County Affairs
: Coleman, Garnet
Criminal Jurisprudence
: Moody, Joseph
Culture, Recreation & Tourism
: Frullo, John
Defense & Veterans' Affairs
: Gutierrez, Roland
Economic & Small Business Development
: Button, Angie Chen
: Laubenberg, Jodie
Energy Resources
: Darby, Drew
Environmental Regulation
: Pickett, Joe
General Investigating & Ethics
: Davis, Sarah
Government Transparency & Operation
: Elkins, Gary
Higher Education
: Lozano, J. M.
Homeland Security & Public Safety
: King, Phil
House Administration
: Geren, Charlie
Human Services
: Raymond, Richard Peña
: Phillips, Larry
International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs
: Anchia, Rafael
Investments & Financial Services
: Parker, Tan
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
: Smithee, John
Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
: Dutton, Jr., Harold
Land & Resource Management
: Herrero, Abel
Licensing & Administrative Procedures
: Kuempel, John
Local & Consent Calendars
: Thompson, Senfronia
Natural Resources
: Larson, Lyle
: Flynn, Dan
Public Education
: Huberty, Dan
Public Health
: Price, Four
: Burkett, Cindy
Rules & Resolutions
: Lucio III, Eddie
Special Purpose Districts
: Murphy, Jim
State Affairs
: Cook, Byron
: Morrison, Geanie
Urban Affairs
: Alvarado, Carol
Ways & Means
: Bonnen, Dennis