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   The Twelfth Tone
Area 12 Newsletter                                                                     Augus t 2018

In This Issue
From the Chair
Southern Nevada
Northern California
Southern California
LA Metro
Central California
San Francisco Bay Area
Northern Nevada
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bell tree items

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 visit us at




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Advertising Rates for the 
2018 Publishing Year

The Twelfth Tone  is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education,  community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 

We offer two different ad types

1.(a) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$10/issue                       $54/6 issues  
                $94/11 issues 

1.(b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$18/issue                       $97/6 issues                $168/11 issues

2.(a) 1.5" X 4" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$15/issue                       $81/6 issues                $140/11 issues

2.(b) 1.5" X 8" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$27/issue            $146/6 issues                 $252/11 issues 

Payment is due  before publication.
Submission DEADLINE is the 20th of each month.
No issue in July.

Please submit your ads  via  email  to
Barbara Meinke , Communications Director

Message from the Chair -
Tessique Houston

Hello Area 12!

I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing! I have been as busy as always! I got to go to National Seminar, even if it was only for a few days. What wonderful learning, concerts, and fellowship. I just love getting to events like that. And then it was up to Zephyr Point for the handbell conference there (my 16th year teaching), always a blast! And now I'm at home starting to plan the liturgical year for my two churches and the Spring Concert! Whew!  

Area 12 contingent at National Seminar, Grand Rapids, MI

But you know what? All that is relaxing! I love it all! The learning, the listening, the teaching, the people. It's what I really love about music and handbells; it is fulfilling!

Now, we have the fall to look forward to. Starting up our programs, getting ready to share our wonderful music. And don't forget, we have a few workshops that occur in the fall  check out the calendar on the Area 12 website to find them all.  

I hope that you all are well-rested and ready to make beautiful music!  

Until next time,

Tessique Houston
Election News
It's election year in Area 12!

We are now compiling a slate of candidates for the three elected offices on our Board of Directors: Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair-Elect. 

Both the Secretary and Treasurer positions are two-year terms, with the ability (though not the obligation) to run again for a second term. Those positions may serve no more than two terms in a row (though they may run again at a later date). The Chair-Elect position is a total of six years: two as Chair-Elect, two as Chair, and two as Immediate Past Chair. 

Our By-Laws require us to have two candidates for each elected office, so if you or someone you know is interested in joining the Area Board, please email Michèle Sharik, our Immediate Past Chair, for more information.  
Communiqué - Barbara Meinke
A Request From Our National Office!

Help Us Help You

On behalf of Handbell Musicians of America, we are asking you, our members, to share your views regarding the benefits you receive through your membership and the activities of the organization. Your individual answers to the survey will be completely confidential. They will be aggregated with responses received from other Handbell Musicians of America members and presented to the national board to provide guidance as they make decisions about our future direction.

Your input is essential as we seek to improve service to you and craft relevant programs that will meet your needs. The survey should take about 15 minutes of your time. 

Guild members, please complete the survey by August 15.
Need to become a member? Check it out HERE!

Barbara Meinke
Communications Director/The Twelfth Tone
Come one, come all!
This is the perfect workshop for you - YES, YOU!

  • Never stood in front of a group but think you might in the future?
  • You're a ringer who wants to know what goes on in your director's head?
  • Been directing for a few years and want some more resources?  
  • Been directing FOREVER but you know you gotta keep learning?
  • Want to get Handbell Certification but not sure you're ready for the conducting section?

That's right, this is for YOU!

The curriculum is based on the requirements for Level I Certification in Conducting and is built to be flexible to allow the clinicians to really give each participant the ability to grow from wherever they are.

We will work with score study, rehearsal techniques, and conducting. All participants will be encouraged to conduct so they can get feedback.

TWO opportunities for you to participate!

Saturday, September 8, 2018, 9:00-3:00
Los Altos UMC, Long Beach, CA

Saturday, September 29, 2018, 9:00-3:00
Walnut Creek UMC, Walnut Creek, CA

Both with clinicians Tessique Houston and Barb Walsh

Get these on your calendars now!

$85 for members of Handbell Musicians of America
$100 for non-members
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett

Many of us love going to various regional, area, and national festivals and events. However, there are also a large number of us who find them intimidating or have never tried them. And, let's face it, some events can be a little pricey for something you're not even sure you're going to enjoy. In an effort to expose more people to these events in a very low-pressure and cost-effective setting, there's an event coming up in Las Vegas called "Intro to Massed Ringing Workshop". This event is going to have two massed ringing pieces that are both Level 1 and will be under the direction of Bradley Hendricks (director of Harmony Handbells). There will also be classes offered that will focus on proper ringing techniques and other helpful topics, such as how to find the melody. This workshop is being jointly hosted by Harmony Handbells and Grace Presbyterian Church . I hope  this will be an opportunity for directors and ringers to branch out of their choir and meet other ringers in the area. If you can't make it to this event, try to find other such events in your area. Who knows? You just might find that you like it. Click on the blue link for all the details!

Saturday, September 8, 2018
Grace Presbyterian Church
Las Vegas, NV

This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America

Alison Pruett
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here .

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Northern California - Sandi Walker-Tansley
Register Now!
 (click title to register!)
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Simpson University
Redding, CA

Massed director: Mary Balkow
Red Zone Bronze director: Barb Walsh
Registration fee per person: $35.00

Classes Offered: Beginning Bell Trees, Bell Maintenance,
Basic Techniques and More, Reading Session (purchase that music the same day), Tips for a More Productive Rehearsal, Percussion Instruments Used with Handbells

This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America

Sandi Walker-Tansley

For information on Northern California's concerts, events,  and other opportunities,  click here !
Southern California - Michèle Sharik

Hi there, SoCal!

I hope you had a great summer break!

Since the last newsletter, I was lucky enough to go on a great road trip to perform and teach for over 200 handbell musicians in Area 8, then teach and conduct at National Seminar in Grand Rapids. I gotta tell you, handbell people are the BEST people in the world and they prove it each and every day in multiple ways.

There are great events happening right here in SoCal, too! 

There's a half-day workshop for ringers and directors in Escondido coming up in August, and then LA-based ensemble Timbré is performing and teaching this fall in Victorville (August), Westchester, Los Angeles (September), Oceanside (October), and Temecula (November). Attending workshops and concerts is a great way for you and your ringers to meet handbell people, learn new handbell techniques, and hear great handbell music, so I hope you'll consider attending one or more of these events. Just click on the blue links for all the information and registration forms.

Are you hosting or planning an event in SoCal? Please be sure to let me know about it. Part of my job is to be a resource for you, to help you publicize, or even help plan your event if needed, so please don't hesitate to contact me.

Michèle Sharik
For information on Southern California's concerts,  events,
and other opportunities,  click here .  
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Los Angeles Metro - F. Thomas Simpson
Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying your summer. The Agape Ringers recently performed in our region and here is what LA Metro member Carol Pickford has to say about it.

"LA Metro was excited to welcome the Agape Ringers to our area for two concerts, July 10 in Glendale and July 11 in Long Beach.  Fortunately our heatwave those days didn't scare them off and audiences were able to enjoy pieces especially picked for the 30th anniversary of the group and the final summer tour for David Weck who will retire at the end of this year. The concert was a mix of handbell classic favorites, wonderful new releases, and pieces written especially for the group. The audience had wonderful reviews for the choir and a great time catching up with our friends from Area 8."

Upcoming event  in Los Angeles:

Saturday, September 22
1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Westchester UMC
8065 Emerson Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA 90045
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America

And then  in Santa Clarita:

Bellfest 2018
20 th Year!
Saturday November 3
Concert at 4:00 p.m. - $8
The Master's University, Santa Clarita, CA

featuring Christine Anderson
clinician and performer in a solo mini-concert!

For more information about the festival or the concert, contact  Claire Blackwell,  The Master's University School of
Music,  cblackwell@masters.edu 661-362-2258

Take care everyone!
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here.
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Saying Goodbye to an Honorary Life Member
From Area 12 Chair-Elect Scott Leggett:

On June 30, I was honored to attend the memorial service for Virginia "Ginny" Fleming, a beloved musician and leader in the handbell world, a very much-loved wife and mother, and someone with great faith and devotion. Ginny was known for her many years serving Handbell Musicians of America in leadership roles, both nationally and here in Area 12. Her gifts to the handbell community over the years were recognized in 2003 with the Guild's highest honor, the Honorary Life Member Award.

Her memorial service was held at Chula Vista First United Methodist Church, where she founded their first handbell choir in 1972. We have all attended such services over the years, but her service was something special, more of a musical tribute to her life. There was a concert-sized program of music combined with moving tributes from friends and family, many of Ginny's favorite scripture readings, and a message from the clergy. The music was led by the church's vocal choir, soloists, and, of course, a handbell choir comprised of all but two of the original 1972 founding ringers. Many traveled a long distance to come, met early to rehearse, and then played multiple pieces during the service - all Ginny's favorites, of course. In addition to all the beautiful live music, a video of a Bay View Week of Handbells performance of a Donald Allured piece she wanted played at her homecoming was shown on numerous big screen TV's.

After the service, there was a lovely reception in the church hall with a live jazz combo, tables set up with scrapbooks and mementos of her life, and a room full of friends and family sharing memories and condolences. I sat with members of Area 12 who came to the service, including many who went on the first European handbell tour. There was a colorful scrapbook from that tour and many happy memories were shared around the table.

It was clear how much Ginny meant to so many people and what an impact she had in the handbell community. As I left for the long drive home from Chula Vista, I was very grateful to have been there to share in that time.

From National President P.L. Grove

I too had the honor of attending Ginny's memorial service, and like Scott, found it humbling to sit in the presence of so many who clearly loved her. The beginning of the service set the stage for what was to come. It has been such a long time since I witnessed a Boy Scout color guard presenting an opening flag ceremony followed by the playing of taps anywhere, let alone at a memorial service. It brought me to tears knowing this church cared so deeply for Ginny that they continued in the traditions they knew she truly loved.

Along with Area 12 representative Scott Leggett, Nancy Jessup and Kathie Fink (daughter of Larry Fink, an Honorary Life Member) were also in attendance, and I attended representing our National organization. There were a lot of family and handbell friends there, but it was so good to also have representatives from Area 12 and National to show our love and appreciation for all that she contributed to the larger handbell community.

The family noted they would be honored if anyone would like to contribute to Handbell Musicians of America in celebration of Ginny. Please note that you are making a contribution in her name so the Guild can advise the family. Also, a new scholarship fund, the Carl Wiltse Scholarship, will soon be set up by Bay View Week of Handbells and contributions may be made in Ginny's name as well.

Lastly, I'd like to note as Scott did, that there was a lot of music at this service. And during the reception there was, indeed, a live jazz combo. But this was hardly just any old combo. In classic Ginny Fleming style, it had to be good, complete with an improvisational marimbist (who among us knew that Ginny played the marimba?!), and a drummer who used to play for the late Pearl Bailey. Incredible music, wonderful memories and smiles: just the way Ginny would have liked it.

To read more about Ginny's service to Handbell Musicians of America, visit the  Honorary Life Member  webpage.
Central California - Christine Anderson

On Father's Day I had the joy of ringing for the dedication of First Baptist Church of Tehachapi's brand-new, sparkling Malmark handbells. They raised most of their funds very quickly by offering handle dedications (Schulmerich customers can place a plaque on their cased or engrave a silent bell to achieve the same result).

I was so impressed with how they dedicated their bells I want to share with you what they did. As each bell was dedicated in honor or in memory of someone, that bell was rung. The most moving one was C7 for the "little angel," the Pastor and his wife's granddaughter. Here are the words of dedication:

"Corban: an offering to God made by the ancient Hebrew people: Mark 7:6-13

Here, Lord, are the bells You permit us to ring. They are an offering to you. We lift them up to you in dedication. We offer to you the music they will make. We give ourselves to be faithful in ringing them to the best of what we are and what we will grow to be. They are set aside as holy unto You, Lord. They are an offering to You. We commit ourselves to ring them to Your Glory, Lord. We are an offering to you. Amen"

I know most of us already have handbells, but you never know when you'll be in a position to buy new ones, or handchimes, or know a church who is purchasing these instruments.

Happy Ringing!

Christine Anderson

For information on Central California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here .
San Fransisco Bay Area - Kendra Scott

Hi Bay Area,

I hope you're all having a relaxing summer. Maybe you're taking some much-needed down-time to refresh yourself. Maybe you can't get enough handbells and you went to National Seminar in Grand Rapids or to Zephyr Point in Tahoe. Maybe you're even right now in Australia for the International Handbell Symposium! I'd love to hear how any of those events went and feature your stories in next month's The Twelfth Tone!

I have spent the summer finishing up a Master's Degree in Music Education from San Jose State University, so I am looking forward to this mysterious thing called "life" starting up again. My culminating project was writing a handbell curriculum that I look forward to incorporating into my teaching.

As we head into autumn, there are some great events prepared for you.

Directors: check out the Directors' Workshop we have planned for you!

Check out the website and calendar for more information.

As always, happy ringing!
Kendra Scott

For information on San Francisco  Bay Area's concerts, events,  and other opportunities,  click here .

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Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh


It was great visiting with other bell people in Northern California while Tintab was on tour! Many thanks to Lake Almanor Community Church, St. James Lutheran in Redding, Eureka First UMC, Napa UMC, Northminster Presbyterian in Sacramento, and Peace Lutheran Church in Grass  Valley.
The fellowship and sharing of ideas with our special community is always so rewarding! Even if you don't travel out of town, plan to travel to at least the church up the road and share ideas and maybe even play a piece or two. 

Expanding our horizons and sharing our love of handbells is so important for the continuation of our art form!

Let me know if you're planning any concerts or sharings - let's get the word out and help support each other!

Barbara Walsh
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

Continued from June...

In the beginning I started with a few kids from the church after school, but there weren't enough kids in the church to have a full or even a partial group. When I started this program, my target age-range was 3rd through 5th grades. Well, let's just say 90% of the kids were 2nd graders! That wasn't exactly in my plan, but it worked out just fine. The associate pastor reached out to the nearby elementary school where her daughter attended and talked to parents and recruited friends to join this group called the Keiki Joy Ringers (Keiki means child in Hawaiian). Over the years, we had enough kids to ring 2 to 3 octaves! Some of you may think some of those bells would be too heavy for such little kids, but I substituted chimes for the larger bells, usually C4-A4, and as the kids got bigger we switched them to bells. Of course, they LOVED playing marts and mart lifts on the bells! We worked a lot on their technique and eventually they played marts more safely and musically - and no bells were hurt during this process! This group played in church twice a year and also in a larger community Thanksgiving service each year. We played together for four years until all but three of them were going into 6th grade. The church decided the kids needed to explore other things upon graduating. At this point, I was hoping to start another continuation group, but was unable to do so at this church. 

Stay tuned for the conclusion of the story in next month's newsletter! 

Karen Carlisle

For information on Hawaii's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here .