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Some great articles and fun pictures and videos below! Read on!
Message from the Chair - Tessique Houston
Hello Area 12!
Here we are in March, Lent has begun and Easter will be here before we know it. As I have been preparing for all the upcoming events with my groups, I have been thinking of renewal. I see the earth coming to life around me - flowers and trees in bloom, grateful for the water we've received - and that has inspired me to think of how to renew my own musical life.
Where have we gotten bogged down, or what ruts have we fallen into? How do I bring new life to our rehearsals and to our learning of the music. What can I do better as both a director and a ringer? Where is my growth?
One of the best things we can do to keep growing is to attend events. Interaction with other handbell musicians is inspiring. I always find myself coming away from any event with something new in my head.
I also had the chance to sub as a ringer in a rehearsal for a local community ensemble. It was great to see how they were working through their music and enjoy the fellowship of another group of handbell musicians. Just getting out and seeing what others are doing can lead to growth.
I encourage everyone to find a way to grow - attend a Spring Ring, go to National Seminar in Anaheim, or find a way to visit with another group.
P.S. - Our Area 12 board meeting is coming up soon on April 22nd and 23rd in Southern California. If you want to join us to listen or have thoughts to send along, please contact your regional coordinator!
Communiqué - Barbara Meinke, Communications
LA Metro - F. Thomas Simpson, Regional Coordinator
Let us introduce your new LA Metro Regional Coordinator, F. Thomas Simpson! We will hear from him next month after he has a chance to soak it all in. But send him a note of welcome at his email address below and let him know what you need/want and how you can help!
March 31 and April 1
Pasadena, CA
featuring Timbré Ensemble
This event, led by the
artists of Timbré and others, is on Friday evening, March 31 and Saturday, April 1. It is organized
so you can sign up for both days or Saturday only. The classes and ringing opportunities are amazing and it will be an
event not be missed! Click the blue link above to get more info and forms.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
Our National Seminar is coming to LA Metro in July in Garden Grove and if you haven't been to one, you really should go! There are volunteer opportunities to help at the seminar so please let me know if I should pass your name along.
F. Thomas Simpson
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
Southern Calif - Michèle Sharik, Regional Coordinator
Greetings, SoCal!
Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season, the time of repentance and reflection, when Christians prepare themselves for the coming of Easter. As handbell musicians, many of us have been preparing for Lent and Easter since we finished our Christmastime celebrations and are now ready to provide heartfelt music to enhance our congregation's observations of this season of self-reflection.
But March is also the end of winter and the beginning of Springtime, which means our annual Spring Ring is almost here! I am very much looking forward to having our clinician, Stevie Berryman, here with us. I just know you're going to love her! If you haven't already, please be sure to get your registrations in soon. The Early Bird discount may be over, but there are still discounts for youth and for Guild members, so don't delay!
If your group has spring concerts, Lenten service appearances, or community events, please either send them to me or go to our web page and enter them into our calendar yourself. It's easy to do! Just visit the
Submit Your Event page, fill out the information, and click Submit. Easy breezy!
April 28-29, 2017
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Oceanside, CA
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
May you have a peaceful Lent! Until next time,
Michèle Sharik
For information on Southern California's concerts,
Central Calif - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator
Manteca United Lutheran Church, who is hosting two bell choirs from Concordia University on
Sunday, March 5, at
7:00 PM, is in need of one overnight homestay in/near Manteca to help house students for one night, provide a hot shower and send them on their way the next morning! Two groups from Concordia University, Irvine, California, are on their Spring Break Tour!
Concert Handbells, under the direction of Dr. Herbert Geisler and Spirit Handbells, under the direction of Nancy Jessup, will be at Manteca United Lutheran Church on
March 5 for a 7 p.m. concert. The ensemble performs using five octaves of Schulmerich handbells and 5 1/2 octaves of Malmark Choirchimes as well as a variety of other instruments.
and remember the upcoming
Saturday, March 25
St. John Lutheran Church
4500 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield
Clinicians include
Barb Walsh, Tess Houston, Mel Tully, and Christine Anderson
Mel and Christine will have their stores, so save your pennies for the things you need for your handbell programs.
Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events,
San Francisco Bay - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
Hey Bay Area!
It's not too late to sign up for the Bay Area Spring Ring! It's sure to be a fabulous event with Bill Mathis leading the helm. You can even start signing up for classes!
There's also a second great opportunity the very next day in Concord for the Director's Workshop! You can take advantage of having Bill Mathis in town not just once, but twice!
Last summer at the Modesto conference, I put out an interest sheet regarding playing the National Anthem at an Oakland A's game this coming summer. I was very excited by the response you gave. We are still working toward that goal, and are about THIS CLOSE to announcing a date for it. In the meantime, the anthem is part of the Bay Area Spring Ring repertoire, and you can contact me for assignment suggestions (no bell tables at the stadium!) and any other questions you may have about the event. Thanks for your patience!
and Director's Workshop
April 2
, 29, and 30, 2017
Valley Church, Cupertino CA
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Kendra Scott
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco
Bay Area's concerts, events,
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Our 15th Annual Sierra Spring Ring will be happening on
May 20th in Reno, NV. In addition to the two massed ringing pieces ("Acclamation in G Minor" by Karen Thompson and "Little One" by Jason Krug), Tintabulations will be teaching classes that include bell techniques, rhythm, bell maintenance, making the most of your rehearsals, and team building. All this for only $15! Individuals, partial ensembles and whole ensembles are welcome.
15th Annual
Sierra Spring Ring
May 20, 2017
Marvin Picollo School
Reno, NV
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Umpteenth Annual
Young Ringers' Festival
$1 per student
The students will perform a processional and one massed piece. In addition, each ensemble is encouraged to share a solo piece.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
Please contact me at my email address below or call 775-677-8117 for more information on either of these events.
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
Northern Calif - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Hello Northern California,
Lois Nichols, my good friend, fellow bell director, member of HMA, and co-coordinator of the Redding
Handbell Festival here in Redding, was lucky enough to cross something off of her bucket list back in November
2016 by participating in the Big Ring Guinness Book of World Records attempt for most handbells ringing at one
time. I asked Lois to share her experience.
The Big Ring
How often do you get a chance to go for a world record? Three of us from the Redding Bell Peppers
(my husband, Tim, Lyle Hurley, and I) signed up to do just that!
In November we flew into Minneapolis and
the first thing I did was find the St. Paul hospital where I was born (another thing crossed off my bucket list).
Saturday morning, November 19, we arrived at the Great Mall of America where The Salvation Army North and
Mall of America were working together for the kick-off of the annual Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign. We
reported to the top floor to sign in and receive a wrist band for official participant. After everyone was checked in
we were taught a bell peal which we played as we navigated down the escalator to the first floor. We were introduced
to Hart Morris, our conductor and arranger of our performing piece, Silver Carol, a medley of Silver Bells and Carol of the Bells
. Weeks before the event we were assigned two bells and agreed to memorize our parts.
Once at the event
we were all excited but at the same time nervous, wondering how we would all stay ringing together. Then we
learned the music would be projected up on Jumbotron line by line so we could stay together as there were 664
ringers! We had one run through and then dismissed for snacks provided by the Salvation Army. After our snacks
we lined up for the official world record try.
During our actual performance, judges wa
lked around making sure all were playing and we were timed to make
sure the song lasted 5-6 minutes. Once finished we waited excruciatingly until it was announced we had
done it - beaten the world record by almost 100 people! It was truly an experience of our lifetime! The three of us
were proud to represent Redding and Area 12 at THE BIG RING!!
-Lois Nichols
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
Many of us are affiliated with church programs where we can't do big, joyful ringing in services during the Lenten season. But, there are many ways to incorporate bells into this somber, reflective season. Add singing bells or tolling to hymns. It's a way to bring bells into the service without a full bell piece. There are quite a few pieces that use bells in a quieter or more subdued way. One of my favorites is Matthew Prins' "Morning Song." It is great for this time of year because it's played entirely with mallets on suspended bells. So, don't be discouraged! Bells can add to services in any season if you get a little creative. But, if you're in a church where you just can't use bells during Lent, don't worry. Easter will be here before you know it!
Alison Pruett
Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator