Blue text and most pictures, logos, and clipart take you to more
on it!
Our National
Click logos to get more info!
Message from the Chair - Tessique Houston
Hello Area 12!
Our Area 12 Fall Board meeting was held a couple weeks ago and it was a great meeting! We spent some very valuable time planning for Area 12 events and working on policy and our Bylaws (all fun stuff)!. I feel privileged to work with all the great people on the board. Thanks to all of them for their efforts.
I am looking forward to the upcoming season - turning leaves, cooler days, Pumpkin Spice, fun events, prepping Christmas music and presenting wonderful concerts and music for services.
Don't forget to
list your upcoming concerts on the Area 12 calendar, it's so easy to do! Click on the link on the home page, fill out the form, hit submit, and *poof,* it will show up on the calendar. (Well, not exactly *poof* - but it doesn't take long!)
I wish you all success in your rehearsals and performances.
Until next time,
Communiqué - Barbara Meinke, Communications
Northern CA - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Hello Northern California,
Linda Dionne, director of Bella Norte bells of First United Methodist Church in Eureka has this to
report about her week long handbell camp event held in August.
Bell camp was awesome! We had 10 campers ranging in age from 10 - 65. We were blessed with one camper who is autistic. It was a new experience for him. Camp ran from 9- noon Monday through Friday and included rehearsing bell
techniques, ringing the bell in the church steeple, creating and decorating bell banners for our concert, learning 2 pieces for our concert and laughing a lot. Our concert was Friday evening.
An added bonus: one of the campers has joined our bell choir!
It's not too late to join us for the annual
Finale concert at 4:30 p.m. open to the public
Full choirs and individuals are encouraged to attend.
Massed ringing and classes.
$35.00 per ringer
Mary Balkow, Massed Ringing Conductor
Barb Walsh,
Red Zone Bronze Conductor
Registration: ONLY $35.00!
Click the blue title above for more info and registration.
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here!
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
LA Metro - F. Thomas Simpson, Regional Coordinator
Saturday, October 28
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Ojai United Methodist Church
120 Church Rd Ojai, CA 93023
LA Metro Spring Ring
Saturday. April 7, 2018
more to come!
F. Thomas Simpson
LA Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
Southern NV - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
I know everyone's working hard on their fall programs. Don't forget that early registration deadline (
Nov 30
) for the Las Vegas 12th Night Handbell Festival is coming up. This year's guest clinician is Christine Anderson. Hope to see everyone there!
with Christine Anderson
Saturday, January 13, 2018
(challenge ring Friday evening)
click blue title for event details and forms
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Alison Pruett
S Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
Southern CA - Michèle Sharik, Regional Coordinator
Hi there, SoCal!
As I write this, I am on a plane to Germany where I will conduct a handbell festival in Karlsruhe along with KatRyn Howell (Area 12 Education Director and conductor of our 2018 SoCal Spring Ring). It's my third time conducting this festival and it's always a lot of fun. One of my favorite things about traveling for handbells is seeing all the different ways handbell musicians do things and learning from them! I'll write more next month about what I learn on this trip.
In other news, I expect to have the repertoire list and registration forms for our Spring Ring available sometime in October, so please keep an eye out for the postcard mailing and on the SoCal Facebook page and the SoCal Page at the Area 12 website.
Meanwhile, I hope your bell programs have started back up successfully and are in full swing. I'm looking forward to hearing about SoCal concerts during the upcoming holiday season!
All my best,
For information on Southern California's concerts,
SF Bay Area - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
As I head out to Distinctly Bronze East next week, I thought I'd share with you some strategies I've tried or seen online for practicing when you don't have the whole choir with you. Here are some ideas for when you need to practice your part between rehearsals:
- Use wooden spoons
- Use whisks
- Ring air bells
- Tap your hands on your knees
- Bass ringers: make a big chart of your bell layout and tap the locations
- Sing your part as you tap/air-ring
- Play along with a recording
- Count out your part's rhythm
- "Play" along with a metronome
- Have a musical friend play all/part of the score on a piano
As an educator, I often have folks ask me how handbell choirs work. A common question is "Does everyone have their own bells?" Wouldn't it be lovely if we did?
Save the date!!
Friday and Saturday, April 14, 2018 with Ellie Hodder
Click on the blue title for details and repertoire list
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Happy ringing!
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco
Bay Area's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here
Central CA - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator
Greetings, CenCal!
We had a very productive Area 12 Board meeting two weeks ago and I'm geared up for fall ringing! But I need to hear from YOU! What festivals, workshops, and concerts are coming up in CenCal? Please contact me with what ringing things you're doing. And how may I help? Does anyone want a clinic, but don't know how to put it on, or who to ask to lead it? Do you need help with a frustrating handbell repair problem or situation in your handbell choir? I hope to hear from you!
Happy Ringing!
Christine Anderson
Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events,
Northern NV - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
It's inevitable. When people think of handbells, they think of Christmas. If you're planning a Christmas concert, please be sure to let me and our Area 12 webmaster know. Or post the details on our website yourself! We would love to get the word out!
On another note, I am always looking for stories to put in this column. If you have any writing or pictures you'd like to share, please send them my way!
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,