"Whoever is in Christ is a new creation."
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17
A Great Foundation
My thanks to all those who participated in our Corpus Christi procession and to those who came to our first outdoor Mass of the summer, but most especially to our volunteers who helped make these events possible. It is great to have our life of public worship opening up again!

With the beginning of summer and the lifting of many of the COVID restrictions also comes the beginning of increased traffic to our neighbors at Rainbow Falls and Pirate’s Cove. We are working with the Park District to come to an agreement about the use of the parking and playground facilities at Queen of the Rosary, but until then we will have to keep the gates there closed to Rainbow Falls patrons. This is primarily because of insurance and liability concerns that would impact not only our parish, but every parish in the Archdiocese of Chicago. 

I am thankful to Mr. Ben Curcio, the Executive Director of the Elk Grove Park District, as well as Mr. Thomas Cooke, President of the Park Board, for their willingness to meet with me and for our shared desire to be good neighbors as we strive to serve our village.

Where one gate closes, another opens (to paraphrase the saying), and I am glad that we will once again be able to offer the use of our parking lot at Queen of the Rosary during Rotary Fest, running this week from June 16-20.

Hopefully you had a chance to pick up a copy of Matthew Kelly’s “I Heard God Laugh”, which we passed out this last weekend. If not, we still have copies available! I’m looking forward to us growing together in our habit of prayer this summer, setting a great foundation for everything else God will set before us to accomplish at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish! 

-Fr. Dan
House of Love
As we get ready to celebrate Father's Day and hopefully welcome even more in our OLBS family home to our churches this weekend, I am so grateful to introduce my own father to you all. I grew up with music in my house. My mother is a singer, and my father a professional Bass Trombone player who has played all over the world. No wonder I became a musician myself! My father will be joining us for the 5pm, 8am and 10:30am Masses this weekend. If you've never heard the sound of the Bass Trombone, you are in for a beautiful treat. 

Peace, Michael
This video is a song written by Leonard Bernstein, called, "My House"

The text:
Will you build me a house?
A house that really will be mine.
Then let me give you my design.
A simple scheme of ... the house I dream of.

Build my house of wood.
Build my house of stone.
Build my house of brick and mortar.

Make the ceiling strong.
Strong against the storm.
Shelter when the days grow shorter.

But build my house of love.
And paint my house with trusting.
And warm it with the warmth of your heart.

Make a floor of faith. Make the walls of truth.
Put a roof of peace above.
Can you build my house of love.
Pass It On, Tell a Friend!
How wonderful it has been to gather for worship and fellowship again mostly without restrictions. In case you haven't heard, our churches are open to full capacity again with no pre-registration requirements. Masks are not required, but recommended for those who have not yet been vaccinated. Distribution of the precious blood is still suspended in the Archdiocese of Chicago, but congregational singing, exchanging handshakes at the sign of peace and receiving Holy Communion on the tongue are all permissible once again.

Pass it on and bring a friend, or two, to Mass with you this Sunday. Welcome home—we can't wait to see your smiling face again!
Praying Outside
As OLBS Summer of Prayer continues, save the date for these upcoming outdoor Masses. Following Mass, we'll talk about life's essential habit, prayer, as we read Matthew Kelly's book "I Hear God Laugh" together.

Sunday, July 18, 2021, 5pm at SJE Church
Review Parts 1-3.

Sunday, August 22, 2021, 5pm at QR Church
Review Parts 4-5.

Everyone is encouraged to bring their own lawn or camp chair to setup in the parking lots. We also recommend bringing an umbrella, which will protect from glare or heat of the sun.

Follow this link to view all upcoming OLBS events.
Please note, these Masses will not be celebrated from our cars, and we are not able to provide outdoor seating.
One Book, One Parish
If you didn't get your copy of Matthew Kelly's book "I Heard God Laugh" we still have copies available at QR and SJE. Pick one up today and join the conversation—One Book, One Parish.
True Reformers
Who are the true benefactors of the human race? Explorers? Scientists? Revolutionaries? Rebels against established authority? . . . or the saints?

True Reformers explores in detail the leaders who led the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of Renaissance decadence and the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. The saints of the Catholic Reformation show us just how powerful—and beautiful—is the human heart’s free response to God’s generous grace.

Follow this link to discover the saints we'll cover in this exciting 6-week Bible Study!
July 1st Summer Supper
Thanks to OLBS Summer Supper Helpers, our Good Samaritan Ministry supplied 36 to-go meals to people in need in June.

Our next meal is set for Thursday, July 1st and only a few slots remain. If you are able to help shop, cook, pack, prep or serve, please follow this link to signup.

We couldn't continue helping to feed those in need with your support! Note, though restrictions have lifted as Illinois entered "Phase 5 Reopening", Summer Suppers will continue to be served in a contactless, drive-through fashion this Summer.
Season for Life
Our first Season for Life wraps up with Father's Day this Sunday. In recognition of Father's Day, and to honor the fathers and father figures in your life, we ask you to consider making donations to support the work of these local culture of life agencies. Place your donations in either the collection boxes and/or baby bottles in the vestibule of either OLBS worship site.
Salute Dad, Support Project Love
Last chance to honor Dad with Project Love Father's Day cards! Don't want to wait for the mail? Use the links below to send eCards:

Project Love offers these beautiful Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards to help raise money to support women facing a crisis pregnancy. Requested donation is just $5 per card. Father’s Day cards are suitable for any dad, son, son-in-law or father-like figure and the inside of the cards will read that “a donation to Project Love has been made in your honor.”

Follow this link to discover more about how Project Love helps women and families in dire need and how we can support this mission by ordering Father's Day Cards.
School Report
Making Change
One of the last events of the 20-21 school year was the Student Council's Change for Change Day in support of Heather's House. Heather's House is a residential crisis pregnancy center for women located in Des Plaines. During the event, $275.00 was collected, which will cover one week of groceries for the residents. Many thanks to all of our students, parents, and staff for their support and helping to make change!
RE Roundup
Altar Server Training Part II
Altar Servers assist the priest and congregation with the celebration of liturgy. You will gain a deeper understanding of the Mass, learn important life skills and make new friends!

June Altar Server Training for new Servers in 4th through 12th Grade continues on Saturday, June 26th at 10:30am. Meet at St. Julian Eymard.

Current Servers are invited to help share their experience with the group. We were excited to begin training 12 new altar servers on June 12th!
Youth Ministry Corner
Camp Reminders
Thank you for joining us for Stay Camp 2021, a Mission to Serve! Couple reminders with Camp just around the corner:

1) Orientation is this Sunday, June 20th at 4:30pm in SJE's Shea Hall. We invite Campers and their parents to review the week's agenda and Stay Camp policies. We thank you for giving up part of your Sunday, especially on Father's Day!

2) Campers will need to bring a sack lunch and any snacks and drinks they may want throughout the day, Monday through Thursday. We will have a cooler with water and ice to help combat the heat and keep campers hydrated during service projects.
Journey of the Heart
Do you feel lost, empty or even broken-hearted over the loss of a loved one?

You are not alone.

Journey of the Heart is a group of caring and compassionate people who will walk alongside you during one of life’s most difficult experiences. Six-week grief-sharing sessions begin in September and will follow the scripture-based Seasons of Hope program.

In our community of faith, we believe that nobody should grieve alone. Come and be comforted.
Though things have opened up, we recognize that not all are able to join us at this time, so we remind you that we continue to have the following virtual tools available to help us stay connected:

Sunday's Digital Worship Aid. Whether you print out or follow along on your phone, from home or inside our churches, you will find Sunday's Digital Worship Aid on the home page of our church websites: QR (scroll down to the link "Click here for digital worship aid...") and SJE (scroll down to the button "Sunday's Digital Worship Aid").

Daily Prayer. Follow this link to review daily prayer, or signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.

Morning Prayer. No commute, no computer needed...join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer. Learn more.

Weekly Bulletin. Download the weekly parish bulletin when you are unable to attend Mass.

Weekly Rosary. The Rosary is prayed at SJE on Tuesdays at 7pm. If you are unable to join us in church, we invite you to join the live-stream.

Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily Mass from both churches: QR and SJE.

Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.
Raise Your Hand
OLBS Religious Education is a volunteer-based program helping to form our youth and providing opportunity for them to encounter Jesus Christ. While students are on Summer Break, Mrs. Uhlarik and catechists are busy planning the upcoming calendar for Youth Faith Formation. If you are called to teach our most impressionable, please contact the parish office today for more information on this important role.

Follow this space for spotlights and updates on the various volunteer opportunities available around the parish. Joining a council or board or volunteering for a ministry requires a short time commitment and shows great stewardship. Please share your gifts and offer your talents to a consultative board or one of the many ministries serving our parish and community. Raise your hand. Make a real difference in the life of our parish, school and religious education programs. OLBS needs YOU!

Want to know more? Please contact the parish office (847) 956-0130.
Even with our churches fully open and most restrictions lifted, we know that some are still vulnerable or not yet vaccinated and so not ready to return to in-person worship. As we strive to meet you where you're at, we continue to live-stream Daily and Sunday liturgies for the faithful. If you would like to help operate the camera at one or both of our worship sites, please contact the parish office today. Training and instruction provided. Great opportunity for teens, service hours apply!

We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!
(847) 979-0901 | OLBSCares@ArchChicago.org

Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary, 750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard, 601 Biesterfield Road

Queen of the Rosary School, 690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 | www.qrschool.org