Saint Timothy Catholic School
Tuesday Tidbits
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Mr. McLaughlin's Tuesday Tidbit's Overview for today. |
Quick Links:
Dear STS Parents,
Thank you to Mrs. Alvarez and her army of volunteers for helping the school reach their goal of $30,000 for the Race for Education. A new goal has been set, watch the video to learn more!!
Thank you for helping us reach our $30,000 Race for Education goal. |
I hope you can join us this week for our preschool and K-8 Race for Education! The preschool and K-8 dates and times are listed below. The K-8 students can wear their P.E. uniforms or STS spiritwear with their P.E shorts or sweats (no jeans please) and sneakers.
On Wednesday, 11/2, the 2nd grade students will dress as saints and will participate in their annual Saint Parade.
The annual CYO pep rally at PVI High School is scheduled tomorrow, Wednesday, 11/2 at 6:30 pm (at PVI). We are in need of CYO basketball coaches for our 5th grades girls' and boys' teams. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Paul Hunter, STS parent and league commissioner.
Thank you to everyone who
made donations of soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste, wash clothes, deodorant for the Mission Commission collection for Haiti. With your help, the Mission Commission was able to package over 700 pounds of Hygiene Kits to be distributed by Medical Missionaries in Haiti! Thank you for putting our faith in action!
Thanks also to everyone who sent in donations to support our Student Government Super Hero Day to aid the
hurricane victims in Haiti!
We will have a total for you in next week's Tidbits, as donations are still coming in. We thank you for your generosity!
For your convenience the Parent / Teacher Conference sign up page will be posted on the STS website tomorrow, Wednesday, 11/2/16.
Students are really enjoying the school lunches. Their favorites are breakfast for lunch, pasta and sauce, pizza and any kind of chicken dish! We recently had an Oktoberfest lunch which included mini hot dogs and cheesy fries. Please remember to fund your student's account and let the kitchen know if you have any questions.
The Crisis Pregnancy Center is in need of winter coats of all children 's sizes. You may bring your gently used or new winter coats to the front office or cafeteria area by Wednesday, November 9th. Please label them "Crisis Pregnancy Center". Also, we are still accepting clothing (newborn - 3T), blankets and diapers. Thank you for your recent donations to this worthy cause.
Finally, I'd like to thank the Zobel family for their generous donation to the STS Art Program; we greatly appreciate your kindness and generosity!
A reminder if you would like to see videos or pictures of your students in action follow us on
God bless you,
Joseph M. McLaughlin,
Saint Timothy Catholic School
"When the Saints go Marching In!" from this morning's school Mass. |
"The Litany of Saints" sung at the School Mass today! |
Race for Education Week:
the PTO will be serving treats after the races. Please check the school nurse webpage for snack ingredients and let your teacher know if your child cannot have the snack due to allergies. The K-8 Snack: Polar blast, does have red dye #40 included in ingredients. You may send in another safe snack for your child if they cannot eat the one offered.
Please make sure you plan to get your annual flu vaccine. This protects yourself, your family, and the vulnerable people in your community.
Community Immunity:
When a critical portion of a community is immunized against the flu, most members of the community are protected because there is little opportunity for the virus to spread.
For community immunity to work, each of us who can receive flu vaccine, must get vaccinated every year. This flows over into school community as well!!
Stomach bug lasting 2-3 days has been reported and fevers for a few days in the younger grades and some middle school. Many complaints of stomach and headache but no fever. Make sure everyone is getting plenty of rest and hydrating! Thank you
Have a great week!!
Patrice Snowden BSN, RN
School Nurse
At STS we begin and end each day in prayer! |
From the PTO
On behalf of the PTO Executive Board, thank you to our Hospitality Chairs, Mrs. Candice Driscoll & Mrs. Gina Pattison for coordinating our special Halloween treats for the students in the cafeteria. A very special Thank You to Mrs. Kristi Lalli for all her extra help and Mrs. Melissa Sylvian for the ghoulish decorations. We would also like to say thanks to all our volunteers who made the event a success! We truly appreciate all you do for Saint Timothy.
Race for Education is this week!!!! Please come run/walk with your kids or come cheer them on and show your support! Everyone is welcome! The race times are listed below:
- Wednesday, Nov. 2nd at 10:00AM - Morning Preschool: Fish, Birds and Owls. 2:00 PM - Afternoon Preschool Fish and Frogs.
- Thursday, Nov. 3rd. at 10:00AM - Morning Bunnies and at 2:00PM Afternoon Bunnies.
- Friday, November 4th at 1:30pm Kindergarten - 8th grade. We are still in need of volunteers for Friday, please consider helping.
The STS Christmas Ornaments will begin presales this week. Flyers will be sent home in the backpacks tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov.2! All ornaments will be gift boxed and sent home or be available for pick up in early December! Ornaments will also be available for presale in the front office.
- The first Box Tops contest ends soon!
- Keep collecting and send them in by Nov 30!
If you have not already done so, please make sure that you return all artwork and artwork order forms back to school this week! If you have any questions on ordering - please contact Georgia Ferretti
Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Halloween Luncheon, it was a huge success! We still have a number of spots open to help out with the Race for Education on Race Day if you are available. Auction planning is also in full swing and the committee is looking for additional volunteers! Thank you so much for your continued support of our students. See the sign up genius for more information.
The 6th grade will be sponsoring a used book sale this year at the Saint Timothy Craft Fair on November 17th. We are in need of donations of gently used books, games, and costumes (new this year!!) to be sold at the fair. Boxes will be located inside the school lobby and inside of the church vestibule. If you have any questions please contact one of the 6th grade room mom's - Lisa Steele, MaryBeth Perdue, or Karen Walker.
- Bonus Cards- It's time to register your Bonus cards for Giant and Harris Teeter. This is free money for the school!! Please find directions here. If you have any questions contact Mrs. Steele.
Online registration is now open for anyone interested in playing basketball for St. Timothy's in the CYO Basketball league.
Also, we
need a 3rd grade girls coach and a 5th grade boys coach.
Join us for a
CYO Basketball Pep Rally Kick Off
Wednesday, November 3
6:30 p.m.
Paul VI Catholic High School
10675 Fairfax Blvd. (GYM)
Fairfax, VA 22030
Admission is FREE!
Great door prizes, games, and nationally ranked PVI Boys Basketball Coach Farello will be providing an inspirational talk. This evening will be fun for the entire family
Save the date
Meet our amazing STS Business Partners
Sunday, November 6th
10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
STS Cafeteria
(drop in or stay and participate in the Wildtree Freezer Meal Workshop)
You're Invited to an "Everyday Meals" All-Natural Wildtree Freezer Meal Workshop!
Sunday, November 6th in the STS Cafeteria!!
Tired of making the same 5 dinners over and over?
Do Busy nights force you to grab take-out more than you care to admit?
We have the answer! Come to this workshop and prep 10 dinners to take home, freeze and cook on busy nights to come.
All while having fun with your Saint Timothy School Community!
Part of the proceeds will be donated to Saint Timothy School.
If you would like to sign up for meal prepping part, please contact
Jackie Alvarez
or visit her
for more information.
Upcoming dates:
Wednesday, Nov. 2nd - 2nd Grade Saint Parade
Thurs. & Fri. Nov. 3 & 4th RACE for Education
Fri. November 4th - 1st Friday Food Pantry Collection
Sunday, November 6th - Meet our Biz Partner Coffee 10 AM - 2 PM Cafeteria
Monday, November 7th - MAKE UP pictures
Mon. - Thurs. - Nov. 7th - 10th Fall Book Fair
Thursday & Friday, November 10th & 11th NO SCHOOL-Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, November 14th - Spirit Day @ Guapos 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Wednesday, November 16th - Open House for Perspective Families 10:00 a.m.
Friday, November 18th - NOON DISMISSAL
Saturday, November 19th - Craft Fair 9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 22 - School Mass 9 a.m.
Wed.- Fri. November 23 - 25th - NO SCHOOL, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Thursday, December 1st - High School Placement Test for 8th grade
Friday, Dec. 2nd - PTO Meeting 8:00 a.m. - 1st Friday Food Pantry
Monday, Dec. 5th -8th, Santa's Workshop
Tuesday, Dec. 6th - Feast of St. Nicholas
Friday, Dec. 9th - Principal Coffee following 9:00 a.m. Mass
Tuesday, Dec.13th - Preschool Coffee - 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 14th - Band Concert (Gym) 7 p.m.
Thurs. Dec. 15th - AllPro Dad's Breakfast 7 a.m., Christmas Dinner and Concert in the Church 5 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 19th Christmas Paraliturgy - 1:45 p.m. (Church)
Wednesday, Dec. 21st - NOON DISMISSAL
Christmas Break- NO SCHOOL - December 22nd - January 2, 2017
Tuesday, January 3 - first day back after Christmas Break
Monday & Tuesday, January 16th & 17th - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, February 22, Science Fair!
Thursday, February 23, Art & Science Open House for entire school
Saturday, March 4th - SCHOOL AUCTION!
Tuesday, March 14th - Pi Night!
Wednesday, March 15th - Preschool Coffee 8 a.m.
Thursday, March 16th - AllPro Dad's Breakfast 7 a.m.
Saturday, March 18th - PTO Skate Night
Friday, April 7th - NOON Dismissal
Thursday, April 13th NOON Dismissal
Friday, April 14th - April 23rd Easter Break!
Thursday, May 4th - 5th Grade Cinco de Mayo
Sunday, May 7th 9 AM (2A) 10:45 AM (2B) 1st Holy Communion
Friday, May 12th - NOON Dismissal
Saturday, May 13th - 8th Grade Confirmation
Thursday, May 25th - Math Fair
Friday, May 26th - NOON Dismissal & Field Day
Thursday, June 1st - Last day of school for 3s
Friday, June 2nd - Last day of school for 4s
Tuesday, June 6th - 8th Grade Yearbook Signing
Wednesday, June 7th - 6th Grade Patrol Party & 8th Grade Appreciation Dinner
Thursday, June 8th - School Mass 9 a.m. & 8th Grade Farewell
Friday, June 9th - Kindergarten Graduation 10 a.m. & 8th Grade Graduation 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 14th - School Wide Year book Signing NOON DISMISSAL
Thursday, June 15th - NOON DISMISSAL
Friday, June 16th - NOON DISMISSAL & Moving UP Day! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
Saint Timothy Catholic School
Service Tradition Scholarship
Saint Timothy Catholic School serves God by providing each child with an individualized approach, academic excellence, rich Catholic traditions, a solid foundation in the Catholic faith, and opportunities to serve the community.
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