Issue No. 233 | Dec. 16, 2021
Strengthening American capacity for effective engagement
俗语 from Xi Jinping's Speeches
qiú xián ruò kě

Meaning: eagerly seek people of virtue and ability

Original: 七是坚持营造识才爱才敬才用才的环境。这是做好人才工作的社会条件。必须积极营造尊重人才、求贤若渴的社会环境,公正平等、竞争择优的制度环境,待遇适当、保障有力的生活环境,为人才心无旁骛钻研业务创造良好条件,在全社会营造鼓励大胆创新、勇于创新、包容创新的良好氛围。

Source: Yesterday, Qiushi published Xi's speech from the September 27 Talent Work Conference, 深入实施新时代人才强国战略 加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地
Weekly Reading
This week's reading goes deep into the weeds of education reform. We can't promise this is for everyone, but for those that follow economic and education reform, this is a pretty big deal.

Major education reforms were announced in 2015 and then continued in 2018. One of the major announcements that didn't get much (any?) press at the time, was the requirement that universities should separate themselves from affiliated enterprises, focusing instead ont eh core missions of education and research. Earlier this week, one of the economic powerhouses of university-affiliated corporations, Tsinghua Holdings, was forced to divest of their holdings, transferring their shares at no cost to a Sichuan SOE 四川能投. Read the finer details at the link below.
Jobs and Internships
The Rhodium Group is hiring for a number of positions, from interns to senior researchers, in NY and DC. Rhodium hopes you will click here to learn how to "join our world-class team of economists and specialized researchers on China’s economy and global footprint and build-out relationships with the institutional investor community, including client management and developing new commercial opportunities."
Here is a great way to use your employer's tuition reimbursement policies before the year end!

Over the course of a year, the American Mandarin Society held a series of roundtables and meetings with experts from government language training centers, universities, think tanks, and the private sector where participants discussed gaps in current language education, asking

“What are the key skills your employees are missing but that you wish they had?”
“What linguistic and cultural mistakes do you see even among experienced ‘China hands’?”
"What would the ideal professionally focused language course look like?"

The key lessons identified were subsequently designed into our course, Chinese for Effective Professional Engagement.

Please visit the course website or contact for more information. Ask your employer about educational reimbursement!
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