Tryon Medical Partners Team News
Summer 2020
Self-Care for Team Partners During a Pandemic
By Robert Brownlee, MD, and Claire Evans, MD
In times of stress and anxiety, it’s common to forget to practice self-care. The current COVID-19 pandemic is certainly adding stress for many. Whether it’s difficulty adapting to work changes, worries over childcare or health-related fears, all of these pressures can become consuming and you may forget to take care of yourself. This may result in feeling anxious, depressed, fearful or frustrated. You may even feel helpless. Physical symptoms can appear, like fatigue, appetite changes, sleeplessness, headache or muscle tension. If any of this sounds familiar, please know you are not alone and there are things you can do to get back on track. 
In this issue of Tryon Today, we offer some advice for self-care, both physical and mental. We hope you find this helpful. If you have something to suggest as well, we would love to hear about it! Email HR with your self-care tips and tricks and we'll highlight them in the next issue of Tryon Today.
Please be aware that sometimes self-care is just not enough. If you are struggling and feeling overwhelmed, helpless or fearful, there is help. Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength and self-awareness. Your primary care physician is a great resource who can help you take back control. Do not wait – schedule a visit so your doctor can help you get back on track.  
Experiencing Pandemic Panic? Here's How to Stop It.
During an anxiety attack, it can help to focus on the present. An easy exercise to help you return to your surroundings is called the  5-4-3-2-1 method:
  1. Name five things you see
  2. Touch four things
  3. Name three things you hear
  4. Name two things you smell
  5. Acknowledge one thing you can taste

Learn more about "pandemic panic" in this article from Blue Cross Blue Shield .
Please remember that our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a Tryon Medical Partners sponsored benefit that offers support and resources for personal and work-related challenges and concerns. 
They are available 24/7 at 800-633-3353.
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Team Partner Tidbits
Open enrollment is coming soon! Look for more details mid-July.
Our offices will be closed Friday, July 3, in observance of Independence Day.
Tryon teamwear? Cell phone discount forms?
It's all on the  Tryon Staff Portal .
Self-Care Central: Physical Health
Exercise regularly.

Exercise releases feel-good endorphins, which can boost mood, provide energy during the day and help improve sleep at night. It’s also a great way to release pent-up stress. Although gyms may not be open, Zoom exercise groups, workout videos and outdoor exercise, such as running or biking, are great options.
Watch alcohol intake.

While it may be tempting to reach for an alcoholic beverage at the end of a stressful day, monitor for signs of overuse. The recommendation for women is no more than one drink daily, and for men, no more than two drinks daily. Increased alcohol use can cause weight gain, disrupted sleep and dehydration, among other things. 
Eat a healthy diet.

Food is how we fuel our body. Focus on a balanced diet with vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. Drink plenty of water - especially during the summer. 
Get plenty of rest.

Sleep is a time of physical and mental rest. It also plays an important role in memory. Aim for seven to eight hours per night.
Self-Care Central: Mental Health
Maintain a routine.
Whether adapting to working from home or trying to balance work with childcare, establishing a routine can help keep you organized, set expectations for family members, and create a sense of stability.
Focus on things you can control.
Do what you can to keep yourself safe – wear a mask, socially distance and wash your hands frequently. If you feel comfortable, you can encourage others to do the same, but accept that not everyone is going to follow the health guidelines.
Limit your news intake.
Health-related information and recommendations seem to be changing daily. Conflicting opinions can be overwhelming. Set a limit on your daily news intake and then move on to something else. Look for objective news sources that present facts and avoid emotionally driven, sensationalized reporting.
Focus on the positive.
Some days are going to be better than others. Try to spend a few moments at the end of each day thinking about three good things and write them down. It can be as simple as a smile from a stranger. Framing your day around the positives helps change your outlook.
Take a timeout.
Reading, listening to music, meditating and breathing exercises are all relaxing activities that can give the mind a break from the chaos.
Talk to family and friends.
You are not alone! Stress and anxiety happen to everyone. Check in with your loved ones. Accept support when you need it and provide help for others in return. Skype, Zoom and FaceTime are all great options. If you do meet people in person, please continue to socially distance and keep gatherings small.
Be gentle with yourself and others.
Stress can bring out the worst in people. Forgive yourself if you are not at your best. It’s okay to have a bad day. Remember that others may be suffering too. Give them some grace if they are abrupt or inconsiderate. We’re all in this together.
Care and Kindness for One Another
Practice self-care.
Start small.
Don’t be scared to compliment.
Practice empathy.
Remember that we are all in this together!
Team Tryon Making a Difference
The Future of Nurse Practitioners: Olivia Garcia, NP
Tryon Medical's own Olivia Garcia, NP, was featured in a national article in City Business Journals about the role of nurse practitioners and the future of the profession. The article c overs which states grant nurse practitioners full practice authority, and how COVID-19 has impacted that evolution. Read more .
Tryon Team Partners Accelerate Blood Drive Success
Thanks to all who volunteered to give blood during our May and June blood drives, cohosted with The Blood Connection . So far we have collected 186 units of blood! For the latest on the blood drives, visit the Tryon Medical website.
Janet Cline, RN: The Mask Maker of TMP Waverly
Janet Cline, RN, has always been crafty. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Janet combined her sewing skills and caring heart to make nearly 200 face masks for family and friends.

When Janet looked at the upcoming Waverly appointment calendar, she saw a deaf patient would be coming to the office. She knew the patient relied on lip reading and jumped into action. By creating custom masks with see-through panels for her and internal medicine specialist Dr. Daniel Aquino, Janet made sure their deaf patient could enter the office safely and be able to communicate. 
Do you know someone who would make a great
Tryon Partners team partner?  Spread the word .