Why should we slow down for God?

Hello Kathryn,

Summer is winding down and it is almost August. I am in the throws of back to school already and it feels like I just went to the end of school year awards. Time is going by at bullet speed and the enemy is satisfied with that. If the enemy cannot corrupt a man, he will make him busy. Busy with distractions and busy with things that seem important in the moment, but in the eyesight of eternity really does not matter.

I have been praying recently about my busyness and seeking the Lord for what I am supposed to be doing and stop the things that are distractions. The harsh reality that I am facing is that I like some of my distractions and I am going to say goodbye to some of them to make necessary room for the will of God in my life.

While those distractions may be good things to do, they are not the best use of my time according to the plan of God for my life. While I may miss some of those distractions God has better in my future. This is all part of the submission to God. Yes, God requires us to submit our time to Him.

I challenge you to do the same thing. Look over your schedule and seek God’s voice about what fills in all the boxes of your planner. Let Him simplify your life and give you peace and abundance. John 14:27 tells us Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.

The schedule of the world is hustle and bustle and vanity. The schedule of God is peace and significance. Which one will you choose?

Until next time!

Are you in a season of change? If so, can I pray for you? Email me here.

Dr. Cheryl Davis is a conservative Christian, Bible-teacher, conference speaker, wife, mother, and Proverbs 31 Woman.


Dr. Davis is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Truth Project, a 501(c)(3), non-profit last days Christian ministry located in St. Paul’s, NC that she and her husband Thad Davis lead.


Dr. Davis is the CEO of Primary Health Choice, an I/DD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) behavioral health company in North Carolina. She is a graduate of the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

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