Suffering or Stretching

Dear Friends,


Time is marching by and May is already here. These are the times that we get to celebrate Mother’s Day, Graduations and end of the school year awards ceremonies.

I went to my daughter’s school awards program last night and she received the Superintendent’s award for making all A’s this year. I was one proud mama! As I was thanking God for His faithfulness, the Spirit spoke to me and reminded me of her journey and showed me His faithfulness.

She entered into an early college high school against her will. Needless to say, it was our decision to send her and not her own. She wanted to go to the typical high school and not be as challenged. We made the decision to send her to this high school because we knew it would be best for her. She went kicking and screaming but she showed up on the first day.

The first semester was filled with many tears and threats to quit. Many moments of blaming us for her difficulty and remembering what life was like at her previous school. There was difficulty in the subjects and she had to get some tutoring but we knew she was capable of the work.

She finished her freshman year of eight classes with 7 A’s and 1 B (missed getting an A but one or two points). She played high school volleyball and travel volleyball during this time. This year, her sophomore year, she made all A’s and played the same sports. She has learned many skills of time management, diligence and prioritization. She is a much better version of herself than when she started. She is much stronger and more mature.

She got her schedule for next year and she is already in college classes in her junior year of high school and is ecstatic. She will graduate in two years with a high school diploma and an associate’s degree. She is happy that she continued and did not give up because she is reaping a harvest that we knew would be there if she would just stick with it.

The Holy Spirit showed me that when He suffers us, we are much like my daughter. He knows what is best for us and He knows what we need, what we can handle and how far to stretch us. He makes the decision to send us into periods of suffering in our lives all according to His will. When He is suffering us, He is trying to stretch us and develop us into His likeness and image. We tend to whine and pine and wail and flail just like my daughter did in the past two years, but the Lord is patient with us knowing that what He is doing is for our good and for His glory.

There is a great harvest available for us in the kingdom if we faint not. We must endure through the suffering knowing that it is for His purpose and a vital part of His plan. The harvest that is available is above what we could ever imagine, ask or think.

Just like my daughter we can suffer much discouragement. We had to reassure her a number of times a long the way because we knew she could do it, we believed in her and we knew that it was the best path for her. Last night she agreed with us by her beaming smile as she walked across the stage to get her award.

Suffering can end with a sweetness when we agree with God’s plan in our life and thank Him for His providence, wisdom and faithfulness.

We had to love our child toughly, but God has to love us toughly at times as well. God’s love is tough at times but we will be better in the end. Trust me, God appointed suffered is never waisted or unnecessary.

It is worth it and He is worthy of our praise for it!

Until next time!

Are you in a season of change? If so, can I pray for you? Email me here.

Dr. Cheryl Davis is a conservative Christian, Bible-teacher, conference speaker, wife, mother, and Proverbs 31 Woman.


Dr. Davis is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Truth Project, a 501(c)(3), non-profit last days Christian ministry located in St. Paul’s, NC that she and her husband Thad Davis lead.


Dr. Davis is the CEO of Primary Health Choice, an I/DD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) behavioral health company in North Carolina. She is a graduate of the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

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