Trusting in God's Faithfulness Through Trials

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10

Dear Ministry Partner,

Until the end of March this year, I continued to evaluate myself regarding what was happening in my family. My wife had to be hospitalized three times and underwent surgery two times. At the end of March, I also had to be hospitalized for three days because my blood pressure was increasing. One thing that amuses me is related to God's attributes; God is faithful. God is equally faithful to His promises of blessing and judgment. In the difficulties and suffering that my wife and I experienced, God remained faithful to His promise of blessing. I don't have to be afraid and worried but continue to trust in HIS help, knowing that HE will never fail.

Frids Lumba

CCI Indonesia National Director


Over the past months, inflation has hit hard in the country of Indonesia. The support amount we have been sending to Frids, the purchasing power, has been almost cut in half. We need your help to increase his support to meet this family's food and housing needs. Please consider making a new monthly commitment to help with this great need. 

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Staff Update

In February, I was able to share and train the prospective Mamasa Area Coordinator, Pastor Daniel Pua Padang in Sumarorong, West Sulawesi. After this activity, I invited seven active teachers from Mamasa to gather and convey to them that Pastor Daniel had been chosen to carry out his duties as the Mamasa Area Coordinator and needed their support. Pastor Daniel started as Area Coordinator on March 1, 2024. 

I am very grateful for my visit to West Sulawesi. I took the time to meet with the Sumarorong class study participants who had stopped studying when they were about to finish book 9. I provided motivation to the students and teachers to resume studying so they can finish book 10 this year. Additionally, with the new Mamasa AC, we visited the Matana I class.

The new class in Southeast Sulawesi with 7 participants has agreed to meet once a month for 3 study days, with each meeting lasting 4-5 hours, starting every second week of the month.

While teaching the Makassar Pelita Kasih class, a participant named Renny joined to study because she had stopped studying four years ago when she became pregnant. Therefore, there are now 2 participants in this class.


"My name is Renny, and I am grateful that after four years of stopping studying, I was finally able to continue my learning by joining the Pelita Kasih Makassar class. We started the study by conducting a doctrinal survey regarding theology proper - the study of God. Although I am currently recovering after surgery and am waiting for the results of laboratory examinations for further treatment, learning about God's attributes has truly strengthened me. I do not doubt the God I worship, as He is sovereign over my life, and everything that happens is within His knowledge.

The meaning of Sovereignty: Because of Who He is, God has the authority, right, and power to rule over and control all things in accordance with His perfect will. The explanation that God is absolutely in control of all things and uses both good and bad situations to accomplish His purposes resonated deeply with me in class. Thank God for using the CCI class to speak to me."

CCI Student

Help Support Area Coordinators & Ministry Needs in Indonesia

Prayer Requests & Praises

·      Please pray for the class at Unaha, which has started with 7 participants, to continue running smoothly as it will meet once a month for 3 days of study. Pray for potential teachers to come forward to support this study group.

·      Grateful because the new class started at Unaaha, Southeast Sulawesi on March 14 with 10-12 participants.

·      Pray for plans to open CCI classes in Bontang and West Kutai in East Kalimantan Province.

·      Pray for plans to open a CCI class in Gianyar, Bali.

·      Pray for plans to open a CCI class in Oeleu, west Timor.

·      Pray for partners and key people in North Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and East Kalimantan who are willing to work with CCI Indonesia in training and multiplying leaders.

·      Please pray for my wife, Renny, who is still awaiting the results of laboratory tests in order to undergo further treatment for the breast cancer she is battling.

·      Please pray for my health as I was hospitalized for three days in March due to high blood pressure.

·    Pray for the two area coordinators, Daniel in West Sulawesi and Oktavianus in West Timor, so that they can carry out their responsibilities effectively.

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