
SEE more of your favorite collections!
SAVE more with Trunk Show discounts!
and TAKE home FREE gifts!

We've arranged special showings of our most popular collections just for you!
For a limited time only, you can shop an even larger assortment featuring the newest Fall designs! Plus, take a sneak peek at "top-secret" Holiday collections to come!

Southern Gates
Trunk Show
Sept. 14th - 22nd

Our Southern Gates collection is inspired by the  ornamental
ironwork and architecture of the South.   Each unique piece is crafted
in sterling silver with  intricate detail to create a stunning variety  of pendants, earrings,  bracelets and rings.  The newest addition  of 
"rice" bead  designs is our new local favorite!

Choose your FREE GIFT
with any Southern Gates purchase of $75 or more!

and stay tuned for more exciting details about
the  next Trunk Show  on our
Trunk Show September calendar... 

September 22nd - 30th

Thank you for shopping local with us!

Share this email with a friend and bring them along for the FUN!