WTPC and Freedom for ALL PAC Follow Suit

Calls for Unity and Focus on Defeating Brown

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Contact: Tom Zawistowski,

Akron, OH: Tom Zawistowski, President of the Ohio-based national We the People Convention organization and Treasurer of the Freedom for All PAC, announced that both organizations are endorsing Bernie Moreno for U.S Senate from Ohio after President Trump made his surprise endorsement late Tuesday. In making his announcement, Zawistowski thanked President Trump for providing leadership and called for Republicans to unite behind his endorsement.

Zawistowski said, "The We the People Convention and the Freedom for All PAC are honored to follow President Trump's lead and endorse conservative businessman Bernie Moreno for U.S. Senate from Ohio in the Republican Primary. I want to thank President Trump for not waiting to make this endorsement, like he did in 2022, so that Patriots in Ohio can get behind his pick and focus on defeating Marxist Democrat Sherrod Brown in the 2024 General Election."


Zawistowski continued, "Bernie Moreno is without doubt the most conservative of the three candidates running in the U.S. Senate race in Ohio. I got to know him three years ago when he first ran for U.S. Senate and we have had many, many long conversations about our broken political system and our broken government and what needs to be done to fix both and restore our Constitutional Republic. His support for President Trump has been unwavering from day one. His support for the grassroots TEA Party/Liberty Movement in Ohio has been stellar. He knows that with the right policies we can Make America Great Again (MAGA) and is committed to the America First Agenda. He is super smart. Like Trump he thinks like a businessman and is all about finding the best solutions and getting things done. As a legal immigrant to the United States, which gave him the opportunity to become a very successful self-made businessman, he has a love for our country that surpasses many native born Americans. He hates what is being intentionally done to our nation by the Democrat Marxists and he has committed himself to stopping them. That is why we are proud to endorse Bernie Moreno for U.S. Senate and know that he will represent the will of the people of Ohio and not just those of special interests."

Zawistowski added, "I know all three candidates well. Frank LaRose and Matt Dolan are good men. I know that they are running for the right reasons. In more sane times, We the People have always wanted voters to choose their candidates in the Primary. Unfortunately we are not living in those times. We are in a "cold" civilwar fighting for the fate of our nation and we need to take extraordinary actions to preserve our Republic. Just yesterday, the people who falsely promote that Donald Trump, and you and I, are "a threat to Democracy" literally voted in the Colorado Supreme Court to remove Donald Trump from the Ballot to prevent citizens from having the opportunity to vote for him! That partisan, illegal, vote will be overturned, but this is the kind of lawless radicalism we are facing in 2024 that we must soundly defeat."

Zawistowski explained, "So, here is the deal. Like in 2016 when the Ohio grassroots won Ohio for Trump and made him President against all the odds in order to stop the Marxist "Transformation of America", in 2024 control of the U.S. Senate is on the line in Ohio and the fate of the nation is in our hands once again. In order for us to guarantee a 51-49 Republican majority in the Senate we in Ohio MUST defeat the Democrat Marxist Sherrod Brown in the 2024 General Election. Estimates are that leftist billionaires from all over the nation will pour in over $100 Million in advertising to keep control of the Senate and re-elect Brown. Conveniently, the Democrats have kept everyone off of the primary ballot in Ohio for both the Senate and the Presidency. Why is that important? The Dems will save tens of millions of dollars by not having a competitive primary so they can use that money to win in the General Election! That is a huge advantage for them - one that we can not allow."

Zawistowski then made an important request, "Therefore, I am respectfully asking both Frank LaRose and Matt Dolan to drop out of the Senate race so that we don't spend $20 Million plus fighting each other instead of fighting to defeat Sherrod Brown. It only makes sense for them and our state and our nation. The 2022 Senate race proves my point. JD Vance was in a distant third place in all the polls until Trump endorsed him 10 days before the Primary. Vance won by 8%. With Trump endorsing Moreno, and with Trump actually on the Ohio Presidential ballot this time to draw in voters, this Senate primary is over. They know it and we know it. Therefore, I call on them both, to put aside their personal ambitions, and do the right thing for Ohio and our Nation. I know this is a tough ask. I don't ask this flippantly. I know their consultants will be telling them today that they can still win because consultants want to keep their jobs. I know Matt Dolan and Frank LaRose are both Patriots and are very concerned about our nation and want to see Sherrod Brown defeated. They know we are at war and that this is how we defeat the enemy - by focusing our efforts. It makes sense for them to should drop out of the race and put all of their support behind President Trump and Bernie Moreno to help us take back control of the U.S. Senate and save our Republic. That is the kind leadership and personal sacrifice it is going to take to defeat the Marxists in 2024. I sincerely hope that they will do it."

Those wishing to donate to, or volunteer to help, the Moreno for U.S. Senate campaign can do so by clicking on this link. The We the People Convention and Freedom for All PAC have also endorsed the Congressional Candidates in Ohio: Kevin Coughlin in the Ohio 13th, J.R. Majewski in the Ohio 9th District, Reggie Stoltzfus in the Ohio 6th District and Charles Tassell in the Ohio 2nd District. Patriots can help the Freedom for All PAC support the election of all of these candidates by donating to the Freedom for All PAC by clicking this link.

As an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation, the We the People Convention has the legal authority to endorse candidates in federal elections based on the Citizens United case which was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States on January 21, 2010.


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