Trudeau Liberals and
the Chinese Communist Party
A few weeks back in my national affairs column in The Niagara Independent I began writing about the headline news relating to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence on Canada’s recent federal elections. The issue when this story broke was whether PM Justin Trudeau and Liberal Party operatives knew about the CCP’s activities and, if so, what did they do about them. Over the weeks troubling facts have emerged and questions about Canada’s PM and the Liberal Party have become more complex – and much more serious.
In the last few days we learned that Chinese Canadians describe the CSIS revelations as “the tip of the iceberg,” and they are aware that "Beijing is watching every day with the threat of intimidation and harassment." Just yesterday in the news: Canada is knowingly permitting CCP-sponsored students who have been deemed a security risk in the U.S. to conduct research in Canadian universities. Also, four Liberal MPs including federal small business minister Mary Ng are identified as endorsers of a CCP-tied organization in Toronto.
With the many ties now being exposed between the Trudeau Liberals and the CCP, this has become a matter of national security. And given that the PM and his political operatives seem reluctant to respond to the simplest of questions, Canadians have an even greater need to know about the multiple hidden agendas in play. We cannot allow our country’s independence to be jeopardized in any way.

You are encouraged to become informed about this serious national security issue: read the CCP-related news reports from Global News Sam Cooper and Globe and Mail newsmen Robert Fife and Steven Chase, and the insightful research of Terry Glavin (and here is his latest piece). Access the fact-based news reports on what is transpiring on Parliament Hill as delivered straight-up by Blacklock’s Reporter
Below you will find links to my recent Niagara Independent columns and a few archived columns from the last two years. You are also encouraged to forward this email to those who share our concerns.
This is serious stuff. It matters. What are the CCP ties that bind the Trudeau Liberals and, by extension, our federal government?

The CCP- sponsored...
Trudeau Liberal Party (and what it means for the integrity of our country's democratic process).

The potential quid pro quos...
between Trudeau Liberals and the Chinese Communist Party (it's disturbing to reflect on).

It’s now evident...
this national scandal is more than election interference – and Justin Trudeau is “obviously hiding something”

From the archive of columns
Evidently, it's about more than a few elections...
Chris George
Reliable counsel. Effective advocacy.

By George Journal
Provoking Thought. Providing Thoughtfulness.

(613) 983-0801
the CCP activities are a national security matter.