Trinity Weekly

September 29, 2023

Be Careful with Emails!

We have been made aware that a scam has been occurring via email in Pastor Doug's name requesting money. Please do not respond to any requests for money from Pastor Doug via email.

Please be aware that this type of email has been sent out in the past from someone claiming to be Pastor Doug. When in doubt, simply delete the email and follow up with Pastor Doug in person. We encourage you to always practice safe procedures when it comes to emails and if an email looks suspicious, delete it immediately rather than opening it.

Missionary Luncheon - THIS WEEKEND

Reverend Jay & Julie Dass will again be visiting Trinity on Sunday, October 1. Trinity will be hosting a luncheon for them sponsored and supported by the Elders and the Fellowship and Outreach Ministry Team. The congregation is invited to join for a time of ministry and celebration with this couple.

Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served. We ask that the congregation help with the following:

A-H bring a side dish

I-P bring Pies or Cakes

Q-Z bring Brownies or Cookies

There will be a free-will offering to cover operating expenses and missionary donations. Please see Rocky Smothers or Terry Boggs if you have questions. 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Trinity Downtown!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Trinity Youth Ministry (TYM) is an exciting opportunity for 6th through 8th grade students in our local community to come together in a fun environment to build relationships with one another and with Jesus. Volunteers and participants will enjoy dinner together, followed by worship, games, and an open gym in the beautiful facilities provided by our Lord at Trinity Lutheran Church in downtown Orlando. FCA TYM will meet in Trinity’s fellowship hall and gymnasium, from 6pm-8pm one Sunday per month.


For additional information, please see the flyer below:

FCA TYM Informational Flyer

If you would like to sign your child up for this event, please use the registration link below:

FCA TYM Registration

For more information on how to be involved, how to volunteer, or if you have any questions, please contact the church office.

Church Worker Appreciation Month

October is Church Worker Appreciation Month. Please consider showing special appreciation to your church workers and servants next month.

The Executive Director of the LCMS Office has written a letter indicating the importance of showing appreciation for our church servants. The letter can be found here

Trinity's Adopt-A-Class Ministry

The Adopt-A-Class Ministry is still in need of 4 new sponsors this year to have each of our 21 classrooms and staff groups covered.

Would you please consider adopting a class? Once you sign up, you'll be sent information about your class and lots of helpful gift ideas. Please email or call Julia Malenke at or 334-703-0325 with any questions, for more information, or to adopt-a-class. Thank you!

LWML Weekend

Trinity's LWML will host our annual LWML weekend on October 14th and 15th with a display of finished quilts in church. These quilts will then be boxed, weighed, and transported to the local ingathering for LWR in early February 2024. These quilts were sewn with donated cloth, thread, crochet cotton, and sewing machines. During the year 2024, they will be given to many refugees throughout the world experiencing loss due to earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and war.

At 11:30 Saturday, October 14th we will place the quilts on pews and remove them after the 11:15 service Sunday, October 15. Any able-bodied volunteers willing to help will be welcomed. Contact Marylou at 407 491 4452 for further information.

There will be a supply of brand new mite boxes available in church this Sunday. Please consider taking some home and supporting this ministry..

Trinity's Fall Festival

Please join us for our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 3pm-6pm and Trunk or Treat at 2pm-5pm. Food, Fun, and Fellowship will be found in abundance.

Admission is $12 for adults and $6 for children over 2 years of age.

Activities include:

  • Fall photos for your family
  • A hayride on the soccer field
  • Food available for purchase
  • Games for adults and children with prizes
  • A bounce house
  • Face painting
  • Wine and Beer Tasting Booth
  • Special performance by David Ludwig, our organist at church, at 4pm
  • And more!

We also invite you to join us for worship in the sanctuary at 6pm. We would love to see you at this fantastic event!

Trinity's Annual Oktoberfest

Please join the Elders and the Fellowship & Outreach Ministry Teams for a night of festivities of Fun, Food, & Fellowship on Friday, October 27, 2023 from 5pm-9pm. Admission and Festivities are free, but a free-will offering will be available to help cover operating expenses.

Games with prizes for both children and adults will be held in the gym. The menu is hot dogs, brats, and chicken thighs with side dishes. Back by popular demand is the Wine & Beer Tasting Table which will be available in the Fellowship Hall. Seating will be both outside in the courtyard or in the gym. Contact Terry Boggs or Rocky Smothers with any questions. 

Food and Funds on the Fifth Sunday

As always, on any fifth Sunday of a month, we will be collecting food donations for a local food pantry (dry and canned goods only, not expired) and funds for the Pastor's discretionary fund assisting those dealing with immediate financial emergencies. Bring in those dollars and BOGOs on October 29! Thank you.

Redeeming Life's Shake, Rattle & Stroll Walk for Life

Trinity is thrilled to partner with Redeeming Life to host the first ever Shake, Rattle & Stroll Walk for Life.

This fundraiser will be held at Lake Eola Park on Saturday, January 27 from 8am-11am.

The goals of this fundraiser are to:

  1. Raise awareness about the sanctity of life and the importance of a healthy God centered family. 
  2. Provide critical support to Redeeming Life Maternity Home.   


Since the event is free, we are asking that each congregation help us offset the event costs in one of two ways: 


  1. Provide a gift of $250.00 (checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church earmarked for Shake, Rattle & Stroll or give online here)
  2. Write a Thrivent Action Team grant for $250.00. 

Additional information to come regarding volunteer opportunities, but if you are interested in serving with this event, please contact the church office.

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries is a Christ-centered maternity home and program offering love, hope, and a future to single pregnant women in crisis located in Sanford, Florida.  The ministry is expanding to the Chicagoland area this fall, the first of many expansion projects.  The long-term vision for Redeeming Life is to have a uniquely LCMS Lutheran maternity home in every geographical district in the country.  We are excited to partner with Redeeming Life, as together we serve desperate young mothers and their children but most importantly, to share the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with them.  Please take a few minutes to learn more about Redeeming Life at  

Altar Flower Sponsorships

Would you like to monetarily sponsor one or both of the planned weekly altar flower arrangements? Please fill out this form to share your sponsorship information.

Each arrangement is $25 and you may sponsor one or both arrangements. Please contact the church office with questions.

Bible Study Schedule

Sundays at 10:15am: Sunday School

The Great Sending

One session led by Gregg Yawman

One session led by Pastor Doug

Mondays at 6:30pm

Women's Bible Study

Daniel: Encouragement for Faith

Led by Julie Lasater

Begins October 2

Mondays at 7pm Online

The Great Sending

Led by James and Laura Marano

Meeting ID: 884 1046 7886

Passcode: 291379

Tuesdays at 9am in Loggia 3 Women of the Word

Tuesdays at 1pm

Searching the Scriptures

On the Book of Daniel

Led by Connie Sobol

Resumes September 19

Wednesdays at 7pm Online Prayer Meeting

Led by Pastor Doug

Meeting ID: 875 5454 8217

Passcode: 715083

Saturdays at 4:30pm in Loggia 3

Led by Bob Trapp

Begins soon!

Interested? Contact the church office

Children and Student Ministry

Student Ministry Schedule

  • Children's Sunday School for children 4 years through 5th grade will utilize Answers Bible Curriculum published by Answers in Genesis. To learn more about this curriculum, visit the Answers in Genesis website.
  • Serving this year:
  • PreK-4 and Kindergarten with Mrs. JoAnne Gusewelle and Miss Kristin Gusewelle
  • 1st-2nd grades with Mrs. Desiree Kallesen
  • 3rd through 5th grades with Mrs. Gail Wilkosz.
  • All classes meet on the first floor of Heritage Hall.
  • To register your child for Sunday school, please use this link
  • MS and HS Youth Bible Study will be held in the church basement beginning Sunday, September 10. Led by Renee Ponik and Tim Gusewelle, students will engage in conversations regarding topics relating to the confirmation lessons for further depth of understanding.
  • Confirmation occurs approximately every other week through May 2024. For more information, please contact the church office.

New FCA TYM Bible Study

We are thrilled to offer an online Bible study for the FCA TYM students! This study will be held on Sundays from 5:30pm-6:15pm beginning September 10 and will work through Immerse Messiah. The Zoom information is below:

Meeting ID: 819 8421 3960

Passcode: 065594

If you have questions or need a book, please reach out to Catherine Simmons at

Right Now Media
We are so excited to introduce this amazing platform to all of you! As a gift from Trinity Downtown to you, this spiritual development resource, RightNow Media, is now available to you wherever you are! What looks like a Netflix showcase of movies is actually a HUGE library of Bible study videos, Christian author resources, Children and Teen Resources, and so much more. With a downloadable app, RightNow Media is a safe option for the entire family and will help grow your faith. Trinity is dedicated to your spiritual growth and has partnered with RightNow Media to provide this service free of charge to you.

To sign up and create an account, click on the link below:

Or text TRINITYDOWNTOWN to the number 49775 to receive a text with the "Invite Link" to sign up for a free account.


The serving schedule for October has been updated:


We are livestreaming Sunday 9am worship every weekend, Saturday 6pm and Sunday 11:15am will be taped and posted after worship. All services are archived on Trinity's website and YouTube page for future viewing. If you need any help finding any services or subscribing to our YouTube channel, please contact the church office at

Christian Yoga
Christian Yoga continues online via Zoom on Mondays @ 6:30pm. Now more than ever - the relaxation of yoga is a tremendous benefit. Email Beth for more information at

Monthly Trinity Calendars

A limited number of copies of the monthly Trinity calendar can be accessed in the narthex or viewed below. Contact the church office with any questions.

We also have a school year calendar for the church and CDC that can be viewed here:

2023-2024 Church and CDC Calendar

Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to

All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly.

Those Fighting Cancer 

Jackie R., Mary, Doug H., Paul W., Rebecca M., Rita S., Alice, Brian, Jerry D., ayden, Jeff M., Eva and Justin, Alex, Emma R., Annie B., Matt S., Joanna P., Matt B., Eva S., Barbara B., Mike T., Johnny N., Carolyn R., Mike R., Chip D., Doug, Brian, Terry B., Susan, Noah, Scott's mother, Paul B., Mickey, Melissa, Jack, Vickie and Terry, Bill B., Melissa, Alice, Gertrude, Dr. Ramon, Ellen B., Beverly B., Kim P., Corey C., Sandy K., Jamie, Sandra, Renee A., Caitlyn

Health Concerns 

Hazel, Chuck, Karen E., Leidy M., Wendy M., Melody and her mother, Bob B., Michelle, Blanca, Jake B. and Krista, Sadie, Dale D., Jamie J., Debbie H., Lorraine, Bill S., Chris L., Donald C.

Surgery and Recovery/Recently Hospitalized

Renee P., Maria C., Jordon H., Mark F., Rich m.

Other Needs

  • For the process, person, and provision of an associate pastor
  • For all survivors of 9/11
  • For those suffering broken relationships
  • For Boris
  • For Megan and Kevin
  • For Lucine H. and Kathy A.
  • For Liz Yawman
  • For Nicholas and Victoria
  • For Michelle and Family

Peace and Comfort

  • For the family and friends of Tom Heeney
  • For the family and friends of Jon Christensen
  • For Amanda and Shane at the loss of Amanda's father
  • For the family and friends of Sandy Allen
  • For the family and friends of Robert Porak
  • For the family and friends of Craig Baker
  • For the family and friends of Myra Seaton
  • For the family and friends of Corkey Hornsby
  • For the family and friends of Shirley
  • For the family and friends of Jeannene Adams
  • For the family and friends of Kerry Carlton
  • Family of Ramond Ruiz
  • Family of Lt. Jim Murray

Confidential Prayers

For those prayers that have been shared in confidence, you know the details, Lord. We lift them up to you.

Our Trinity Missionaries

  • Wasmund Family in East Asia
  • Trump Family in Kenya
  • Clausing Family in Tanzania
  • Lehman Family in Puerto Rico


  • Blessings on all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries!
  • Thanks and praise for those whose health has improved.
  • Thanks and praise for the staff and leaders at Trinity!

For Our Communities - For Our Nation - For Our World

We pray for our nation, for our nation's leaders, for its people, and for our future together as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! We pray that we may all be a reflection of Christ's love, sharing grace and mercy, living in peace with one another. Reach out, listen, connect, and have those hard conversations. Love is first. Love wins.

Prayerful Thoughts from Rusty Stephens

Heavenly Father,

For the prayer within, we pray in the name of your son our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We are all familiar with going to destinations whether it’s a long trip or a short one just around town. The trips to these destinations usually end with our return to home. Eventually all of us on earth will leave never returning to this home and end up in one of two final destinations and new permanent homes. We don’t get there the same way as in our earthly travels. The choice is not ours in going, but the choice is ours in which one we will end up in.

One destination is guaranteed to people who reject that they need saving from their sins and that there is a savior in you, Jesus, also continuing to follow the direction of the world with total disregard for what you, Jesus, want them to do, and/or believing that there’s another way to be saved other than by you, Jesus. Some may be having such a great life here on earth and never have any thought or concern about what happens when their “great life” here ends. Others may think that death is the same as before they were born with just more nothingness. Then there are the ones who think they will return to earth at a future time as another person or something else. Sadly though are the people that have never heard of you, Jesus, and what you did to save us; which is why you want us to go out and when the proper time comes to tell them of this great news. If done before the end of their live, any of these people can and will be saved, but it all has to be sincere. By faith, believing in Jesus Christ as your savior, confessing all of your sins in life, asking Jesus to forgive those sins, then by you, Jesus, pleading forgiveness to our Heavenly Father, those sins are forgiven and forgotten. For the rest of your life if you remain faithful to Jesus, you are saved. Just remember though the clock is ticking and time will run out, maybe sooner than you think.

The other destination is for all who do believe in you, Jesus, and all the ways mentioned above. This destination is a guaranteed paradise of beauty, love, joy, happiness and totally free from any negatives such as pain, suffering, sickness, hardships and hatefulness. Jesus, through your amazing unconditional love for all of us that you take to Heaven, we are blessed with an eternal life so wonderful that it is to difficult for comprehension in this life. Jesus, without your sacrifice on the cross forgiving all of our sins, we would have only one destination and this one would not be it. Thank you so much, Jesus, for not allowing that to happen.

Jesus, it is so hard for us to think that anyone would want to throw away a guaranteed perfect paradise that you made so easy to obtain. For whatever reason they have, they will pay such an enormous price for all of the sins that they have committed in their lives. Unlike you, Jesus, paying the terrible price with your life on the cross for all of our sins, freeing us totally of our costs. For the people who don’t believe in you, Jesus, they will pay for each and every sin in their whole lives by going to a destination that is filled with horrible things never to be found in Heaven. This will all be administered through the hatred of the devil himself. Jesus, we all know the name of this destination and that also in it, there is no turning back or escaping it and the length of time in payment there never ends.

Lord In Your Mercy

Hear Our Prayer


Community News

The St. Luke's Concert Series

To view ONLINE concerts, visit St Luke's website for links. Links to watch live.

Attendance & Giving

September 23 Sat. in person: 28

September 23 online: N/A

September 24 Sun. 9am: 54

September 24 Sun. 11:15am: 73

September 24 online: 6

Quick Links
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407-488-1919 | |

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 8:30am-5pm