Trinity Weekly

June 9, 2023

From the Congregation President, Tom Finger

We have now reached the point in our Associate Pastor Call process where we reach out to the congregation and ask for nominees for the Call Committee to consider. If anyone has a Pastor they would like to nominate please drop a quick note to the church office or let Pastor Kallesen, James Gusewelle or me (Tom Finger) know.

Our slate of candidates for election to Leadership Council is as follows:

  • President: Thomas Finger is completing his second of two terms, no current nominees
  • VP: James Gusewelle is completing his first of two terms, nominated for second term
  • School Board President: Bonnie Roby is completing her second of two terms, Laura Marano nominated
  • Treasurer: David Wilkosz serving on a congregational waiver, no current nominees
  • At Large: Marcie Shively completing second of two terms, Brian Paul nominated
  • At Large: Bill Ruffier completing second of two terms, Bonnie Roby nominated
  • Sr. Elder: Mike Kunze completing second of two terms, Rocky Smothers nominated

The congregation is encouraged to attend the June 25th Voter’s meeting. Key agenda items are presentation of the FY 23-24 budget, Election of Leadership Council officers and Elders, and an update on the Associate Pastor Call process. I hope to see you all there!

Vacation Bible School

Trinity is thrilled to host Vacation Bible School (VBS) this summer for ages 3 through rising 6th graders. VBS will be held June 26-30 from 9am-12pm.

Please visit to register your child.

Are you a middle or high schooler who would like to help out with VBS? Fill out this form to register to volunteer!

Questions? Contact the church office.

Supplies Needed!!

The VBS team is in need of the following supplies for VBS:

2 refrigerator boxes

2 washer/dryer boxes

If you are able to help by providing these supplies, please contact the church office to arrange when and where they can be dropped off. Thank you for your help!

Make A More Joyful Noise! is back!

Please join the Parish Choir and help us Make A More Joyful Noise! on July 2, the Sunday before Independence Day, during the traditional 11:15 am service. All are welcome! Every voice can make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Even YOU!

We will rehearse the music on Wednesday, June 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the balcony. If you can’t make Wednesday’s rehearsal, you can come Sunday morning at 10:45 a.m. to rehearse prior to the service. All rehearsals will be in the balcony.

Come Make A More Joyful Noise! with us!

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” (Psalm 100)

We're Celebrating!

You are invited to the book signing for Mary Jo Hoard's first published work, Sacred & Settled: Spiritual Applications for Embracing Conscious Serenity.

The book signing will be held in Trinity's Fellowship Hall on Saturday, June 17, 2023 from 12pm-2pm. Please contact Mary Jo Hoard at 407.432.7295 or with questions and to rsvp.

Trinity CDC Outreach

A member of our Trinity family whose children attend the Child Development Center has a friend who went to the Dominican Republic and opened a school in a community that lives in extreme poverty. We have been trying to help them by purchasing items off of their Amazon wish list. Shipping costs are very expensive and choosing items off the wish list is the best way to quickly get them what they need. Our classrooms have been selling lemonade, plants that they propagated, and homemade playdough, to raise money for these items, but you can also go on the link to see what they need if you are able to help! Additionally, we continued our efforts by selling floor tiles to help them purchase flooring for the dirt floors of their school house. The total cost of the floor was $1000 and we sold tiles for $10 each. In only a few days we were able to let FICA 6 school in the Dominican Republic know they would be able to have a floor under their feet. 


We recently received a note from Gylia, the classroom teacher. She said she received over 20 packages and is so thankful and appreciative of all our efforts.  


Please check out the attachment for more information about the school and click on the link to support them! Thank you!

Altar Flower Sponsorships

Would you like to monetarily sponsor one or both of the planned weekly altar flower arrangements? Please fill out this form to share your sponsorship information.

Each arrangement is $25 and you may sponsor one or both arrangements. Please contact the church office with questions.

Bible Study Schedule

Sundays at 10:15am: Sunday School

The Great Sending

One session led by Gregg Yawman

One session led by Pastor Doug

Mondays at 7pm Online

The Great Sending

Led by James and Laura Marano

Meeting ID: 884 1046 7886

Passcode: 291379

Tuesdays at 9am in Loggia 3 Women of the Word

Resumes in September

Tuesdays at 1pm

Beyond Grief Share

Beginning with the Book of Job

Led by Connie Sobol

Wednesdays at 7pm Online Prayer Meeting

Led by Pastor Doug

Meeting ID: 875 5454 8217

Passcode: 715083

Thursdays at 6:30pm

Women's Bible Study

Led by Julie Lasater

Saturdays at 4:30pm in Loggia 3

Led by Bob Trapp

Right Now Media
We are so excited to introduce this amazing platform to all of you! As a gift from Trinity Downtown to you, this spiritual development resource, RightNow Media, is now available to you wherever you are! What looks like a Netflix showcase of movies is actually a HUGE library of Bible study videos, Christian author resources, Children and Teen Resources, and so much more. With a downloadable app, RightNow Media is a safe option for the entire family and will help grow your faith. Trinity is dedicated to your spiritual growth and has partnered with RightNow Media to provide this service free of charge to you.

To sign up and create an account, click on the link below:

Or text TRINITYDOWNTOWN to the number 49775 to receive a text with the "Invite Link" to sign up for a free account.


The serving schedule for June has been updated:

Sunday School for Children and Students

Adult Sunday School, Children's Sunday School, MS/HS Sunday School

  • Adult Sunday School: the The Great Sending with Pastor Doug study meets in Loggia 2, and The Great Sending with Gregg Yawman meets in in Loggia 3.
  • Children's Sunday School for children 4 years through 5th grade will utilize Answers Bible Curriculum published by Answers in Genesis. To learn more about this curriculum, visit the Answers in Genesis website.
  • Serving this year:
  • PreK-4 and Kindergarten with Mrs. JoAnne Gusewelle and Miss Kristin Gusewelle
  • 1st-2nd grades with Mrs. Desiree Kallesen
  • 3rd through 5th grades with Mrs. Gail Wilkosz.
  • All classes meet on the first floor of Heritage Hall.
  • MS and HS Youth Bible Study are invited to join Pastor Doug's Sunday School class entitled "The Great Sending." Reach out to the church office with any questions.
  • Confirmation will resume in September, 2023.
We are livestreaming Sunday 9am worship every weekend, Saturday 6pm and Sunday 11:15am will be taped and posted after worship. All services are archived on Trinity's website and YouTube page for future viewing. If you need any help finding any services or subscribing to our YouTube channel, please contact the church office at
Christian Yoga
Christian Yoga continues online via Zoom on Mondays @ 6:30pm. Now more than ever - the relaxation of yoga is a tremendous benefit. Email Beth for more information at

Monthly Trinity Calendars

A limited number of copies of the monthly Trinity calendar can be accessed in the narthex or viewed below. Contact the church office with any questions.

We also have a school year calendar for the church and CDC that can be viewed here:

2022-2023 Church and CDC Calendar

Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to

All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly.

Those Fighting Cancer 

Gary L., Preston, David V., JoAnn and Allan, Lisa and Victor, Michael S., Jenny M., Jerry K., Barbara R., Jackie R., Mary, Doug H., Paul W., Rebecca M., Rita S., Alice, Brian, Jerry D., Corey, Cayden, Jeff M., Eva and Justin, Alex, Emma R., Annie B., Matt S., Joanna P., Matt B., Eva S., Barbara B., Mike T., Johnny N., Carolyn R., Mike R., Chip D., Doug, Brian, Jesiah M., Terry B., Susan, Noah, Jenisse

Health Concerns 

Hazel, Chuck, Karen E., Karen, Carol, Mike, Maggie B., Mark, Hank D., Barbara B.

Surgery and Recovery/Recently Hospitalized


Other Needs

  • For the process, person, and provision of an associate pastor
  • Bob
  • Bianca
  • For those suffering from broken relationships
  • John K.
  • Caleb and friends
  • Lars
  • People of India
  • Kathy A.

Peace and Comfort

  • For the family and friends of Ann Bufkin
  • For Linda at the loss of her husband
  • For the family and friends of Jean Koivu
  • For the Opheim family
  • For the family and friends of Deputy Mike Milmerstadt
  • For the Mimms family at the loss of their son
  • For the Brittingham family
  • For the Person family
  • For the family and friends of Andy Riddle
  • For the family and friends of Paula Bowman
  • For Anna and Curtis after their loss
  • For the family and friends of Eleanor DeFreze
  • For the family and friends of Howard Soost
  • For the family and friends of Ruth McKinney
  • For the family and friends of Eden
  • For the Gamble family at the loss of their son
  • For the family and friends of Carol Dunn
  • For the family and friends of Joel Wright

Confidential Prayers

For those prayers that have been shared in confidence, you know the details, Lord. We lift them up to you.

Our Trinity Missionaries

  • Wasmund Family in East Asia
  • Trump Family in Kenya
  • Clausing Family in Tanzania
  • Lehman Family in Puerto Rico


  • Blessings on all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries!
  • Thanks and praise for those whose health has improved.
  • Thanks and praise for the staff and leaders at Trinity!

For Our Communities - For Our Nation - For Our World

We pray for our nation, for our nation's leaders, for its people, and for our future together as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! We pray that we may all be a reflection of Christ's love, sharing grace and mercy, living in peace with one another. Reach out, listen, connect, and have those hard conversations. Love is first. Love wins.

Additional Prayers

  • For world, state, and local leaders in decisions
  • For all those caring for aging and/or ill family members in need
  • Prayers for our CDC staff & families, Trinity membership, and all Trinity staff & leaders
  • For all those struggling with mental health issues
  • For all those troubled by depression and broken relationships
  • For all those unable to attend church
  • For all those serving in our military
  • For the current war in Ukraine
  • For those who have lost homes due to storms and for those who are homeless

Prayerful Thoughts from Rusty Stephens

Heavenly Father,

For the prayer within, we pray in the name of your son our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

How many times have we heard or even said, “This is too good to be true?” In the sinful world we live in sooner or later it happens to all of us in one way or another. Perhaps we were sold on many promises about how a purchased product would function only to be disappointed with it later. Maybe the choice of someone who seemed outstandingly qualified to accomplish a task fell short or even failed altogether. Still yet life may have been going along smoothly for a lengthy time and then suddenly a time of difficulty with drastic changes brings on rough times. There are many situations happening to us that can bring out the feeling of “This was too good to be true.”

Unfortunately, Jesus, there are many people out in the world who may have the view that an eternal life in the paradise of Heaven is “too good to be true.” Perhaps doubts overtake even ones that have read about this in the Bible or heard it in church or in Christian media. It’s as if they are not trusting your words, Jesus.

For all of us who are faithful to you, Jesus, we know that Heaven exists and is guaranteed to anyone who believes in you, confesses all of their sins, and asks you for forgiveness. We are then made clean from the stain of those sins which exist no longer. Then, by remaining faithful to you, Jesus, for the rest of our lives, entry into that paradise is absolute.

The reason we know this to be true is that you, God, through your son Jesus promised this. Why would our Heavenly Father put his one and only son who he loves so very deeply though all of that suffering and to die painfully on that cross if the promise was not true? Also, God, you are truth, no lie can come from you. God cannot be in the presence of anything unholy such as the sin of a lie. No sin at all can come from you, God. Anything God promises is the truth. Finally, God, why would you promise us this heavenly paradise? Because you love all of us with such an all powerful and encompassing love; a love that cannot be fully understood by anyone on earth.

Jesus, with all of the lack of trust in this sinful world, it is so refreshing to know that we can totally put our trust in you. That trust in you, Jesus, also means we know that you will always do what is best in every situation, even though we may not be able to see it in our current vision. We thank you so much, Jesus, for that solid foundation of trust in you and of course your amazing love for us. Another fact, the term “Too good to be true” will stay behind in this world when we leave it. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who never told a lie or sinned in any other way, will take us to that paradise called Heaven; a place of absolute truth always and forever.

Lord In Your Mercy

Hear Our Prayer


Community News

The St. Luke's Concert Series

To view ONLINE concerts, visit St Luke's website for links. Links to watch live.

Attendance & Giving

June 3 Sat. in person: 35

June 3 online: 19

June 4 Sun. 9am: 63

June 4 Sun. 11:15am: 63

June 4 online: 7

Quick Links
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Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 8:30am-5pm