Trinity Weekly

July 26, 2024

¡Hola! Exciting News!

Pastor Kallesen, together with the Elder Board and members of the Leadership Council, are excited to announce a new Trinity outreach ministry.


Please join us in welcoming Esperanza Viva, Pastor Eduardo’s Spanish congregation, to Trinity! They will begin worshipping with us on July 28 at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Please keep Pastor Eduardo and this new ministry in your prayers!

 Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through ministries which strengthen and equip people for Christian witness and service in downtown, metropolitan Orlando, and the world. Our purpose in all that we do is to bring people one step closer to Jesus.


This opens new doors—doors to our Spanish speaking CDC staff and families, and an outreach arm into our community. We are very excited and invite you to join with us in this new gospel door of opportunity on our campus and to our community. 

Peace Shares

Peace is kicking off her month of Peace Shares – we’ll be collecting dog and cat food, treats and toys, along with old towels and blankets, to provide to All Creatures Pet Grooming for their rehousing project. Please bring all donations by Sunday, August 11. Please bring any donations and leave them in the Narthex in Peace's

box. Cash or check donations can be given to Paul Soost, Peace's Top Dog, or a member of the team. Please be certain to make checks out to Trinity Lutheran Church and write Peace Shares in the memo line. All Creatures donates Peace’s monthly grooming so we are excited to support their mission. 

Touch A Truck Meeting

Touch A Truck is returning on Saturday, February 1, 2025! It is time to begin planning for this event. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, August 15 at 5:30pm in Loggia 3. Lots of volunteers are needed to head different positions and we would love for you to be on our team! Please contact Terry Boggs for more information.

Confirmation 2024-2025

The next year of Confirmation classes are just around the corner! If you are in 7th or 8th grade, we welcome you to join this class and learn more about the Lutheran faith as you move closer to Jesus.

If you are planning or interested in joining (even if you attended Confirmation last year), please fill out the form below:

Confirmation Registration

Fall Foundations Class

Foundations Class is for anyone interested in joining Trinity or wanting additional information about the Lutheran faith. Joining Trinity after the completion of the class is not required, but our hope is that you will find this to be a wonderful community where you can be involved.

Meetings will occur Saturdays from September 7-November 23 from 4pm-5:30pm with a new member welcome on November 24. Please register here if you are interested in attending.

Trinity is Hiring!

Interested in working at Trinity? A position is available to manage Trinity's Food Service program. For more information or to apply, please contact Liz Roberts.

Pool Party Hosted by the Ushers

The Ushers team will be hosting a pool party on August 11 from 2pm-6pm for those who volunteer and serve at Trinity. This event will be held at Windsong Residence Club (301 Genius Dr., right on Lake Mizell in Winter Park). Please bring your favorite game, drink, and floating device. Contact Brian Paul to reserve your spot or for additional information.

Lutheran Haven Christmas in July Fair

FCA TYM Summer Information Flyer

Family Fun Night Returns

Family Fun Night on Friday, August 16 at 6:30pm will be a special celebration both Pastor Eduardo and Pastor Doug. Please see this document for additional information.

Bible Study Schedule

Click here to see a list of our current Bible studies!

Children and Student Ministry

Click here for information regarding our children's ministries!

Click here for information regarding our Middle and High School ministries!

New Church Management Software

To make your Breeze account, go to You can also download the app and follow the prompts to log in and create your account.

If for any reason you have trouble logging in, don't panic and contact Katherine.

Don't forget to try out our giving feature on the app!

Right Now Media

To sign up and create an account, click on the link below:

Or text TRINITYDOWNTOWN to the number 49775 to receive a text with the "Invite Link" to sign up for a free account.

July Serving Schedule

The July serving schedule may be found on your Breeze profile or by visiting the website.

The current version of the 2024-2025 CDC and Church Calendar may be found here.

Helpful Forms

Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to

All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly.

All prayer requests can be found here

Prayerful Thoughts from Rusty Stephens can be found here

Attendance & Giving

July 20 Sat. in person: 45

July 20 online: 12

July 21 Sun. 9am: 60

July 21 Sun. 11:15am: 53

July 21 online: 24

Quick Links
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407-488-1919 | |

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9am-4pm