Trinity Weekly

August 25, 2023


All the thermostats are preset and should not be adjusted; they will adjust themselves. Trinity’s utility bills are reflecting the fact that the thermostats are being adjusted to unnecessary low temperatures for extended periods of time. PLEASE DO NOT ADJUST THEM.

If the temperature in a room is uncomfortable and needs to be adjusted, you MUST speak with either the class leader for any spaces outside the Sanctuary or to an usher for the Sanctuary space.

Thank you for your attention to this very important (and costly) matter.

Confirmation 2023-2024 - BEGINS THIS WEEKEND!!!

The next year of Confirmation classes are just around the corner! If you are in 7th or 8th grade, we welcome you to join this class and learn more about the Lutheran faith as you move closer to Jesus.

Confirmation classes will begin August 27 and will follow the schedule below:

August 27 - Parent and Confirmand Orientation

September 10

September 24

October 1

October 22

November 5

November 12

December 3

December 17

January 7 - First Communion Training Begins

January 21

January 28

February 4

February 18

March 3

March 10

April 7

April 21

May 5

May 19 - Confirmation Sunday

If you are planning or interested in joining (even if you attended Confirmation last year), please fill out the form below:

Confirmation Registration

Please contact the church office with any questions.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Trinity Downtown!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Trinity Youth Ministry (TYM) is an exciting opportunity for 6th through 8th grade students in our local community to come together in a fun environment to build relationships with one another and with Jesus. Volunteers and participants will enjoy dinner together, followed by worship, games, and an open gym in the beautiful facilities provided by our Lord at Trinity Lutheran Church in downtown Orlando. FCA TYM will meet in Trinity’s fellowship hall and gymnasium, from 6pm-8pm one Sunday per month.


For additional information, please see the flyer below:

FCA TYM Informational Flyer

If you would like to sign your child up for this event, please use the registration link below:

FCA TYM Registration

For more information on how to be involved, how to volunteer, or if you have any questions, please contact the church office.

New FCA TYM Bible Study

We are thrilled to offer an online Bible study for the FCA TYM students! This study will be held on Sundays from 5:30pm-6:15pm beginning September 10 and will work through Immerse Messiah. The Zoom information is below:

Meeting ID: 819 8421 3960

Passcode: 065594

If you have questions or need a book, please reach out to Catherine Simmons at

Foundations Class

Trinity will be offering a Foundations Class beginning September 9. If you or someone you know is interested in joining Trinity or wants information about the Lutheran faith, this is the class for you! An introduction to Christian teaching and the Lutheran faith, the purpose of this class is to provide the information needed to understand what Lutherans believe and decide whether Trinity is the church for you. Joining Trinity after completing this class is not required, but our hope is that you will find this to be a wonderful community where you can be involved and grow spiritually.

Meetings will occur Saturdays, September 9-November 18 from 4:00pm-5:30pm with a new member welcome on November 19. If you are interested in the class or need more information, please RSVP by using this form.

Young Adults Fellowship

The next gathering of Trinity's Young Adult Fellowship will be held on Saturday, September 16, from 4pm-6pm. Come and enjoy food, fun, and fellowship with other young adults from Trinity.

Please RSVP to Ethan Kallesen at 407-538-8485.

Choirs Begin a New Season

Our choirs are about to begin a new season. Parish Choir will begin rehearsals on Wednesday, August 30, at 7:30pm. Hand bells will start rehearsing on Wednesday, September 13, at 6:30 pm. Both choirs meet in the balcony. If you love to sing or would like to learn to play handbells, you are most welcome to join us. For more information, contact Tom Naus at

First Floor Once in a While Choir

For those of you who love to sing but cannot climb the steps to the balcony and/or drive at night, you are invited to sing with the First Floor Once in a While Choir on Sunday, September 17, at the 11:15 am service. We will rehearse prior to the service at 10:45 am in the front of the Sanctuary. We will sing after the Old Testament lesson, so you can sit with your family after we sing. All voices and ages are welcome!

New Middle and High School Sunday School

A new middle and high school Sunday school class will be held in the church basement beginning Sunday, September 10. Led by Renee Ponik and Tim Gusewelle, students will engage in conversations regarding topics relating to the confirmation lessons for further depth of understanding. Please reach out to the church office with any questions or for additional information.

Altar Flower Sponsorships

Would you like to monetarily sponsor one or both of the planned weekly altar flower arrangements? Please fill out this form to share your sponsorship information.

Each arrangement is $25 and you may sponsor one or both arrangements. Please contact the church office with questions.

Bible Study Schedule

Sundays at 10:15am: Sunday School

The Great Sending

One session led by Gregg Yawman

One session led by Pastor Doug

Mondays at 6:30pm

Women's Bible Study

Led by Julie Lasater

Study TBD

Resumes in September

Mondays at 7pm Online

The Great Sending

Led by James and Laura Marano

Meeting ID: 884 1046 7886

Passcode: 291379

Tuesdays at 9am in Loggia 3 Women of the Word

Resumes in September

Tuesdays at 1pm

Searching the Scriptures

On the Book of Daniel

Led by Connie Sobol

Resumes September 19

Wednesdays at 7pm Online Prayer Meeting

Led by Pastor Doug

Meeting ID: 875 5454 8217

Passcode: 715083

Saturdays at 4:30pm in Loggia 3

Led by Bob Trapp

Right Now Media
We are so excited to introduce this amazing platform to all of you! As a gift from Trinity Downtown to you, this spiritual development resource, RightNow Media, is now available to you wherever you are! What looks like a Netflix showcase of movies is actually a HUGE library of Bible study videos, Christian author resources, Children and Teen Resources, and so much more. With a downloadable app, RightNow Media is a safe option for the entire family and will help grow your faith. Trinity is dedicated to your spiritual growth and has partnered with RightNow Media to provide this service free of charge to you.

To sign up and create an account, click on the link below:

Or text TRINITYDOWNTOWN to the number 49775 to receive a text with the "Invite Link" to sign up for a free account.


The serving schedules for August and September have been updated:

Sunday School for Children and Students

Adult Sunday School, Children's Sunday School, MS/HS Sunday School

  • Adult Sunday School: the The Great Sending with Pastor Doug study meets in Loggia 2, and The Great Sending with Gregg Yawman meets in in Loggia 3.
  • Children's Sunday School for children 4 years through 5th grade will utilize Answers Bible Curriculum published by Answers in Genesis. To learn more about this curriculum, visit the Answers in Genesis website.
  • Serving this year:
  • PreK-4 and Kindergarten with Mrs. JoAnne Gusewelle and Miss Kristin Gusewelle
  • 1st-2nd grades with Mrs. Desiree Kallesen
  • 3rd through 5th grades with Mrs. Gail Wilkosz.
  • All classes meet on the first floor of Heritage Hall.
  • To register your child for Sunday school, please use this link
  • MS and HS Youth Bible Study will be held in the church basement beginning Sunday, September 10. Led by Renee Ponik and Tim Gusewelle, students will engage in conversations regarding topics relating to the confirmation lessons for further depth of understanding.
  • Confirmation will resume August 27, 2023. To register for confirmation, please use this link.


We are livestreaming Sunday 9am worship every weekend, Saturday 6pm and Sunday 11:15am will be taped and posted after worship. All services are archived on Trinity's website and YouTube page for future viewing. If you need any help finding any services or subscribing to our YouTube channel, please contact the church office at

Christian Yoga
Christian Yoga continues online via Zoom on Mondays @ 6:30pm. Now more than ever - the relaxation of yoga is a tremendous benefit. Email Beth for more information at

Monthly Trinity Calendars

A limited number of copies of the monthly Trinity calendar can be accessed in the narthex or viewed below. Contact the church office with any questions.

We also have a school year calendar for the church and CDC that can be viewed here:

2023-2024 Church and CDC Calendar

Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to

All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly.

Those Fighting Cancer 

Lisa and Victor, Michael S., Jenny M., Jerry K., Barbara R., Jackie R., Mary, Doug H., Paul W., Rebecca M., Rita S., Alice, Brian, Jerry D., Corey, Cayden, Jeff M., Eva and Justin, Alex, Emma R., Annie B., Matt S., Joanna P., Matt B., Eva S., Barbara B., Mike T., Johnny N., Carolyn R., Mike R., Chip D., Doug, Brian, Terry B., Susan, Noah, Scott's mother, Paul B., Mickey, Melissa, Jack, Vickie and Terry, Bill B., Melissa, Alice, Gertrude, Dr. Ramon

Health Concerns 

Hazel, Chuck, Karen E., Lt. Joann H., Nadene K., Marcy, Patrick W., David S., Jake, Kaitlyn and Josh, Martha P., Stephanie, Jerry, Fern, Jerri, DJ, Deborah, Shane, Amanda

Surgery and Recovery/Recently Hospitalized

Charles W., Julie D., Jordan H., Chris L.

Other Needs

  • For the process, person, and provision of an associate pastor
  • For the two police officers who were shot and their families
  • Olivia
  • For all students and school faculty and staff beginning the new school year
  • For all our veterans
  • For all couples
  • For all those affected by the fires in Hawaii
  • For LCCP

Peace and Comfort

  • For the family and friends of Paula Bowman
  • For Anna and Curtis after their loss
  • For the family and friends of Eleanor DeFreze
  • For the family and friends of Howard Soost
  • For the family and friends of Ruth McKinney
  • For the family and friends of Eden
  • For the Gamble family at the loss of their son
  • For the family and friends of Carol Dunn
  • For the family and friends of Joel Wright
  • For the family and friends of Cpl. Norman Booth
  • For the family and friends of Hank Dressel
  • For the McCleese family at the loss of their son
  • For Randy and sons at the death of their wife/mother
  • For the family and friends of Janice Strobach
  • For the family and friends of Tom Heeney
  • For the family and friends of Jon Christensen
  • For Amanda and Shane at the loss of Amanda's father
  • For the family and friends of Sandy Allen
  • For the family and friends of Robert Porak
  • For the family and friends of Craig Baker
  • For the family and friends of Myra Seaton
  • For the family and friends of Corkey Hornsby
  • For the family and friends of Shirley
  • For the family and friends of Jeannene Adams

Confidential Prayers

For those prayers that have been shared in confidence, you know the details, Lord. We lift them up to you.

Our Trinity Missionaries

  • Wasmund Family in East Asia
  • Trump Family in Kenya
  • Clausing Family in Tanzania
  • Lehman Family in Puerto Rico


  • Blessings on all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries!
  • Thanks and praise for those whose health has improved.
  • Thanks and praise for the staff and leaders at Trinity!

For Our Communities - For Our Nation - For Our World

We pray for our nation, for our nation's leaders, for its people, and for our future together as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! We pray that we may all be a reflection of Christ's love, sharing grace and mercy, living in peace with one another. Reach out, listen, connect, and have those hard conversations. Love is first. Love wins.

Additional Prayers

  • For world, state, and local leaders in decisions
  • For all those caring for aging and/or ill family members in need
  • Prayers for our CDC staff & families, Trinity membership, and all Trinity staff & leaders
  • For all those struggling with mental health issues
  • For all those troubled by depression and broken relationships
  • For all those unable to attend church
  • For all those serving in our military
  • For those who have lost homes due to storms and for those who are homeless

Prayerful Thoughts from Rusty Stephens

Heavenly Father,

For the prayer within, we pray in the name of your son our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We know that when you, Heavenly Father, created the earth it was a perfect place totally without sin or any evil. Then Adam and Eve could not resist the temptation to eat from that one forbidden tree in the garden that you, God, did not want them to eat from. Everything changed from perfect to being sinful and corrupted by evil, compliments of the devil. Since then life would be much harder with all of the atrocities that come with it.

God, so much in this world is not good and is very different from the beautiful and perfect place of Heaven. This is an eternal place promised to anyone who believes in God’s only son Jesus Christ, then to you, Jesus, confesses all of their sins, ask for forgiveness, then through God The Father’s forgiveness be cleansed and made pure in his sight. In this life though, you Lord, give us glimpses and hints into the eternal excellence of what we have coming.

In the outdoors, a gorgeous sunrise or sunset with the sky in a beautiful array of colors. The bright spectrum of colors across the sky from a rainbow. A crisp autumn day with clear deep blue skies and in many locations the bright colors of leaves changing. Looking out at the shimmering blue water of a lake, down along a stream or river, or at the coast seeing waves crash onto shore. In mountains and rolling country, woodlands and grasslands deep in green. Plants in full bloom with flowers brightening up the landscape. Geological and rock formations also beautifying some areas of land. Did you ever think of this as being small glimpses of Heavens beauty?

In cities, towns, and neighborhoods, people working together for a good cause. When someone is having difficulty, a caring person whether known or not offering to help out. When an emergency occurs a Good Samaritan coming to the rescue. Small things like holding a door for someone struggling to get through, a genuinely friendly greeting, an encouraging and uplifting comment to someone having a difficult day, and a departure with a pleasant and caring message. Perhaps these are just small hints of the eternal love everyone has for each other in Heaven.

With our faith in you, Lord, we see your glorious works and experience your powerful love for us. People with little or no faith allowing the Holy Spirit to enter into them, thus becoming solid believers in you, Jesus. Anyone of any age who receives the magnificent cleansing of Holy Baptism, setting up a solid foundation in Christ. When youth and adults with enthusiasm search to find out more about you, Jesus, by researching the Bible and other truthful and useful means. At church in the fellowship of others you, Lord, provide a sanctuary for at least a little while to worship you, away from the sinful problems of the outside world. In church we hear your word, Lord, in the scripture readings and though an informative, uplifting, inspiring sermon which helps to bring the teachings of our Lord into today’s world. Also the music and singing of hymns and songs glorifying you, Jesus; along with the assurance that our sins are forgiven and we are cleansed totally through confession and absolution, and also by the body and blood of Jesus received through the bread and wine at Holy Communion. And not to leave out the Prayers where we ask you, Jesus, for aid to ones in need of help, healing, comfort or guidance, and issues that your direction is needed on, also to give you thanks for everything you do. Just a small amount of time worshiping our amazing God until our eternal worship in Heaven.

We thank you, Lord, for giving us these glimpses and hints into the beauty of Heaven. These help all of us to focus on you, Jesus, and continue our confidence in faith that the perfect place of Heaven is guaranteed to all of us who continue to follow you,Jesus. Jesus, you have told us that Heaven is a place free from the devil and all sin, pain, sickness, sadness, hate, bitterness, anger, violence, selfishness, untrustworthiness and any other negative happenings of this world. Instead we will have eternal happiness, peace, joy, beauty, wonderfulness and most of all the greatest love that we have ever known. Thank you, Jesus, for granting us this greatest gift to come and we look forward to seeing you there face to face.

Lord, we can just imagine that the devil will not even be remembered in the glory of Heaven. It’s wonderful to think if somehow the name of Satan came up in Heaven, that everyone there would be responding; “I don’t know any Satan; Satan who?

Lord In Your Mercy

Hear Our Prayer


Community News

The St. Luke's Concert Series

To view ONLINE concerts, visit St Luke's website for links. Links to watch live.

Attendance & Giving

August 19 Sat. in person: 39

August 19 online: N/A

August 20 Sun. 9am: 54

August 20 Sun. 11:15am: 52

August 20 online: 20

Quick Links
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407-488-1919 | |

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 8:30am-5pm