Trinity Lutheran Church

46707 S. Shangri La Drive

Lexington Park, MD 20653

Trinity Talks Newsletter for the Week of April 12, 2024

Editor's Note: Items in purple are links to documents.

Third Sunday of Easter, April 14, 2024

Officiant: Pastor Matt Borrasso

Elder of the Day: Tim Hooyer

Lay Reader: Scott Strickland

Acolyte: TBD

Organist: Monica Jaster

A/V Tech: Ray Wernecke

Camera Operator: George Milcetich

Children's Message: Lynn Huntt

Altar Server: LeeLee Wernecke

Counting Team: #3 (Beverly Hargraves)

Care Pantry: Susan Thompson, Laura Limberg, Lydia Richey, John Richey

Cleaning Team: #3 Beverly Hargraves, Lydia Richey, Sharon Kaltwasser

Bulletin for the Third Sunday of Easter, April 14, 2024

Prayer List for the Week of April 14, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 21, 2024

Officiant: Pastor Matt Borrasso

Elder of the Day: Larry Byrnes

Lay Reader: Bob Simmons

Acolyte: TBD

Organist: Monica Jaster

A/V Tech: Sue Strickland

Camera Operator: Dawn Pipkin

Children's Message: Lynn Huntt

Altar Servers: Becky Willard

Counting Team: #3 (Beverly Hargraves)

Care Pantry: Troy Fink, Tracie Fink, Steve Fedasz, Jim Myers

Cleaning Team: #3 Beverly Hargraves, Lydia Richey, Sharon Kaltwasser

God Restores His People

Lesson 9

As we gather this Sundy, we will study “The Restoring King.” Josiah becomes king of Judah at only eight years old. During the eighteenth year of his reign, Josiah begins the restoration of the temple. When they clean the temple, Hilkiah, high priest and Josiah’s faithful teacher, discovers the Book of the Law. Hearing the words of the Law, Josiah tears his clothes in repentance and directs Hilkiah to inquire of the Lord concerning the people. The Lord responds, telling Josiah that because of his penitent heart He will hold back the disaster from Josiah’s kingdom. To see the summary and photos from last Sunday's lesson, click here: Sunday School Summary from April 7, 2024. Photos from the children's message may be found here: Children's Message from April 7, 2024

Karen Ladner, Christian Education

Recognizing Our Graduates

If you have a family member graduating from high school or college this Spring, please let the office know name, school and future plans, if any. Their names will be included in a list of graduates in Trinity Talks. Please email the office at

If you would like to contribute to the Easter Lillies please fill out an envelope and label it accordingly. Envelopes are available in the Narthex. Your contribution will be much appreciated.  

If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the Altar Guild team, please see Becky Willard or Susan Thompson. Altar Guild is a great way to serve, and we have a great team that works very well together. We would love to have you on our team!  Becky Willard for the Altar Guild

Happy Birthday this week to:

Roger Johnson 4/12

Robert Palmby 4/12

Caden Abell 4/14

Bailey Russell 4/15

Bob Simmons 4/15

Mike Campbell 4/16

Madeline Jean 4/17

Carol Ridgell 4/19

David Swift 4/19

Happy Anniversary this week to:

Jim & Diana Wilhelmi 4/15

Hal & Becky Willard 4/17

April 2024 Calendar

People in Service Schedule for April 2024 (Revised)

April Birthdays and Anniversaries

This summer's VBS is the week of June 17-21 from 8:50-11:30 AM. Children ages 3 years (potty-trained) through 5th grade may attend. Volunteers are needed - rising 6th graders through adult. Please contact Lynn Huntt 301-481-8785 or email: for more information or to volunteer.

To make a contribution to the church's operating fund or a specific fund, please click the image above. Thank you!

Annoucements for Trinity Talks are requested by close of business Wednesdays.

Tuesday-Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.

Closed Mondays.

Pastor Borrasso's day-off is Fridays.

Ph: 301-863-9512


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