2024 Stated Meetings

of Trinity Presbytery

Saturday, May 18, 2024

First Presbyterian PC, Greenwood

Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024

South Aiken PC, Aiken

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024

Westminster PC, Columbia

Commissioners' Handbooks are published

10 days prior to meetings.


of Trinity Presbytery

Saturday, May 18, 2024

First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood SC

Commissioners' Handbook is live NOW.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

Meetings convene at 9:30 a.m.

Commissioners' Handbooks are published 10 days prior to meetings.

“So, a Jewish Rabbi, a Muslim Imam and a Christian preacher walk into a podcast. It sounds like a joke, but it’s really a friendship.”

Rev. Ellen Skidmore, Rabbi Jonathan Case, and Imam Omar Shaheed have joined forces to continue our tradition of interfaith conversations in creating a second podcast series. The Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith all share Abraham as a father of our faith, and we invite you to a lively and respectful interfaith discussion. We do not always agree, but we all love God, and we recognize that every human being is made in God’s image. Join us as we talk about issues that affect our everyday lives. From spiritual disciplines and Scriptural instructions for living, to discussions of immigration and mental health, please join us at Abraham’s Table. On Spotify.com or Apple Podcasts search for “Abraham’s Table”.  Or click this link:  https://open.spotify.com/show/6GOlaVIBFa0z6JfAfKH1N8

Prism: Insights in Church Leadership and Education for Faith Formation is an initiative from The Center for Excellence in Christian Education, Union Presbyterian Seminary, and the Presbytery of Charlotte. Through innovative and informative workshops, enriching keynotes, and the gift of learning from one another, Prism equips and empowers leaders to serve the church faithfully. Prism is held fully online via Zoom in order to allow for leaders across the denomination to participate.

Questions about anything related to Prism? Contact the Center for Excellence in Christian Education at cece@upsem.edu.

More Information on PRISM

Support the Pentecost Offering

Pentecost Sunday is May 19. Join us in receiving and celebrating the Pentecost Offering, which supports children at risk, ministries with children and youth, including the Youth Triennium, and the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program. Let’s join together to ensure that our younger siblings in Christ begin life with a solid foundation of faith. Online resources  include minutes for mission, worship resources, children’s curriculum with activities, a PowerPoint presentation and social media/newsletter images. There is also a short video titled “I Am Coming to You” for use as a minute for mission in worship and other gatherings. Posters, minutes for mission, bulletin inserts and offering envelopes are available

Between 2 Pulpits Podcast: Check out the Between 2 Pulpits podcast.

* New for this program year, this podcast helps leaders learn about the impact of the Special Offerings and the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. Additionally, we connect you with free resources, and you’ll hear from great guests about the work being done in this world to make a difference. We recently added five new episodes during the season of Lent, and new episodes featuring recipients of the Pentecost Offering will be coming soon. You can listen to Between 2 Pulpits here or wherever you usually find your podcasts.

Mission Toolkits World Mission, in collaboration with other ministry areas, created mission toolkits* that provide resources for PC(USA) congregations interested in furthering God’s mission in their communities and abroad. Church leadership and Christian educators will find resources to better understand, connect with and advocate for God’s people.

Click the Synod of South Atlantic

Logo to Read their Most Current Newsletter

The Southeast Region National Black Presbyterian Caucus will hold its biennial conference on July 19-20, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza Jacksonville Airport Hotel.

The theme is: “One Body, Many Parts: Connecting for the Greater Cause” 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27.

We have planned an intergenerational program that we hope will be spiritual, joyful, and educational, one that we hope will enhance the spiritual growth of each attendee.

Additional information and forms HERE.

Quarterly Resource Preview

Click Image to Download
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  • An estimated 7.1 million people will likely be experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity between April and July 2024, with 79,000 people at risk of Catastrophic level (IPC Phase 5) mostly in locations affected by climate related shocks, economic crisis and conflict.
  • One year on, the Sudan crisis resulted in 655,694 arrivals in South Sudan from Sudan as of 30 April, with an average of about 1,800 people daily crossing into South Sudan.
  • An estimated 26,000 people were reported as displaced due to intercommunal violence between conflicting communities in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State.
  • Attacks by armed youth from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area in cattle camps in Kauto payam, Kapoeta East County in Eastern Equatoria State displaced some 6,500 people to mountain areas, resulting in numerous deaths, the abduction of women and children, and theft of cattle. NOTE: The new Chief Administrator of GPAA went to the area; apologized to the Taposa leadership and Governor of Eastern Equatoria and promised the return of both people who were kidnapped and some 20,000 head of stolen cattle. Let's hope he can accomplish this. Bill 
  • On 22 April, the national Ministry of Health declared an outbreak of conjunctivitis, commonly known as red eye disease, in the border town of Nimule in Eastern Equatoria and Juba City in Central Equatoria State. NOTE:  I think this is what is commonly known as Pink Eye disease or conjunctivitis in this country. It appears to have spread from Uganda. Bill

Also, last week, hundreds of people fleeing an attack from the Lou Nuer have flowed into Pibor from Gummuruk . While our Murle friends always see these attacks as unprovoked, it really is a retaliation for previous Murle attacks. I wish we had a greater impact on the youth. They provoke the attacks and innocent people are the victims of retaliation.

Please continue to pray for the South Sudanese. The root cause of this is greed, corruption and provoking by the national leadership.

In His Service,

Bill Andress

Secretary, Trinity and Boma South Sudan Ministries

Presbyterian College is excited to offer a new program focused on fundraising, philanthropy, stewardship, and other giving initiatives for congregations and other faith-related organizations. PC is proud to partner with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (Indiana University) to offer the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF). This unique partnership enables this outstanding course to be offered in the southeast region. The executive certificate program provides the research, tools, and customized training to meet the growing needs of leaders in religious communities and fundraisers of faith-based organizations. The focus of the ECRF is on the cultural, organizational, and philanthropic practices unique to religious institutions. These practices in turn enable donors motivated by spiritual and religious values to experience the joy of generous giving.

This would be an ideal program for clergy or other faith leaders as well as stewardship or advancement staff members in religious communities, schools, or service organizations. From my years of ministry in congregations, I can also see the great value that could come from having members who are heavily involved (or will be in the future) in stewardship or capital campaigns participate in this program. For PC(USA) pastors, there is also a scholarship offered through the Presbyterian Foundation to offset some of the costs of attendance.  

ECRF Details and Registration:  https://www.presby.edu/academics/graduate-professional/lake-institute/

Program Dates: May 20-22, 2024 (3 hour online component afterwards)

Location: Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC

Presbyterian Foundation Scholarship link: HERE

Summer 2024 Registration is OPEN!

Click HERE for more information.

Get ready for an exhilarating experience as we extend a warm invitation to the much-anticipated 2024 Southeast Region Conference! This year's event promises to be an inspiring celebration of unity, collaboration, and the incredible diversity that makes our region truly special. Embrace the power of unity as we explore the richness that comes from our diversity. This year's theme, "One Body, Many Parts," emphasizes the strength we gain when we come together, each contributing our unique talents, perspectives, and experiences for the greater good.

Stay tuned for more details, including registration information, in the coming weeks. We can't wait to gather as one body with many parts, united for the greater good! 


New Job opportunities available with the PCUSA

if you are planning on visiting the Presbytery office, please call beforehand to be sure the staff member you need to see will be there.

All safety precautions continue to be observed.

The Presbytery Office Hours

9:00 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

9:00 a.m. -1 p.m. on Friday

Wednesday- open only for appointments, staff will be working remotely.

Please call ahead if you need to make an appointment for Wednesdays.
