Healing Prayer Ministry
To pray for someone, is to lift up their concerns to God with selfless love, or join them in praise and thanksgiving for God’s mercies and blessings. Do you recall when we had a member of Trinity’s team of healing prayer ministers stationed in the rear of the sanctuary on Sundays? You could stop and ask for a prayer as you returned from communion.
Paige Kerby remembers that after her training as a prayer minister she was sure it wasn’t for her. It was too far out of her comfort zone. But Paige took a leap of faith, forged ahead and now says it was one of the most significant ways she strengthened and enriched her faith at Trinity.
The Faith Team of the Vestry would like to re-establish the Healing Prayer Ministry at both Sunday services beginning this fall.
To do so, we need to recruit potential healing prayer ministers from our congregation. If you think you might be interested in becoming a healing prayer minister, you are invited to attend an information and training class on Saturday, September 7th from 10-2pm in Barber Hall.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Dr. Jennifer Vaughan will be our facilitator. Dr. Vaughan is a psychotherapist, educator, spiritual director and member of St. George’s Vestry. In the morning, Jennifer plans to discuss the parameters of our Healing Prayer Ministry, share information on historical and
contemporary prayer, intercessory prayer, confidentiality and setting boundaries, and each person will have a chance to briefly talk about his/her experience with prayer. After lunch we will form triads and practice praying for one another.
Your commitment of time as a healing prayer minister will most likely be one Sunday a month at either service and attendance at quarterly peer review meetings. And, there will always be someone to help you through any concerns or difficulties which may arise.
If, in those quiet moments you feel the Holy Spirit might be nudging you to consider this ministry, please be in touch with me in person, by phone or text at (540) 372-0066 or email at meandhen@earthlink.net no later than September 1st.
We hope to begin the Healing Prayer Ministry
on Sunday, September 15th.
Tom Rotella, Chair, Vestry Faith Team