Trinity Messenger
September 2, 2024
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Dear Friends of Trinity,
Happy Labor Day to all!
I want to give a shout out to the Fundraising Committees over the years. Using funds from the Fundraising Account, we just purchased GriefShare, a program for a new ministry at Trinity. You will be hearing much more about this in the near future.
The account at the bank still has a balance of $3,600.
Are you interested in becoming more involved with church financial matters? We have two opportunities for you. One is to become familiar with the day to day bookkeeping and accounting as an assistant to the Treasurer. We also have the relatively new
Finance Committee if you are interested in joining. Please think about it and let me or the Rev. Carrie know.
Through August Year-to-Date I expect we will have income greater than expenses by $10,000. We are holding our own with no surprises (good or bad) affecting our Income or Expense accounts. The endowment continues to do well.
Our annual Audit Report was received just this week and all is well. It has been sent to the Diocese as required.
You may not be aware we just paid $5,200 for Asbestos Abatement in the basement. We also just purchased a defibrillator for installation in the Upper Parish House for $1,300. These funds came from the NEAG Safety and Security Grant sitting in the
Capital Campaign account that was not fully spent for expenses we incurred from the Overnight Shelter this year. Watch for announcements about training sessions for using the defibrillator which will be coming soon.
Questions? Please direct them to me anytime at
~Robin Turpin
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Looking to get more involved at Trinity? Look no further! Sign up sheets for different ministries - including assisting with worship, providing tech support, and hosting Coffee Hour - are available on the kiosk in the Upper Parish Hall, or can be seen on the Ministry Table during Coffee Hour.
Talk to Ella to learn more.
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Bring a Friend (or Stranger)
to Church Day
On Sunday, September 15th, we will be having Bring a Friend (or Stranger) to Church Day, where we invite you to invite someone else to church. Maybe it's someone who has mentioned wanting to try out going to church but needs a little push. Maybe it's sometime you're close to that you want to share this one part of your life with. Maybe it's someone you meet in the course of your week who you just get a feeling about. Whoever they are, we will welcome them especially on this day. You never know when someone is just waiting for an invitation to draw closer to God.
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Photo Directory Sunday - September 22nd
At Coffee Hour on Sunday, September 22nd, Carrie and Alicia will be taking photos to gather together a photo directory for our parish to use. We will also be updating contact information and making sure everyone who wants to is signed up for the Messenger. Come as you are, or in your Sunday best, and be a part of this chapter of Trinity's life together!
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Choir returns on Sunday September 8, and they are ready to welcome new singers. If you are interested in singing with them, please see Tim before or after the service. | |
New Discussion Series!
Parishioners Robert Naeher, Ella Frauenhofer, and Greg Farr began a five-part discussion series on Walter Brueggemann's "Materiality as Resistance: Five Elements for Moral Action in the Real World."
The chapters are on Money, Food, the Body, Time, and Place. The idea is that we as believers are to embrace our materiality, living that out in the context of our faith, rather than materialism.
Like the St. Augustine discussion, the leaders have read the book, so you don't have to - they will present Breuggemann's ideas, share some short excerpts from each chapter, and the discussion will ensue. Of course, if you are so moved, you are welcome to get the book and read it for yourself.
They started this series on August 18, and discussions will continue after Coffee Hour on September 15 and 22.
All are welcome to join at any time!
And Bible Study with Lydia continues on September 8 immediately after Coffee Hour. Join her to discuss the readings for the upcoming week.
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Join us September 7 at 5pm for a service of beautiful music, inspiring words, and Holy Communion in the language of the Celtic Christian tradition led by the Rev. Tuesday Rupp, and accompanied by Pete Miserendino on guitar- our friends from St Paul's, Woodbury.
Contemporary and contemplative, a beautiful offering to God.
Following worship, join us at 6:15pm for dinner- A time of community, conversation, and wonderful food!
Menu - The Last Hurrah of Summer:
- Fried Chicken
- Corn on the Cob
- Potato Salad
- Summer Squash Gratin
- Biscuits
- Salad
- Dessert
[Editor's Note: the food at Camp Washington is BANGIN'! Chef Ben is amazing!]
Come for worship - stay for dinner, or just come for dinner - your choice. All are welcome!
In lieu of a ticket price for dinner, we welcome your generous donation at the table. All proceeds will go the CW Campership Fund, offering need-based financial assistance to our campers & retreatants.
Registration is required - click here.
Gather your family, organize a parish carpool, or extend an invitation to a neighbor and make plans to join us at camp.
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The Goshen Players will present LOVE, LOSS, AND WHAT I WORE on September 21 and 22. This production will feature parishioner Lydia Babbitt, who is very excited to be treading the boards again! This play explores the lives of several women as they ride the roller-coaster of life.
This is Reader's Theatre, so the actors read from a script, with minimal staging.
During the 2023-2024 season, the Goshen Players sold every single seat and even added additional performances to meet the demand, so be sure to reserve your tickets early, as they anticipate another sold-out run.
More details can be found at the Goshen Players website at
Your Northwest leadership team is planning our fall gathering for September 28 at Camp Washington from 11AM-3PM. Considering the upcoming election, the focus of the day will be to build unity and hope through prayer, understanding and empathy.
The day will be broken up as follows:
11:00AM-12:30PM - service for healing, understanding, and hope.
12:30PM-1:30PM - lunch at Camp Washington
1:30PM-3:00PM – emotional intelligence-building activities, closing prayers.
We ask that you please register for this event so we can accurately plan to accommodate all. Eventbrite will be available in August. A goodwill offering is asked to defray costs.
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Conrad attended this pilgrimage in 2019 and highly recommends it - contact him if you have any questions.
Click here for the registration form.
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If you have an announcement or event that you would like publicized, or if you are a parishioner involved in an event that you would like to share with the parish, please send it to The Portal at, and we can then direct your announcement to the best method of communication. |
Sunday Worship at Trinity is at 9am.
Holy Eucharist Services are held on the first,
third and fourth Sunday of the month.
On the second and fifth Sunday,
there is a Morning Prayer service.
If you miss a service but want to view it later,
be sure to visit our website at
and on the homepage, you can click the WATCH NOW button to review services (and sermons) from the last few weeks. You can view the entire service (the link brings you to BOXCAST) or you can choose to just listen to the sermon on the SERMONS page.
On this homepage, you can live-stream our 9am Sunday service by clicking the "Watch Now" button.
You can download the bulletin, too.
Also, under MINISTRIES you can click CONNECT/LEARN and you will find information about Sunday Formation and more!
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