Welcome to




Your quick

& easy

weekly guide

to what's on

at Trinity!


Men's Breakfast meet this Saturday, April 20th, 8:00am, Cox Hall, for food and fellowship. Richard Jones will offer a short, illustrated talk sharing historical tales of radical generosity, reflecting on lessons for faith and life today. All are welcome!

Trinity, there is a place for you.

The Outreach Committee Working Group will meet for our next session, “Listening to Each Other,” this Sunday, 21st April, from 9:00am-10:00am in the Peard House, Parlor. Please contact Ben Baker here or Melissa Saunders here with any questions

Join us this Sunday as we continue to reflect on the truth of the resurrection of Jesus for each of our lives through the example of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

Worship, Easter 4:

8:00am Eucharist, Traditional language

10:15am Trinity Kids, Cox Hall

10:15am Trinity Tots, Nursery

10:30am Choral Eucharist

5:00pm Celtic Evening Prayer & Eucharist

Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep… I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep.


John 10: 11 & 14-15  

Stable Tour Planning Group meets at 11:30am, this Sunday, April 21st, at Peard House, Parlor.



Download & print a copy of the weekly calendar here



A spring series of Music Together has begun @ Trinity. Contact CMSP for more information and to register. It's not too late to join them!



Tickets are now on sale

for the 2024

Hunt Country Stable Tour!

The Annual Hunt Country Stable Tour is BACK this year!!


Make your plans now for

Memorial Day Weekend,

Saturday May 25th &

Sunday May 26th.

Join us on the

65th Annual Hunt Country Stable Tour for a day filled with equestrian elegance, rural charm, and the timeless beauty of Hunt Country!

Whether you're a seasoned rider, a horse enthusiast,

or simply captivated by the grace of these magnificent animals, this event promises something for everyone!

Tickets are now available at here

... or use this handy QR code to take you straight to the webpage to get your tickets!

HCST supports ministries at Trinity, locally, nationally & internationally, We look forward to welcoming you!

The exciting Spring Program from the Blue Ridge Singers includes a concert here at Trinity, next Sunday, April 28th, 3:00pm. All are welcome!

Trinity, amazing music, in beautiful surroundings.

The Patrick Henry College Chorale will give a Spring Concert here at Trinity next Sunday, April 28th, 7:00pm, immediately following their Southern California Ministry Tour.

The Patrick Henry College Chorale is a mixed-voice ensemble that serves and enriches their campus community with concert performances, campus events, and presentations and also fosters friendship with the greater Northern Virginia community. They have been regular visitors to Trinity for a good many years and we are delighted to welcome them again. Further program information to follow - save the date!

It'll soon be that time of the year for Summer Camps! CMSP are excited to share details of their Summer 2024 Chamber Music & Orchestra Camp @ Trinity...

Advanced notice that we'll be hosting another great Vacation Bible School this summer @ Trinity!

Mark the dates on your calendar now! Monday 15th to Friday 19th July 2024 here at Trinity.

Booking information to follow soon!



Please be aware of the following important information concerning access to areas of the Trinity Church Campus:

  • HVAC works are now in full progress in the basement of Cox Hall. The basement is closed to everyone except the contractors from 8:00am each Monday to 5:00pm each Friday. Do not enter this area.
  • CMSP Staff and music lessons have been relocated to other locations on the Trinity Campus during these days and times. You can find CMSP staff based temporarily at the Trinity Church Office.
  • Cox Hall basement will continue to be open each weekend, especially for use by Trinity Kids and the Church Choir, each Sunday morning. However, please note that access to the basement on weekends is only via the staircase from the main floor level vestibule.
  • The back (kitchen) stairs are closed off, and the basement access via the Breezeway steps is also closed - both are closed for the duration of the works, through mid-June 2024.
  • The church (sanctuary) basement remains closed for reinstatement and plumbing works to be completed. No access is permitted to these areas at any time.

Thank you for your full cooperation with these requirements which are in place for your own safety and the safety of others.

Will you support the 2024 Trinity Hunt Country Stable Tour with a donation to help us defray costs and thereby helping to ensure that as much income as possible goes directly to support Trinity Ministries?

Fr. Jonathan writes and asks each of us to consider a donation, however large or small - your support would be gratefully received and would make a big difference! Read Fr. Jonathan's letter in full here.

Please note that both our Senior and Junior Wardens have new e-mail addresses as follows:

Brett Bibb, Senior Warden: seniorwarden@trinityupperville.org

Jonathan Catherwood, Junior Warden: juniorwarden@trinityupperville.org

Please amend/update your e-mail address books. Thank you.

Please look out for Renew & Restore letters which have been sent to many of our generous givers recently.

We are so grateful to those who read our appeal in Trinity Essentials and responded magnificently and brought forward or brought up to date their pledge payments! Please will you join them? These are vital at an exceptionally expensive time for Renew & Restore as we undertake some of the largest and most costly renewal and repair projects at Trinity.

You can help by making Renew & Restore pledge payments each and every month here.

If you have 2023 pledge payments outstanding we'd be really grateful if you could bring them up to date as soon as possible. Givers will be receiving a written reminder during the next few weeks.

If you've committed to make a 2024 annual gift, we'd love to talk to you about scheduling that for some time soon. Call Sophia Mirra, Director of Finance & Stewardship if you can help with this. 540.592.3343,

Your help and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

We've introduced services of both Morning and Evening Prayer at Trinity as follows:

Each Monday: Morning Prayer, 9:00am

Each Monday: Evening Prayer, 4:45pm

Each Thursday: Morning Prayer, 9:00am.

Each Thursday: Evening Prayer, 4:45pm.

This short, spoken service takes place in the side chapel of Trinity Church and lasts no longer than 15 minutes. Everyone is welcome to attend and take part.

If (as occasionally will happen) no one from the staff team is available to lead these times of prayer please continue by using the simple one-page, laminated guide which you'll find left in the side chapel at all times. This will guide you through the sections of this short service and includes page numbers and information on how to locate the scripture readings for the day.

We hope that these additional times of prayer will help to further bring a sense of focus for God's work here and to provide a rhythm to daily life and work at Trinity, which is not only a place of worship and pilgrimage for many, but a place of work, and home to several people who live on campus.

We apologies for the additional speakers and wires now in place in the church (they will remain in place for some time to come). Our sound system (which was already scheduled for a major upgrade) has failed and we have a temporary system in place until a new installation is complete.

If you would like to help towards the costs of the new sound system please give to our Renew & Restore capital campaign here. We continue to invite your support and gifts to our capital campaign as further projects are added to the list of works that are required here at Trinity, and as costs continue to rise. If you have yet to make a gift to Renew & Restore please give today! Thank you.

Are you All-In @ Trinity for 2024?

All-In for Stewardship is our 2024 Stewardship Campaign @ Trinity!

Everyone will have received a pledge information pack either in person at church or through the mail. We're asking everyone to return a completed 2024 pledge form as soon as possible so that we can begin 2024 with certainty and confidence in our annual budget. Please note that we still need you to complete a new 2024 Pledge Form even if you have simply rolled on your automated online giving over from 2023. Thank you.

In your pack you'll find a reflection from Fr. Jonathan on what it might mean to be "All-In" at Trinity; some great testimonials from some of our generous givers; amazing facts and figures about the difference your giving is making here; a helpful article looking at what is actually means to "make a pledge"; and a step-by-step guide to Pushpay our online church giving and management system.

You can read your digital copy of our All-in for Stewardship brochure here.

You can make your 2024 pledge online, in writing, or in person. Make your pledge here and make sure you're all in at Trinity for 2024!

Trinity, there is a place for you.

Look out for our new style welcome cards which you'll find in each pew and at the back of the church. If you're new at Trinity, please complete a card and place it in the offering plate or hand it to one of our church greeters as you leave the service. That way we can connect with you and formally welcome you and your family to Trinity and answer any questions you might have. Trinity, there is a place for you.

We're pleased to announce that we're now able to accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express card payments at the Parish Office for payment of general goods and services.

Please note that this does not concern financial gifts and giving which should continue to be given in the usual ways, if at all possible, using our online PushPay service. Thank you.

Please e-mail Trinity Village here

Opening hours at Trinity Thrift & Boutique are:

Friday, Saturday. Sunday,


Every cent of profit goes direct to the Trinity Church Outreach fund, to support those most in need in our communities.


We’re excited to announce that the Trinity Thrift & Boutique Shop now accepts your debit/credit card payments.

You can now e-mail Trinity Thrift & Boutique directly

or call Chloe on


Do get in touch to volunteer or donate!

E Mail here

Do you have good quality items to donate? We urgently need handbags/pocketbooks, jewelry, mirrors, framed art, patio/deck furniture.

Call Chloe on 703-328-1811.

Lots of great, new,

high-quality furniture now in stock. Come in this weekend to view!

Your financial gifts are essential for the life and ministry of Trinity Church.

Please give generously and make a real and lasting difference to our work

Give here today, and select pledges to make a regular or one-off gift.

Thank you.




See you soon!

Trinity Episcopal Church


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