Apalachicola, Florida

June 7, 2024

Helping Hands

When a need arises in our parish, Trinity members have long stood to help. A simple phone call from a concerned friend is sometimes all we need “to get the train going”. But we also live in a time when everyone is so very busy. We cannot keep track of all that happens with our friends and family. Of course, most of us don’t want to burden others with our struggles.

But this parish is made of people absolutely willing to help, without judgment, if they only knew about the need! And if many hands make light work, then aligning those many hands with specific needs becomes vital. To paraphrase The Rev. Dr. Mark Jefferson, we are not here to sit on our blessed assurances and coast along the coast. We are a people actively pursuing God and doing the work of ministry.

To that end, the Pastoral Care Committee wants to build a database of those willing to help those in acute need (such as fighting illness and/or recovering from medical procedures). Let me be very clear here: this does not replace what many of you already do in caring for others. If you help others who are sick by bringing them chicken noodle soup, do it! What we are trying to address with this database are the people that may not be getting the assistance they need because we assume someone else is doing it.

Starting this Sunday, a Gifts and Talents survey will be available in the narthex of the church and Benedict Hall (or may completed online here). You have likely filled out surveys like this before. One part asks if you are willing to help with specific tasks for those in acute need. Examples include meal preparation, lawn/home care, errands, and light chores. This ministry’s motto is “Caring and Sharing”, where we give of ourselves through our time, talent, and treasure.

The idea is simple. Someone first contacts the Helping Hands Ministry via email (helpinghands@trinityapalachicola.org) or by letting the parish office or rector know. They can do this for themselves or on behalf of someone else. A member of the ministry reaches out to determine the particular needs. If a friend already stepped up to help, that’s great! Otherwise, we assemble the requested services with those of you who expressed the desire to help with that task through this survey. 

Let me reiterate: in no way should this impact how people already help others. This simply helps us direct the energy of a broader cadre of volunteers to those who need help on a short-term basis. 

There is a second part of the survey which lists current ministries and programs of the church. I would ask that you also consider if you feel called to participate in any of these or would like to learn more about them. There is no obligation; it simply lets us know you are interested so that we can follow up with you. 

God’s Peace,

Stephen +


Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season

The cost of living in a coastal paradise is the probability of tropical systems impacting our region. And 2024 is predicted to be one for the record books. As your priest, Fr. Stephen’s call is to get you considering the hard things (like not having electricity or a prayerful life) now so that you can be prepared.

Storm preparation, even for a single family, can be quite complex because of all the moving parts. It is made worse by the dynamics of each storm. Should I evacuate? What do I do about my pets? Fortunately, there are pretty simple things you can do immediately that will make your life easier as the months roll by, beginning with reviewing your existing storm plans, ensuring your important papers are together, and stocking up on batteries. 

Because there is so much information available, preparing can be overwhelming. But if you tackle it bit by bit, you can be ready for what comes. To that end, we will devote portions of the next few Bay View newsletters to various subjects related to hurricane preparedness. Fr. Stephen has tasked members of the vestry with undergoing a thorough review of Trinity’s emergency procedures specific to hurricane season.

For this first installment, consider the themes of communication and transportation:

  • Start by determining if Trinity has your most up-to-date contact information. You can update this online as well as calling or stopping by the parish office. 

  • Second, review the emergency planning resources available for your county (for example, Franklin or Gulf County). 

  • Third, consider how you will communicate to others if you evacuate or opt to stay during a storm. Who knows your plans? How can Trinity help? It is vital at least one other person outside of your home is aware of your plans. In the case of an evacuation order, Trinity will be contacting every parishioner in the affected area to determine their plans. Knowing this beforehand greatly facilitates post-storm recovery.

  • Fourth, do you have the means to evacuate? Does your household have special needs, where you might need assistance for someone? Do you need to register with the state for transportation to a shelter? 

  • Finally, consider signing up for the free emergency alert systems offered by your county (Franklin and Gulf Counties). 

Printouts of the links provided above are available at the parish office, and this information will be added to our Facebook page. In the next Bay View we will cover preparing for a storm. Let us pray that no storms affect our region. But if they do, let us be prepared.

Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Russell Kendrick (right), welcomed six new members to our church on Trinity Sunday. Pictured (from left to right): The Rev. Stephen Pecot, along with those received: PJ Erwin, Thomas Becknell, Brant Banks, Bonnie Stewart, Ellen Loyd, and Randy Loyd.

Healing Prayers. Some of you have wondered exactly what our beloved Kristin Anderson is doing when she stands at the altar rail each Sunday. Is she waiting for something? Is she taking roll? One person even asked if she was a pre-service bouncer of some sort. It’s none of these. As part of a long-standing tradition at Trinity begun by Pat Horn, we offer prayers of healing just before our 10:30 am Holy Eucharist. It’s very easy to participate in this ministry; just come to the altar rail to receive prayers from a caring member of our Lay Team. It’s not confession, and speaking is not a requirement. Receiving these types of prayers is a powerful way to begin worship. Even our rector participates in this service. Next time you see Kristin up there and you feel the need for lifting up someone or yourself in prayer, pay her a visit at the altar rail. Thank you, Kristin, for your continued ministry of healing.

Upcoming Refresher Safety Course. On July 1 at 3 pm we will welcome a local EMT who has offered to teach a refresher course on CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), the AED (automated external defibrillator), and fire extinguisher safety. The class is capped at 15 persons. Please contact the parish office at 850-653-9550 or send an email to info@trinityapalachicola.org to sign up.

Wednesday Compline. If you love the Order for Compline from our Book of Common Prayer and want to participate from the comfort of your home, you are in luck! On Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern, Trinity is pleased to host an online Compline via Facebook Live. And don’t forget that we have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 8:15 am.

Formation Groups and Classes. The summer months are upon us, which means we spend a lot of time with air conditioning (thank you again, John Gorrie). What better way to beat the heat than with deepening your faith journey? On Sundays, Landy Luther continues the Lectionary Learners series at 9:15 am on Sundays through Labor Day in the Parish Library. Monday School is coming back in July (more to come on this). If you have read a great book recently or know of a particular subject that could be covered in a future class, please let the parish office know. 

Livi & Sophie Jackson were our guest bell-ringers on Trinity Sunday. Grand-daughters of Rick Jackson of Chatsworth, GA, their family vacations regularly in our area and enjoys visits to Trinity.

Bishop Russell Kendrick announcing during his visit on Trinity Sunday that Stephen Pecot was being named as Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, May 26, 2024.


Franklin Food Pantry Needs Hygiene Products

The Food Pantry of Franklin County urgently needs hygiene products for needy families. Trinity’s Outreach Committee is asking for donations of toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and bar soap for children and adults, disposable razors for men and women, feminine hygiene products, and diapers for adults and infants/toddlers through Sunday, June 30

You can bring supplies to the Food Wagon in the narthex or the church office. Thank you, as always, for your generosity.

Penny's Worth Summer Update

The Summer Bag Sale at Penny's Worth is on! Through the end of June, fill a bag with merchandise from the Bargain Room for only $3.00.

Penny's Worth will be closed during July for its annual summer vacation. See you in August with new merchandise and plenty of great bargains.

Join the Penny's Worth team! Sign up for a Saturday shift in the thrift shop; contact Dot Hill at 850-653-9297 to learn more.


Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. For churches and ministries: on June 9, pray for Trinity, Mobile, AL; and on June 16 pray for St. John's the Baptist, Wewahitchka and St. John’s, Pensacola. For prisons: on June 9, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Fountain / JO Davis Correctional Facility, Atmore, AL; and on June 16 pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Holman Correctional Facility, Atmore, AL.


Hospitality Hour Schedule -- June - September, 2024

Readings for June 9. 2024, the Third Sunday after Pentecost

Readings for June 16, 2024, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Watch our Sunday sermons online:

Generosity is a key component of our successful ministry: You can share your generosity easily and safely through our secure Electronic Giving platform.

Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to info@trinityapalachicola.org or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (next deadline is June 19)

-- Kay Carson, Editor

Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday

Morning Prayer at 8:15 am Wednesday

Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329

Phone number: (850) 653-9550

Email: info@trinityapalachicola.org

Visit our Website