Volume II | Number 40 | October 4, 2018
Trinit- e   Weekly Newsletter
Parish Ingathering Meeting
Wednesday, October 10th at 6:15 PM
The Ingathering Meeting of Trinity Church will be held this Wednesday, October 10, 2018, after the 5:30 Healing Eucharist in the Parish Hall. This annual meeting will cover new parish initiatives, news, and plans for future events. Dinner will be at 6:15 and the presentation will begin at 6:45 PM. Much will be happening! Join your fellow parishioners for supper and an exciting discussion about all things Trinity! Babysitters will be available.
Click here for photos from the Blessing of the Animals
Save These Dates For October!
  • Stewardship Sunday & Ministry Fair - October 14th 

The annual Stewardship Sunday will be on Sunday, October 14th. There will be one service on that day, held at 10 AM. Adult Education will begin at 9 AM. The Ministry Fair will be held in the Parish Hall following the 10AM Service. We will have Carriage House fried chicken and other goodies brought by the Evangelism Committee for lunch. The Ministry Fair is an opportunity to investigate and sign up for church ministries and committees. Come and see what sparks your interests! This is a very important day for our church. Please plan to attend Stewardship Sunday and the Ministry Fair!
2018-2019 Inquirer's Class (Classes on The Episcopal Church)
Fr. Ken is happy to announce that he will host the Inquirer's Classes once again! These Classes are held for those interested in learning (or learning more) about The Episcopal Church. These classes may be of particular interest to those who are considering being Confirmed and/or Received into The Episcopal Church or for those seeking a refresher course. Classes will be held intermittently from November to February on Monday nights at 6 PM in the Parish Hall. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the Church Office at 601-445-8432 as soon as possible to let us know. Babysitting will be offered during the classes.
Ways to Help Those Affected By Hurricane Florence
First Presbyterian Church in Natchez is collecting goods to send to the communities affected by Hurricane Florence. There are two ways to donate goods, the first way is to donate goods from the list of items to donate and the second way is to complete a bag, or several, with all the items in a gallon zip-lock bag. Donations and completed bags can be dropped off at First Presbyterian Church, 400 State Street, Natchez.
List of items to donate:
Scouting Pads
Sponges, Assorted Sizes
Scrub brush
Easy Wipes
Box Dry Detergent 50-78 oz. 
Bottle Dish Soap 24-28 oz.
Dust Masks
Latex Gloves
Work Gloves
24-28 count Heavy Duty Trash Bags 30-45 gal.
Insect Repellent non-aerosol
Liquid Lysol 12 oz.
Package of Clothespins 
Contents for bag donations:
1 Hand towel
1 Wash Cloth
1 Wide Tooth Comb
1 Nail Clipper
1 Bar Bath Soap
1 Tooth Brush
10 Band-aids

Put all of the listed items in a ziplock bag. You can make one bag or several bags. 
Bishop Skip Adams has joined the five other Episcopal Bishops of North and South Carolina in asking people to offer their assistance after Hurricane Florence through gifts to Episcopal Relief & Development. In the letter, the bishops appeal to people not to travel to the area to help at this time.

Those who wish to offer themselves as volunteers can sign up at the  Ready to Serve  page. Episcopal Relief & Development will need volunteers later, and this form helps the organization keep track of offers to help

Stewpot Donations and Drivers are Needed!
Donate Canned Vegetables Today!
Thanks to all who have donated ground venison to the Stewpot!

As summer ends and fall approaches our pantry shelves need restocking. Please consider donating a large can of vegetables ( no tomato products please ). Nine large cans are needed per day. The cans can be dropped off at the Stewpot, 69 East Franklin street, from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Saturday.   

We are also in need of two volunteers to deliver meals on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Meals are picked up at 10:45am and the route takes about an hour and fifteen minutes. Please call Amanda Jeansone, 601.807.2654, for more information.

Thank you for supporting the Natchez Stewpot!
Directions on How to Login to the Online Church Directory
Click here if you have an iPhone or here if you have an Android to get instructions on how to log back in or how to reset your password.

if you have any questions or concerns please email them to us at Katie@trinitynatchez.org or Call 601.431.8396 (please leave a voicemail if no answer)
Join Us Each Sunday for Refreshments!
There are now opportunities for parish fellowship with light refreshments in the parish Hall at 8:15- 8:30 a.m. and at 9:45-10:30 a.m. Please consider joining us during this time to get to know your neighbors and fellow parishioners!
Happening This Week at Trinity
If you have something for the Church Calendar, please let the church office know    here    
Serving This Week at Trinity

Sunday, October 7- Ordinary Time - Proper 22
( Service at 7:30 AM and 10:30 AM )

Eucharistic Mi nisters:
 ·    7:30 a.m - Bruce Scarborough
·    10:30 a.m . - Kathleen Bond
·    7:30 a.m . - Grace Steiner
·    10:30 a.m . - Ed Bond, Stella Carby
Intercessor (10:30): Betty Jo Harris
Usher Captain: Trippy Shields
Greeters: Trippy Shields, Ann O'Bryant
Oblation Bearers: Philip and Stella Carby
Altar Guild: Phebe Winters
Flower Guild: Stella Carby, Kathleen Bond

To find the full Liturgical Schedule for October, please click here .
Sunday, October 7 - OT Proper 22
(click on links below for readings)  

Psalm 128
Your prayers are requested for....

Spencer Allen, Dylan Pressgrove, Ginny Patterson, Edwin Erinne, John and Mimi Bornman, Emmalee Cupit, Coral Byrd, Linda Dustin, Kathy Hester, George and Pat Dickens, Judy Coker, Ellen Sessions, Linda Lundy, Barham Moss, Katharine Garner, Antonio Cavazos, Jennifer Shane, Corky and Charlie Vess, Aurora Shane, Virginia Salmon, Charlotte Murrell, Cynthia McCormick, Cheryl LeBlanc, Michael Guyer, Bobbye Drane, Ashley Boutwell, Rachel Beland, Douglas Boggess, Kari Tippens, Allen McClumey, Angela Gardner, Elizabeth Swalm, Tucker Curry, Nordy Redhead, Bebe Jones, Rhonda Chisolm, Harry Philips, and our Armed Forces.  

Please remember the homebound and those in nursing and assisted living : Mollie Gallagher, Marie Philips, Betty Rogillio, Jean Bond, Jane Stewart, Mary Ann Jones, Marie Tillery, Burt Matheny, Dixie Miller, Blanca Cartwright, Jim Overton, Virginia Siddall, Jeanie Peabody.
A Prayer For This Week
In Thanksgiving

In the midst of illness, God, I pause to give you thanks: for the glory of creation, which reveals in many forms your matchless beauty; for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus our Savior; for your gift of my life and the presence of the Holy Spirit; for loved ones who care for me; and for the companionship of the Church. I thank you, blessed Trinity, holy God, for the gifts which sustain me in my time of need. Amen.
Trinity Episcopal Church
305 South Commerce St, Natchez, Mississippi 39120
Phone: (601) 445-8432 | Fax: (601) 442-4939
Website:  Trinitynatchez.org