Volume I | Number 13 | November 30, 2017
Trinit- e Weekly Newsletter

The monthly (mailed) newsletter, The Trinity Tribune, for December lists the services for Christmas as having only one service on Christmas Eve. Please note that another service has been added on Christmas Eve at 10:00 pm. More information will be forthcoming ON the various Christmas services.
Boxes are due December 1st! (TOMORROW )
This year we have “adopted” a unit in Kuwait- some of the soldiers are local residents of the Miss-Lou. Pattie Jones is the director and boxes and flyers can be picked up at Reid Insurance in Vidalia. Some of these soldiers get nothing from home all year and look forward to these boxes at Christmas. The boxes must be returned by  December 1st (tomorrow)  as that night we will be getting them ready to ship and take them to the Vidalia PO on December 2nd.
For mote information about Operation G.R.I.T.S. please visit: www.operationgrits.com Questions can be forwarded to Pattie Jones at 601-807-6470 or at 318-336-5202.
Confirmation Classes Start this Sunday!
December 3rd
Confirmation classes start on Sunday December 3rd. Classes are on Sundays, beginning at noon, except the January 21st class meeting which will be held at 4 pm that day. Classes meet in the Parish Hall and lunch is provided. For more information, please contact the parish office. Dates for upcoming confirmation classes are as follows: December 3, 10, 17
January 21st at 4 pm
February 4 and 11
Trinity Episcopal School Chapel Service
December 6th at 2pm
Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has proclaimed the importance of restoring all people to unity with God and each other in Christ - specifically through building our relationship with God ( evangelism ), with each other ( reconciliation ), and with creation ( environmental stewardship ).​ The Trinity Evangelism Committee embraces all of these ministries, and as such will support the work of the local Audubon Christmas Bird Count on December 16th by hosting the day's wrap-up "Tally Rally" in the parish hall at 6:00 pm that will feature Ed Bond's famous red beans and rice. If you are interested in learning more about the event or participating in the day of counting local birds, or in helping with the Tally Rally, please contact Stratton Bull , or Kathleen Bond .
Advent Lessons and Carols
Mark your calendars for the 26th annual Advent Lessons and Carols on
 December 17th at 5:30 pm .
Plan to join us for this beautiful service of Scripture and Music, the perfect preparation for the coming of the Christ Child! Reception to follow
Christmas at Church Hill
There will be an early Christmas service at Christ Church, Church Hill on December 17th at 3 pm, with reception to follow.
Santas for Seniors
Santas for Seniors is a ministry of Trinity Church that provides gifts during the Christmas season to dozens of nursing home-bound seniors. We also sponsor monthly birthday celebrations on the last Friday of each month which provides a wonderful opportunity for parishioners to befriend a local senior.
This year's Christmas party will be held at Adams County Nursing Home Friday, Dec. 22, at 2:30 pm . Volunteers are needed. All monetary donations and gifts need to be turned in to myself or delivered to Trinity Church no later than Sunday, Dec. 17th. If needed, arrangements can be made for pick up.
Refuel yourself by becoming a Santa this holiday season. Doing so not only allows you an opportunity to provide gifts for a Senior in need, but possibly initiate a much-needed, lasting friendship. For more information about please contact Melinda Ballard
by e-mail: melbllard@gmail.com or by phone: 660-988-9167
On the 21 st of January, Trinity Church will hold its Annual Meeting. On the agenda of the Annual meeting will be the election of four members to serve on the Vestry. There is a slight change, however, in that the four members elected in January will serve for two years instead of the normal three-year term. You may remember that at the Town Hall meeting in October it was explained that because of the search for a priest earlier in 2017, the Vestry membership was “frozen” for a time until the church had a priest full-time. With that expectation now fulfilled, the Vestry is permitted to elect new members. The process for electing new vestry members is as follows:

Nominees must be Episcopalians in good standing (or eligible for and working toward membership within 60 days of the annual meeting). “Good standing” equates to:

  • regular attendance at services and church events
  • being officially pledged to the church (for the year 2018) and will continue pledging
  • the ability to attend most Vestry meetings (usually held once per month)
  • being involved (or will become involved) in service and ministry at Trinity Church
  • being “visible” in the life of the parish

Nominators should first check with potential nominees to ascertain their willingness to stand for Vestry election. Nominees are responsible for ensuring that they meet the above criteria.
Nominations may be made by completing a paper form that can be obtained in the Church Office, or (after December 1 st ), nominations may be posted directly through the parish website here .

  Nominations are due by December 25 th (Christmas Day) to Fr. K en.
Trinity Note Cards - On Sale Now!
These new Trinity Episcopal Church notecards feature an original watercolor/pen-and-ink design of Trinity Church and Kuehnle Hall by Will Smith Jr. of Natchez and New Orleans. The original art work, completed in 1996, hangs in the parish hall. Proceeds of card sales will go to outreach programs supported by the ECW (Stewpot, Habitat for Humanity, Trinity Episcopal School, and other charities).
Note cards and matching envelopes are packed 5 to a set and sell for $10 per set. Think Christmas gifts! The note cards help promote the celebration of Trinity’s bicentennial, 1822-2022. You can purchase these note cards from the church office.

For more information about Trinity's bicentennial please contact  Carolyn Vance Smith
Your pledge is vital for the work that God has planned for Trinity Church
Please pray about and consider what you can and should do regarding your pledge for 2018. Trinity truly needs your assistance. You can send your completed pledge card via regular mail, or you can place it in the Sunday collection plate (in an envelope), or you can drop it by the church office.

 If you wish, you can simply email Ann O’Bryant at the church office and provide her with information about your pledge. You can email Ann here.  If you do this, please request a return email verifying receipt of your pledge information— you never can be quite sure with email!

 If you need a pledge card, you may pick one up at the church office or call Ann and ask her to mail one to you. The church office number is 601-445-8432. Thank you for what you do for Trinity. God appreciates it, and so do we !

Making your 2018 pledge online takes just a few minutes. To make your pledge online, go to the Trinity Church website  "Pledge / Donate" page by clicking here  . Enter the information requested on the form and click the  "Submit"  button. Your information will be instantly uploaded to Trinity Church. If you provide a preferred email address you will receive an email confirming that your information has been received. If needed, because of an error, you can submit another form. The church will accept the latest submission.
If you need any assistance, please call the church at 601-445-8432.

Your prayers are requested for....
Spencer Allen, Dylan Pressgrove, Ginny Patterson, Edwin Erinne, John and Mimi Bornman, Charles Johnson, Emmalee Cupit, Coral Byrd, Linda Dustin, Kathy Hester, Bob Mims, George and Pat Dickens, Richard Parker, Judy Coker, Ellen Sessions, Mary Scott, Megan Mascagni, Laura Williams, Linda Lundy, Barham Moss, Katharine Garner, Josh Byrd, Pearl Kumi, Rigby Robinson, Brandon Larrson, Tony Cavazos, Jennifer Shane, Corky Vess, Aurora Shane, Virginia Salmon, Regina Charboneau, William Browning, John Dobson, Jim Overton, Tyler Morrison, Virginia Siddall, Jeanie Peabody and our Armed Forces
Happening This Week at Trinity
If you have something for the Church Calendar, please let the Church office know  here  
Instructions for viewing the Church Calendar or downloading it to your phone, Apple product or PC are here
Serving This Week at Trinity

Sunday, December 3 -  First Sunday of Advent: Advent 1

Eucharistic Mi nisters:
  • 8:00 a.m. - Bruce Scarborough
  • 10:30 a.m. - Adam Gwin
  • 8:00 a.m. - Grace Steiner
  • 10:30 a.m. - Trippy Shields, Dianne Bunch
Intercessor (10:30): Br. Vincent
Usher Captain: Marc Taylor
Greeters:   Marc Taylor, Anne MacNeil
Oblationers:   Sonny and Carolyn Gwin
Altar Guild: Ann O'Bryant
Flower Guild:   Carla Johnson, Kathleen Bond
Sunday Readings - November 26, 2017
First Sunday of Advent: Advent 1
(click on link)
A Prayer For This Week

A One-Word Advent Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
This is my one word prayer: PEACE.
I can’t see ahead. I don’t know what to do.
Here are all my fears and my questions… [share yours]
I want to experience your perfect peace.
Let it be with me. Just as you say.
Hold me, God, so I can hear you whisper to me, "You don't have to know the way. I do."
In Jesus' name,
Trinity Episcopal Church
305 South Commerce St.
Natchez, Mississippi 39120
Phone: (601) 445-8432
Fax: (601) 442-4939