Learning to Grow in New Ways

July 19, 2024

See you at 10:30am

Sunday, July 21

Check the list below of activities that are happening for our children, youth and young adults.
Power-Up Sunday Children and Youth 10:30-11:45, see you this Sunday. 

F.R.O.G. - Join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month,


Hello all,

Please join us at 6pm TONIGHT - Friday July 19 for a fun evening of games, dinner, worship and dessert. 

All are welcome, ages 15-35. Bring a friend!

Click on the image to read more details on how you can help.

Food Donated:

June 30 - 39 lbs

July 7 - 29 lbs

July 14 - 16 lbs Total 84 lbs


We know that the Cambridge Food Bank struggles in the summer to provide food for people who need help. Trillium has a history of assisting every summer. This summer our theme is: FEED A FAMILY

Every Sunday during July and August you will find an empty bread basket on the table at the front of the sanctuary. SC&O Team challenge you to help fill it to overflowing each week with your donations. Our goal, with your help, is to collect enough food each Sunday to feed one family for one day.

Thank you for helping our community by supporting our campaign for Cambridge Food Bank this summer!

Submitted by SC&O Team

Emergency Contact Information

You can click on the image to fill out the form and submit it to the office.Paper forms are available at the back of the church and on the table outside the office. Once you have filled it in please return to the office. Thank you.

Upcoming Events

You may remember Barb when she attended Trillium with Valerie T. Barb headed up the "Tea with Old Bags" fundraiser for The Center of Hope in Guatemala which many attended here at Trillium. Due to Covid this celebration has been on hold but is now able to happen.

When the People Pray: An Invitation to Intercede for Your Pastor and Your Church

Thom S Rainer


"Will you pray for me?" is a question pastors hear every day. But when have you heard a pastor ask that question for themselves? Frankly, it's rare. 

In this book, there are thirty reflections and thirty prayers that give church members a glimpse into the struggles most pastors face and helps them pray in specific ways.

Please join us for an exciting 30-day person practice starting on August 1st. Just 15-20 minutes each day. We will meet weekly for the 4 Sundays in August to share discussion about the previous week’s reflections.

Sunday morning

9-10 am

Central Park (on the Preston School House side)

Inclement weather - Trillium Room

Bring your copy of ‘When the People Pray’, your Bible and your lawn chair

Should the cost of the book be a barrier to your participation please speak to Dawn or Sally

Sign up required before 28 July 2024

Contact Dawn (519-404-2743) or Sally (519-546-4849)

July 28th – Information meeting and Question and Answer. We will answer the question, “Why are we even thinking about doing this?” 

August 11th - We will focus on, “How would we make this work?” Again, there will be a Q & A.

August 18th - We will vote at this meeting.

Just Like Family

We would like to thank everyone who attended the original meeting on June 9th.We recognize that we may not have been as prepared for that meeting as we should have been. We listened to your questions and feedback and would like to approach this idea with the congregation again. 

We invite you to attend the following meetings. All meetings will begin at Noon in the Sanctuary and food will be provided. We hope to keep the meetings to within an hour in length. 

Submitted by: Karen Atkinson, Sally White, Pastor Mark and Bobbi Stewart 

The Stone Church Bookstore is a project run by volunteers at Trillium United Church that raises funds for the church’s work in the community.

News From the Stone Church Bookstore

Nourishing Body and Soul

The Stone Church Bookstore is experimenting with new hours and will be open on Wednesday's from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. so that we can be open while the Preston Farmers' Market is open. The Market opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 2 p.m. and will do so until the fall.

The bookstore opened this week for the first time on Wednesday and the results were very encouraging, so we plan to be open on Wednesdays for the rest of the summer season. The bookstore is also open Sundays from 12 to 2 p.m.

We hope people will look to Wednesdays for a mind and body experience. Go to the market to nourish the body and then come to the bookstore to nourish the mind. The bookstore has about 3,000 books and continues to bring new ones in so there is always something new for readers. 

Fundscrip Cards

Pick up your cards after church or come into the office during regular hours to purchase cards.

A portion of these sales goes towards the upkeep of Trillium, your support in this program really helps! Thank you.

Turkey & Beef Pies For Sale

Turkey and beef pies are available for sale! The pies are $6 each. Contact Helen, Joan or the church office to get yours.

All proceeds go towards the upkeep of Trillium and/or outreach projects.

Thursday Afternoon Discussion Group

Join us as we discuss and reflect upon the popular daily devotional, My Utmost for His Highest .


Thursday afternoons, 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm. 


Please join us at the church to attend the in-person meeting.

Outside Pantry/Free Library

On your next grocery trip please consider picking up some items for those less fortunate. You can put the items in the pantry by the elevator.

We put out 4 food items every day and this helps sustain those in need. These items go quickly so your help is always appreciated.

Thank you for your continued support.

A big THANK YOU for all the donations to the Blessing Bags. 

Please take some bags and hand them out. 

God Bless, bch (Brian Hershey)

Blessing Bag Ministry

The Blessing Bags are still a vital outreach from Trillium to the community. When people come in for other events they are delighted with this idea and will take one to pass on.

Your continued support is appreciated and needed.

Here is a list of items we always need:

travel-sized personal hygiene items, tooth brush, tooth paste, lip balm, razors, soap, conditioner, deodorant, protein bars, individual packages of raisins, nuts, cookies or crackers, bandages, wipes, hand sanitizer.

You can donate your tabs from pop and beer cans in the bin in the upstairs hallway at Trillium.

Tabs collected by Trillium

On July 18, 2024, I contacted the Royal Canadian Legion in Elora, here are the latest numbers as of July 10, 2024:


Wheelchairs purchased : 3,105


Walkers purchased : 314


This program has been going for over 25 years, the tabs are sold to an aluminum company and the proceeds are used to purchase wheelchairs and walkers for those in need.

Special Thanks to the Bolivian Mission in Kitchener who have donated many thousands of tabs over the past few years

Submitted by: Don Martin

Summer Photos - Remember to send photos to the office of those captured summer moments with your Trillium friends. We will share them in the September Roots & Sprouts.

Snack Volunteers Needed: We need help with setting up and cleaning up at the coffee hour after service on Sundays. Please contact the office or Joan Joyce.

Nursery Volunteers Needed:

The Children and Youth Ministry need volunteers for our “supervised nursery”.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Pauline Duchesne-Potts at 519-653-6601 ext. 3.

Church Directory - Have you changed your contact information? If so please advise Jo-Anne at the office.

If you would like an updated directory or photo directory please contact the office.

Things to Note & Do

Emergency Contact Directory - Please submit your contacts to the office for a confidential list to be used in case of an emergency.

Mobile Food Market - This market is for everyone to get their fresh produce. Trillium partners with The Cambridge Food Bank - The market is open on Tuesday from 5-6pm. Please join in on the savings and delicious produce.

FREE CSC Gentle Exercise Classes - Wednesday's at 1:00 - all welcome!

FREE CSC Caregiver Support Group - This group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00-3:00pm. To register or for more info. Kallie Doak: 519-239-0874  or Holly Williamson : 519-503-8155, caregiver@cscmow.org

Parish Nurse - Sally White, R.N. If you wish to make an appointment please contact the Trillium office at 519-653-6601 x 4.

Sunday Worship Service Live Stream
Join us at 10:30am in the sanctuary or online.

How does one access the Trillium Live Stream?

  • The easiest way is to simply go to trilliumchurch.ca and watch. You will see the Live Stream countdown at the top of the page and once the Live Stream has been launched it is a simple click away.

You can go to the Trillium YouTube Page directly.

Sunday Social Time 

Be sure to join us in the upper auditorium after the service for refreshments and socializing.

For general office inquiries or assistance you can email (office@trilliumchurch.ca) or phone the office at 519-653-6601.

OFFICE HOURS - Regular office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm. The OFFICE is closed on June 18 but messages will be picked up.

For financial inquiries regarding PAR to support the church contact Mandy Townsend at trilliumfinances@gmail.com.To donate by e-Transfer, send to trilliumfinances@gmail.com.

General Fund Donations
Visit our website
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Trillium United Church | 519-653-6601 |450 King St E Cambridge | www.trilliumchurch.ca
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