E-Weekly Update (Week of May 27-31, 2024)

Greetings Relatives,

We are sharing news and upcoming opportunities. We hope you have a great week!


Tribal Youth Resource Center


Tribal Youth Resource Center

Health and Wellness Guidance

Tribal Youth Resource Center

Understanding Substance Misuse in

American Indian Populations and Whole Family

Approaches to Healing 

We would like to invite you to join us for the Tribal Youth Resource Center’s Online Learning Event, “Understanding Substance Misuse in American Indian Populations and Whole Family Approaches to Healing,” that will be held via Zoom on June 12, 2024.

This online learning event will examine the role in which historical trauma and adverse childhood experiences contribute to substance addiction and high-risk behavior in Native youth. Further, this session will explore the society of care framework aimed at healing children youth and families through culturally appropriate prevention and intervention strategies.

Topic: Understanding Substance Misuse in American Indian Populations and Whole Family Approaches to Healing Online Learning Event

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Time: 11am PT/ 12pm MT/ 1pm CT/ 2pm ET

Length: 75 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will gain awareness of their own attitude, beliefs and perceptions about substance misuse based on cultural experiences.

  • Participants will gain a broad scope of understanding of the historical and cultural context of American Indian/ Alaska Native communities.

  • Participants will process prevention and intervention strategies for substance use amongst AI/AN youth.


Cortney Yarholar, LMSW

Sauk & Fox, Mvskoke Creek

Noel Frazier, LMSW

Shinnecock Nation


2024 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Implementation and Enhancement Training

September 18-20, 2024


"Reclaiming Indigenous Justice"

Sheraton Phoenix Downtown

340 North 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) looks forward to welcoming new and returning attendees in-person for the 2024 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Implementation and Enhancement Training. This year’s Wellness Court Training will be held September 18-20, 2024, in Phoenix, Arizona. The Wellness Court Training this year will emphasize the theme of "Reclaiming Indigenous Justice." This powerful theme serves as a poignant reminder of the pivotal role traditional Indigenous justice plays in shaping Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts and guiding their current practices. It is a reminder that Tribes best know how to care for their own communities and keep them safe and have inherent strengths in Indigenous justice systems.


The Wellness Court Training will be oriented around the Tribal Ten Key Components and the All Rise, Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards. This training is a unique opportunity to receive information on current treatment court best practices, learn innovative approaches to substance abuse and treatment, and engage with other Healing to Wellness Courts practitioners from across the country.


The Tribal Youth Resource Center (TYRC) will concurrently host the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Implementation and Enhancement Training!  


The Adult and Juvenile Wellness Court trainings focus upon tribal issues, including jurisdictional and legal issues unique to Indian country, the incorporation of custom and tradition into the phases, case management, treatment curriculums, tangential services, and the peer-to-peer sharing of successful Healing to Wellness Courts models in operation. Training topics will cover adult criminal, juvenile justice, family dependency, DWI/DUI, and veterans models.


Please visit www.EnhancementTraining.org for more information.


For more information and resources concerning Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts, please visit Healing to Wellness Courts | Tribal Law and Policy Institute (tlpi.org).

Presentation Proposals

Due: Friday, June 30, 2024

Presentation Proposals for Adult Healing to Wellness Courts, Family Wellness Courts, Profession-Specific Team Roles and Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts - Proposals Due: Friday, June 30, 2024.


Calling all Healing to Wellness Court practitioners, training and technical assistance providers, researchers, scholars, and experts in the field. You are invited to submit a proposal to present at the 2024 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Implementation and Enhancement Training. Share your expertise, experience, and research with the key movers and shakers of the Wellness Court field.


TLPI encourages proposals that detail innovative practices; specific how-to guidance; the integration of custom and tradition into the Wellness Court; screenings, assessment tools, and evidence-based practices that serve Native populations; planning guidance; and law enforcement/probation. Please visit Prior Enhancement Training Materials for a sampling of prior Enhancement Training topics and materials.


TLPI is soliciting for presentation proposals that present the best practices in tribal justice, collaboration, and service delivery that enhance the capacity for adult, family, veterans, and DUI/DWI Healing to Wellness Courts.


The Tribal Youth Resource Center (TYRC) seeks presentations from Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts (JHWC) grantees and others in the following areas:


  1. Native/Tribal Strengths-Based Approaches
  2. Engaging Native Families
  3. Integrating Culture and Ensuring Staff Cultural Proficiency
  4. Historical & Intergenerational Trauma, Trauma Care (Treatment, etc.) & Trauma-Informed Care
  5. Substance Use Disorder Treatment Approaches for Adolescents
  6. Alternative Indicated Prevention for Native Youth with Low Criminogenic Risk/Need, and Substance Use or Substance Abuse in the Home (Tribal Truancy Boards, Elders Panels, and Restorative Practices


Selection Criteria:

Presentation proposals will be selected based on their relevance to the field, engaging format, subject-matter expertise and training experience of the presenters, and supplemental materials.


Proposals should fall into one of four tracks: Adult Healing to Wellness Courts, Family Wellness Courts, Profession-Specific Team Roles; and TYRC’s Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts. Presentations within those tracks that highlight the theme Reclaiming Indigenous Justice are highly encouraged! TLPI would also like to highlight organizations or projects that include active outreach efforts to Tribal Communities


  • Workshops will be 1.25 hours (75 minutes)
  • Workshops can have 1-3 presenters
  • All materials will be posted on EnhancementTraining.org for attendees to access during, and subsequent to, the training
  • When drafting your workshop proposal description, consider that this language could be used as the workshop description in conference materials
  • Please note: TLPI is generally unable to provide time or travel compensation. However, if attendance is otherwise impossible, TLPI will explore travel assistance where feasible. Presenters will be expected to pay for their own travel expenses. Grant funds should be used whenever possible to fund travel.


Presentation Proposals for Adult Healing to Wellness Courts, Family Wellness Courts, Profession-Specific Team Roles; and Tribal Youth Resource Center's Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts:

Please submit your proposal at the following link:

Presentation Submission
  • Each Presenter's Name
  • Presenter(s)' Title
  • Presenter(s)' Organization
  • Presenter(s)' Email
  • Presenter(s)' Biography (no more than 250 words)
  • Workshop Title
  • Workshop Description (no more than 250 words)
  • Learning Objectives (at least 2)
  • Presentation Track Category: Adult Healing to Wellness Courts, Family Wellness Courts, Profession-Specific Team Roles; and Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts.
  • *Submissions that indicate Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts Track will be reviewed and selected by the Tribal Youth Resource Center*

2024 Bay dt ge:vik a'hanja Wellness Court Advocate Award 

Nomination Letters Due: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Now seeking nominations for the Wellness Court Bay dt ge:vik a’hanja Advocate Award. Bay dt ge:vik a’hanja is Hualapai and means “All of us be well,” in honor of Hon. Joseph Flies-Away, a groundbreaking leader and advocate for community healing and Wellness Courts. The Bay dt ge:vik a’hanja Advocate Award was conceived to identify and honor Wellness Court practitioners who have been instrumental in the success of their court, and thereby in the healing and restoration of their community. 


Please consider nominating a Healing to Wellness Court team member who exemplifies the tenants of restorative justice and healing as evidenced by their dedication to the Wellness Court team and participants. Team members may include the judge, coordinator, case manager, community supervision officer, treatment provider, cultural adviser, child welfare representative, or other position.


Nomination Letter

Please email: Wellness@TLPI.org with the following information:


  • How long the nominee has worked in the organization/court
  • How they are regarded by their fellow team members and by participants
  • How they have contributed to the advancement of the organization/court
  • Background on the nominee, including their position outside of the Wellness Court, if any, and prior experience
  • Any other considerations for why they are deserving of the award

The following content is from the Tribal Youth Fellowship Program.

Now recruiting! The Tribal Youth Fellowship Program is a new PAID program for Native youth. Youth members learn new skills and build on their existing strengths to tackle tribal justice issues in youth-centered ways.

Program members get to travel together, take on group and independent service projects, and build community with Native youth across regions. Application deadline EXTENDED TO May 28, 2024.

Learn More and Apply

This project was supported by Grant #15PJDP-21-GK-04048-MUMU awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice.

Tribal Youth Resource Center | TribalYouth.org

(323) 650-5467 | TribalYouth@TLPI.org

8229 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 201

West Hollywood, CA 90046