Tribal Transportation News

January 3, 2024

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In this issue:


New Cross Timbers Employee

Upcoming Trainings / Meetings

Transportation Research Board

Annual Meeting

January 7-11, 2024

Washington, D.C.


Tribal News

President Biden Signs Historic Executive Order to Usher in the Next Era of Tribal Self-Determination

On December 6, 2023, as part of the White House Tribal Nations Summit, President Biden signed a historic Executive Order on Reforming Federal Funding and Support for Tribal Nations to Better Embrace Our Trust Responsibilities and Promote the Next Era of Tribal Self Determination. This Executive Order demonstrates the Biden-Harris Administration's respect for Tribal sovereignty, and commitment to ushering in the next era of Tribal self-determination by ensuring that Tribal Nations have greater autonomy over how they invest federal funding.

Read the full announcement here

Funding Information

RAISE Notice of Funding Opportunity 2024

Application Deadline: February 28, 2024

Selections will be announced by June 27, 2024

Press Release

Upcoming RAISE webinars to assist applicants:

Location Designations - January 4, 2024 2:00 pm EST

This webinar will provide an overview of the RAISE locations designations, including Urban/Rural, Areas of Persistent Poverty, and Historically Disadvantaged Communities and show how to identify these areas using the Grant Project Location Verification mapping tool as well as how to make majority determinations if your project is located in multiple designations. Register for the webinar using this link

SF-424 and RAISE Project Info FormJanuary 8, 2024 2:00 pm EST

The webinar will provide instruction on how to populate the SF-424 and FY 2024 RAISE Project Information Form. Register for the webinar using this link

All webinar recordings and slides will be available on the RAISE website

TTP Funds Can Be Used Toward SS4A 20% Match

On September 26, during the 2023 National Transportation in Indian Country Conference in Anchorage, AK, FHWA Administrator Shailen Bhatt announced the following major change to the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Program that will benefit Native American and Alaska Native communities: Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) funds can now be used to meet the 20% non-federal match requirement under the SS4A program. 

The SS4A will publish a FY24 Notice of Funding Opportunity and is expected to begin accepting applications in February 2024. More information is available at

2024 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund

The Federal Highway Administration invites federally-recognized Tribes to apply for funding from the Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF) during the application period now through January 15, 2024. Grant funding is available for: 

  • Development and update of transportation safety plans
  • Data assessment, improvement, and analysis - identifying data needs, improving crash data collection, compiling other safety data (including roadway assets), or conducting safety studies
  • Systemic Roadway Departure Countermeasures - streamlined access to specific low-cost safety improvements to address rural roadway departure crashes
  • Infrastructure Improvements - Projects to address transportation safety needs on tribal transportation facilities.

Learn how you can apply at

A webinar reviewing the funding opportunity was recorded and is available on the TTPSF program web page at

Bridge Investment Program

On December 20, 2023, the FHWA opened a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for up to $9.62 billion in FYs 2023 through 2026 Bridge Project grant applications and $80 million in FYs 2023 through FY 2026 Planning Project grant applications under the Bridge Investment Program. Bridge Project Grants under the Bridge Investment Program are available for bridges with total eligible project costs up to $100 million, with minimum grant awards of $2.5 million, and maximum grant awards of 80 percent of the total eligible project costs. Planning Project grant applications are available for bridges with maximum grant awards of 80 percent of the total eligible project costs.

Deadlines coming up for FY 2023 & 2024 BIP Funding:

Planning Application Deadline: February 19, 2024

Bridge Project Application Deadline: March 19, 2024

More Information Here

FY 2023 Tribal Transit Project Selections

Congratulations to all who were selected, including Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, who Cross Timbers is honored to have worked with on their application.

View All Selections Here

ITA News

ITA 2023 Annual Meeting Recap

ITA Leadership:

(Newly Elected) President - Chris McCray

Vice President - Gerry Hope

Secretary - Twyla Blanchard

(Newly Elected) Treasurer - Brenda Whalawitsa

View 2023 Annual Meeting Presentations Here

The Intertribal Transportation Association (ITA) Selects a New President

On December 5-7, 2023, the Inter-Tribal Transportation Association (ITA) held its Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. Among the many important topics on the agenda was the nomination and selection of 2024 regional representatives, Treasurer and President. Representatives from across the nations 12 BIA regions held their caucuses during the morning session, to make their nominations. By the end of the morning session Mr. Chris McCray was selected as the new President of ITA.

Mr. Chris McCray is a Pawnee Nation tribal citizen and currently serves as the Manager for the Pawnee Nation Department of Transportation & Safety and Infrastructure Taskforce. He is also the volunteer Assistant Fire Chief/Instructor and EMT, with 20 years of service. He has been in the transportation field for 23 years, 12 years with the Pawnee Nation. Mr. McCray is also the Southern Plains Representative and serves as the Vice Chairman of the Tribal Transportation Program Coordinating Committee (TTPCC), also as the Vice Chairman of the Oklahoma Tribal Transportation Council (OTTC) and a representative on the Oklahoma Tribal Advisory Board. Mr. McCray continues to demonstrate a commitment to maintaining and improving transportation infrastructure and public safety by using efficient and effective innovative ideas as well as advocating for the progression of equity in Indian Country.

Outgoing ITA President, Mary Beth Clark, highlighted “Equity for Tribal Transportation” for this year’s annual meeting and noted the purpose of ITA is to advocate for legislative and policy development, discusses funding and regulatory issues, and represents the shared interests of tribal transportation programs across the nation in promoting the continued advancement of transportation initiatives in Indian Country. President McCray thanked the outgoing President and stated, he welcomes the challenge of the position and looks forward to continuing to carry the torch moving forward. The 2024 ITA Leadership includes President Chris McCray, Vice President Gerry Hope, Secretary Twyla Blanchard, and the newly elected Treasurer Brenda Whalawitsa, with the Colville Confederated Tribes Department of Transportation.

The annual meeting closed with discussions on the next Transportation Bill, proposals of 2024 ITA objectives and closing comments. It was also determined, by the representatives, to keep the annual meeting in Las Vegas during the first week of December. President McCray stated he” looks forward to the coming year” and that “Together we can plan, build, and maintain infrastructure through innovative ideas and methods to the growth of our Tribal Nations."

In the News

Cross Timbers Consulting is excited to welcome Becky Tremonte to our team!

Becky has fourteen years of experience working with Tribes in both the transportation and education sectors. Her experience includes project coordination, transportation program consultation, training curriculum development, grant coordination and management, coordination and direction of tribal transportation training, events, and conferences, and website development and publication. Becky has prepared 20+ successfully funded grant and agreement awards garnering over $54 million for Tribal transportation programs.

She will bring a lot of value to our company as our Tribal Relations Coordinator / Grant Writer.


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Happening Soon

Click on the event name below for a link to more details

Jan. 7-11

Feb. 20

Feb. 27-29

Apr. 1-4

Apr. 2-4

Apr. 9-11

Apr. 29-May 2

May 21-23

TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

OTTC Meeting

TTPCC Meeting, Louisiana

Bridging the Gap Meeting, Oklahoma City

Tribal Land Staff Conference, Las Vegas

Tribal Transportation Training, Glenpool, OK

Annual National GIS Conference

TTPCC Meeting, Shawnee, OK

Check out the Calendar of Events on our website!


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Alex, OK 73002


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