Tribal Transportation News

November 2023

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Upcoming Meetings & Trainings

Project Highlight

Upcoming Trainings / Meetings

Tribal Transportation Safety: Resources, Funding & Successes

Thursday, November 30, 2023 | 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET

In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, this webinar will showcase the topic of Tribal transportation safety, including resources, funding opportunities and project success stories. Participants will learn about the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) Safety Fund that is currently open for federally recognized Indian tribes for projects that reduce fatal and serious injuries in transportation related incidents. Successful TTP Safety Fund projects will be showcased by the Absentee Shawnee Tribe (AST) that address safety concerns identified in their Tribal Safety Plan. The project team will share the steps taken and lessons learned to successfully coordinate the completion of these projects between the AST and the City of Norman, Oklahoma.

Participants will also learn about new safety resources offered by the Rural Road Safety Center including the Road Safety Champion Program (RSCP)- a nationally recognized certificate program designed to build a knowledgeable, safety minded workforce, responsible for operating, maintaining, and designing local roads.

Presenters for this webinar include:

• Adam Larsen, Safety Engineer, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Tribal Transportation

• Twyla Blanchard, Director of Self Governance, Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma

Pamela Jurney, Project Manager, Cross Timbers Consulting

• David Riesland, City Traffic Engineer, City of Norman, Oklahoma

• Cameron Ishaq, Operations Manager, Rural Road Safety Center

No registration is required.  To access the webinar: Join ZoomGov Meeting.  Meeting ID: 161 556 0780; Passcode: 528764. 

For questions please contact Morgan Malley Manning, Tribal Technical Assistance Program Manager with FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation at

December 3-6, 2023

Marriott Myrtle Beach Resort at Grande Dunes

Conference Website & Registration

ITA Annual Meeting

December 5-7

Tropicana Resort

Las Vegas, NV

Membership must be paid in order to vote! See membership form below.

Meeting Registration
Membership Form
Draft Agenda

Transporation Research Board

Annual Meeting

January 7-11, 2024

Washington, D.C.


Funding Information

TTP Funds Can Be Used Toward SS4A 20% Match

On September 26, during the 2023 National Transportation in Indian Country Conference in Anchorage, AK, FHWA Administrator Shailen Bhatt announced the following major change to the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Program that will benefit Native American and Alaska Native communities: Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) funds can now be used to meet the 20% non-federal match requirement under the SS4A program. 

The SS4A will publish a FY24 Notice of Funding Opportunity and is expected to begin accepting applications in February 2024. More information is available at

2024 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund

The Federal Highway Administration invites federally-recognized Tribes to apply for funding from the Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF) during the application period now through January 15, 2024. Grant funding is available for: 

  • Development and update of transportation safety plans
  • Data assessment, improvement, and analysis - identifying data needs, improving crash data collection, compiling other safety data (including roadway assets), or conducting safety studies
  • Systemic Roadway Departure Countermeasures - streamlined access to specific low-cost safety improvements to address rural roadway departure crashes
  • Infrastructure Improvements - Projects to address transportation safety needs on tribal transportation facilities.

Learn how you can apply at

A webinar reviewing the funding opportunity was recorded and is available on the TTPSF program web page at

Transportation Funding Opportunities for Tribal Nations


The purpose of this document is to provide information to Tribes on new and existing highway and bridge transportation funding programs for which Tribes are eligible. Updated June 1, 2023.

Click below for the full brochure:

FHWA Funding Brochure

TTP Bridge Program

The TTP Bridge Program provides funding to carry out the design, preconstruction activities and construction of bridges that are on the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory. The new Infrastructure Law set aside 165 million dollars per year for the next four years to fund the TTP Bridge Program. Information about the TTP Bridge Program can be found at If you have questions concerning the TTP Bridge Program, you may contact the FHWA Bridge Program Manager Russell Garcia at 703-404-6223 or

The federal cost share now for the TTFBP is 100%. Tribal applicants are no longer required to provide a match for the non-BIA/non-Tribal bridges.

More Information

Project Highlight

Absentee Shawnee Tribe

In 2023, the Absentee Shawnee Tribe applied for two TTPSF grants: 1) low-cost safety improvements at high-risk intersections; and 2) innovative safety treatment at a high-risk S-curve.

These safety concerns were identified in the AST transportation safety plan. The project selection was a cooperative effort between the AST and the City of Norman. The TTPSF grants allowed the AST to address roadway safety within their jurisdictional area and on roadways that provide access to tribal facilities and local residents. These grants also allowed the City of Norman to address safety concerns on their rural roadways. The City of Norman is the 3rd largest city in Oklahoma and home to the University of Oklahoma. With a dense and growing population, the City has a challenge to keep up the urban and rural infrastructure. Opportunities for partnership, such as these safety projects, fulfill the goals of the FHWA TTP safety program. 

The City of Norman has provided photos of the converted intersections. These photos are used with permission. 

168th & Franklin Rd.


168th & Franklin Rd.



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Happening Soon

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Dec. 3-6

Dec. 5-7

Jan. 7-11

National RTAP Conference

ITA Annual Meeting

TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Check out the Calendar of Events on our website!


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